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I have just changed from elementalist to try this build as CI, but have some problems when I want go MF gear:
Balancing resistances
Getting Str and Dex

For Str and Dex I bought a belt and amulet, picked the 2 nodes +30, but if I want to switch to biscos I lose stats, how you get your stats with mf gear?

For resistances I am trying with jewels and gear like rings and resis boots or switch wrath for purity of elements.
I am getting around 10k ES but no mark of shaper ring because need my rings for resis. I am wondering if its not a waste and should go for shavs lowlife and run all auras. How much resis provides your purity with the increased aura nodes?

with mf gear:

reimbowl wrote:

I have just changed from elementalist to try this build as CI, but have some problems when I want go MF gear:
Balancing resistances
Getting Str and Dex

For Str and Dex I bought a belt and amulet, picked the 2 nodes +30, but if I want to switch to biscos I lose stats, how you get your stats with mf gear?

For resistances I am trying with jewels and gear like rings and resis boots or switch wrath for purity of elements.
I am getting around 10k ES but no mark of shaper ring because need my rings for resis. I am wondering if its not a waste and should go for shavs lowlife and run all auras. How much resis provides your purity with the increased aura nodes?

with mf gear:

CI IMO is for Attack based characters with Attack skills - not Spells. CI is very neat since it basically lets you always profit from the 'more damage at full life' support gem. Which is extremly strong but only applicable to Attacks.

For Casters CI doesn't do anything.

Going LowLife on the other hand does a lot for Casters since it enables Pain Attunment - and in the absence of statsticks - gives you access to more auras.

Thats my personal credo as to those two approaches to EnergyShield based characters.

There are some interesting mixed approaches with the Incursion Belt that makes you being considered to be on LowLife even though you can take CI.
Dreadbeak + incandescent heart + statstick and other such builds come to mind.

Overall I would go always LowLife for casters though, yeah.
Last edited by Cyrix1337#4098 on Sep 19, 2018, 7:20:39 AM
Revanroi wrote:
I want to thank you Cyrix for the awesome guide you give us.

I dont know if this is in the thread but i found a QOL feature: If you link arcane surge and phase run when you cast the spell it gives you a 16 seconds duration arcane surge buff

Keep the great work on! (sorry for my cluncky english)

Thank you!

It is in the Guide, yes.
Cyrix1337 wrote:
reimbowl wrote:

I have just changed from elementalist to try this build as CI, but have some problems when I want go MF gear:
Balancing resistances
Getting Str and Dex

For Str and Dex I bought a belt and amulet, picked the 2 nodes +30, but if I want to switch to biscos I lose stats, how you get your stats with mf gear?

For resistances I am trying with jewels and gear like rings and resis boots or switch wrath for purity of elements.
I am getting around 10k ES but no mark of shaper ring because need my rings for resis. I am wondering if its not a waste and should go for shavs lowlife and run all auras. How much resis provides your purity with the increased aura nodes?

with mf gear:

CI IMO is for Attack based characters with Attack skills - not Spells. CI is very neat since it basically lets you always profit from the 'more damage at full life' support gem. Which is extremly strong but only applicable to Attacks.

For Casters CI doesn't do anything.

Going LowLife on the other hand does a lot for Casters since it enables Pain Attunment - and in the absence of statsticks - gives you access to more auras.

Thats my personal credo as to those two approaches to EnergyShield based characters.

There are some interesting mixed approaches with the Incursion Belt that makes you being considered to be on LowLife even though you can take CI.
Dreadbeak + incandescent heart + statstick and other such builds come to mind.

Overall I would go always LowLife for casters though, yeah.

Tes you are right, what made me take CI is my legacy 849 ES vaal regalia, thinking I could get a lot more ES than with shavs. I got 10k ES but now harder for fill resists and stats.
I make this build, but cant kill Uber elder or Aul. I get 1 shot. Thanks. Help.
johannes02 wrote:
I make this build, but cant kill Uber elder or Aul. I get 1 shot. Thanks. Help.

The first thing that stands out is your APS for Frenzy. When you have all 3 Frenzy Charges your APS is 3.9 which is too high. You're probably skipping some casts. Try to get that down to around 3.75-ish.

Your tree is wrong. You have way too many life nodes and are missing other nodes. You'll need to respec a lot of points to fix it.

You also need to know the uber elder fight to do it well. You'll want ot use some anti chill/freeze flasks for the fight. For Pantheon, you may want to take Soul of the Brine King and Yugul to help with freeze and chill.
Last edited by YT_HB#0097 on Sep 19, 2018, 4:08:57 PM

Im playing this build at the moment and for now it just destroys everything up to t15( didnt get to t16 yet cuz lack of drops).

For now im still using a rare ring for res and amulet for res and I dont planned to swap to a presence right now.

So what should be my next upgrade ? Watcher's eye with ES on hit or a mark of the shaper ?

Im leveling an empower atm so the links on shav arent final.
Last edited by TsunaH#3575 on Sep 19, 2018, 1:51:46 PM
I am having a blast with this build so far! I've never mapped and killed bosses so comfortably in my life before. I can easily breeze through T13s at level 78. Amazing build guide, Cyrix! :)
Last edited by Xaydeen#6924 on Sep 19, 2018, 3:17:15 PM
Hi. I just wanna say, great build! I manage to steam roll through guardians, obliterate both shaper and red elder, but I still haven't beaten uber elder with it as I feel like I haven't fully optimized everything, I feel like I either lack some damage or maybe I'm just really bad with that fight. But still, I want to further maximize the build as it has been really fun playing with it.

I have close to a couple of exalts left, and I was wondering if you can check my current build and point out which things I need to improve/upgrade. Also, tips such as what stuff to change to make the uber-elder fight easier would be appreciated. Thanks!

awemdy wrote:
Hi. I just wanna say, great build! I manage to steam roll through guardians, obliterate both shaper and red elder, but I still haven't beaten uber elder with it as I feel like I haven't fully optimized everything, I feel like I either lack some damage or maybe I'm just really bad with that fight. But still, I want to further maximize the build as it has been really fun playing with it.

I have close to a couple of exalts left, and I was wondering if you can check my current build and point out which things I need to improve/upgrade. Also, tips such as what stuff to change to make the uber-elder fight easier would be appreciated. Thanks!


Thank you! Neat to hear you have success.

Why dont you use a Healthy Mind like it is in the OP PoB? It's there for a reason. You waste a lot of damage from Indigon not useing one.
Your Frenzy is not expensive enough for Indigon. Run it in your chest and get at least one more link on it - preferably a red one to socket a high manamultipler support gem.
If you do not quite understand what that is about or good for run a Vertex.

Follow the PoB from the OP.

I already wrote about UberElder: The TL;DR is: Practise. Uber Elder is about knowing the encounter, not so much about improveing the build.

Cyrix1337 wrote:

Sweet. Yeah - Maybe watch a Guide or a Video on UberElder first. Since Elder And Shaper in this fight become invulnerable at certain points one cant really burst them down before they can do anything. It really is a lot about learning the mechanics.

A few general pointers:

Watch what shaper does. He is the dangerous one. His attacks are easy to dodge or well telegraphed - but most of them are oneshots. Even LL|RF builds can't survive a combo-hit from him in this fight.

Elder basically always stands in the middle and does some crap. The only annoying part about him is the fact that his projectiles can freeze/slow you. If you want to dodge something from Shaper and Elder hits you with a Freeze/Slow it usually kills you if you are not prepared for it.

Shaper is *always* at the edge of the arena. He teleports from one corner to the next. All his attacks have a trajectory - meaning: his attacks always are in one line. If you see him start an attack - move a bit to side and he will miss all other attacks of his combo. Same goes for his beam, obviously.

If Elder does his big bomb - don't panic! It takes 8 seconds before his bomb actually goes off(!). So don't panic, missdirect Shaper attacks and when there are 2 seconds or so left teleport/move inside the safe zone of the bomb.

Each time you put Shaper + Elder down by 25% one of them will start a minion phase while the other one will continue his attack pattern. Elder opens a couple portals while Shaper only opens one. Otherwise its the same stuff again: Shaper teleports around the edge of the map/Elder does random crap in the middle. Use this phase to fill up your flasks etc.

The fight has no other phases. Their behaviour is the same from start to finish. Which is nice- once you got the general stuff down there won't be any more surprises.

Build specific tips:

It is a bit hard to get used to the weapon switching. I realize I make it look easy (i.e. in the shaper fight) but with all the stuff going on with UberElder it might be hard to get used to it. There is also the point that when elder does his/drain+slow attack he slows our attackspeed. That also makes it slower to switch weapons. That can really cost you your life if you dont know what is happening.

I mentioned before that you can't really burst this boss down start to finish - for us that means having only damage flasks with us isnt all that useful. I usualy only take 2-3 with me. Bismuth, Sorrow of the Devine, and a diamond flask. The other two flaskslots I usually fill up with anti freeze + quicksilver/adrenaline. As I said before - Elders slow/freeze is one of the really annoying parts of this fight. Having those flask with you and binding them to a key you can reach fast really helps.

Last tip: if you start out learning the fight it might be a good idea not to switch your weapon at all. Stay with your single target Pens and just walk + quicksilver. It makes the fight a lot less hectic and easier to manage. Later on when you are more confident you will go back to weapon switching to avoid shaper slams or teleport out of elder slow/drain aoe. But in general I found that this will make things easier.

Last but not least: Dying against this boss if fairly normal. It takes quite a bit of practise to do him deathless. If there is one boss in the game who is a bit DarkSoul-esque it is this one.

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