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ploxirion wrote:

So far I've only died twice and only because we don't have a proper way to remove ignite

Cyrix1337 wrote:
ploxirion wrote:

So far I've only died twice and only because we don't have a proper way to remove ignite

Sure but when mapping, freezing & bleeding are way more common, and only ignite from Abaxoth / Phoenix / Enslaver can kill us, so dedicating a flask to it for general mapping is kinda silly. The only issue is if you run randomly into Abaxoth.
ploxirion wrote:
Cyrix1337 wrote:
ploxirion wrote:

So far I've only died twice and only because we don't have a proper way to remove ignite

Sure but when mapping, freezing & bleeding are way more common, and only ignite from Abaxoth / Phoenix / Enslaver can kill us, so dedicating a flask to it for general mapping is kinda silly. The only issue is if you run randomly into Abaxoth.

Then take Soul of Abberath.
ploxirion wrote:
Cyrix1337 wrote:
ploxirion wrote:

So far I've only died twice and only because we don't have a proper way to remove ignite

Sure but when mapping, freezing & bleeding are way more common, and only ignite from Abaxoth / Phoenix / Enslaver can kill us, so dedicating a flask to it for general mapping is kinda silly. The only issue is if you run randomly into Abaxoth.

Yeah, I guess that's true. I have quicksilver flasks/stibnite with anti freeze and anti bleed.

You can also always just take a kiaras determination with you if you want to condense flasks a bit.
ploxirion wrote:
Yup I agree, this build is completly broken and retarded. Plus it has an insane clear speed while having huge single target DPS.

Uhm. Thanks? I guess?
So ... im playing this build 3rd day and in my Uber Lab runs for some nice helment enchant i stumbled on Lightning Warp reduced duration enchant .... WOW! :D the speed is amazing. Here is my Primordial Pool run just to show how fast it goes (PoB link in video description).

Link to YT video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BYD5nWkBuHc&feature=youtu.be

So far great build and rly usefull guide, just the "shocked" checkbox in PoB is not nice, we can shock for +-10%, not the whole 50% (it would require hit for 2M lightning damage to shock Shaper with 50% shock).

Another thing ... in Indigon calc there is mana cost and increases/reductions to mana cost ... OP puts another 80% but according to PoB that 80 is already calculated in that 108 mana cost that PoB shows. How is it?

Ty for great build and cool guide ;)
Cyrix1337 wrote:
ploxirion wrote:
Yup I agree, this build is completly broken and retarded. Plus it has an insane clear speed while having huge single target DPS.

Uhm. Thanks? I guess?

Yeah, I meant it's basically a 2 buttons build that clear 2 screens off while facetanking almost every content. Idk how people complain it's not tanky etc.
Plus everthing is on the POB and it's easy to test stuff around with POB to know what they should upgrade next.

blekotacz wrote:
So ... im playing this build 3rd day and in my Uber Lab runs for some nice helment enchant i stumbled on Lightning Warp reduced duration enchant .... WOW! :D the speed is amazing. Here is my Primordial Pool run just to show how fast it goes (PoB link in video description).

Link to YT video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BYD5nWkBuHc&feature=youtu.be

So far great build and rly usefull guide, just the "shocked" checkbox in PoB is not nice, we can shock for +-10%, not the whole 50% (it would require hit for 2M lightning damage to shock Shaper with 50% shock).

Another thing ... in Indigon calc there is mana cost and increases/reductions to mana cost ... OP puts another 80% but according to PoB that 80 is already calculated in that 108 mana cost that PoB shows. How is it?

Ty for great build and cool guide ;)


You don't seem to quite undestand how shock works.

I unchecked the 'shocked' box for this Screenshot - the PoB used for this is in the OP. Its he one from my live character. You can check that stuff for yourself.

Anyhow: What this means is that for a 50% shock to apply the enemies health can't be above 13.5Mio. Shaper has 20Mio HP. So can we apply a 50% shock right out of the gates to Shaper? No. But we certainly do enough damage to apply a 25%+ shock to him. Without (!) him being shocked first. Not only is that more then any Elementalist does - from there on out the next hits will be hitting even harder - resulting in a higher shock. This builds/ramps up.

That's the value with the 'shock' box checked. 18.75Mio. Is it enough Damage for Shaper and his 20Mio HP to receive a full 50% shock? No, not quite. It's in the ~45% region.

Do I at this point feel comfortable enough to check the 'shocked' box in PoB though? Yeah. I do. Especially considering what all the other heroes here in their buildguides check and activate.
Even more so considering that since we are able to get a ~45% shock on shaper all other Enemies in the game - including all Guardians, wether Elder or Shaper ones, Elder himself etc - get the full 50% shock immediatly.

So no. I disagree. I think it is a more accurate representation to check that status in PoB then not to check it.

About Indigon:

Again, you dont quite understand.

The 80% or whatever it is comes from the Voidbringers. It is mandatory for the Calculator to know what the *base* cost of the skill is - resulting from the basecost + supportgem manamultipiers and what on the other hand is an % increase - the increase then stacks with the indigon stacks.

To seperate those two things - base cost and %increase - the calculator wants the value that is shown in pob - and how much %inc cost you have on your gear. It then automatically can infer the base correct base cost and the correct manastacking.

If you run a Fevered Mind for Example and 80%Voidbringers you would want to enter 180% in that field and also write in the higher cost-as-shown from pob.

Its basically the same principle as for damage calculation. There + x to y modifiers get calculated seperately from % increase and % more modifiers. In the end you deal X amount of damage. But to know how much an 5% increase or an + 1 to 3 added damage is worth comperativly to what you currently already have you need to know how much of your current damage stems from such modifiers in the first place.

So in essence: No. I don't check stupid shit in my PoBs or add numbers to calculations that are unrealistic or not applicable. It is kinda insulting that people think I would do that.

€dit and her little sister fell asleep during all the nerdery and wanted to tell you that your video is quite awesome. ^^ If you are mostly interested in faster clearing that entchant is the best one for this build.
Last edited by Cyrix1337#4098 on Sep 17, 2018, 2:53:49 PM
ploxirion wrote:
Cyrix1337 wrote:
ploxirion wrote:
Yup I agree, this build is completly broken and retarded. Plus it has an insane clear speed while having huge single target DPS.

Uhm. Thanks? I guess?

Yeah, I meant it's basically a 2 buttons build that clear 2 screens off while facetanking almost every content. Idk how people complain it's not tanky etc.
Plus everthing is on the POB and it's easy to test stuff around with POB to know what they should upgrade next.

haha :D

I would argue with weapon swapping and arcane-surge triggering its 3 buttons! :p

But I am glad you think so too in regards to all the other stuff of the build. :)
Cyrix1337 wrote:


You don't seem to quite .......

In the exact time as i posted this post i got curious, if the sock can "stack" or "ramp up" or whatever we will call it and found out that i can, your post is just another confirmation that my assumption was correct :) So thank you for this clarification.

That Indigon stuff make sence, never thought about it this way, so thank you again :)

And last think ... i wasnt trying to improve clear speed, i was perfectly happy with the previous one ... until i randomly got this enchant and now i cant belive i could play without it :) Sadly my next upgrades are the ones that cost tons of exalts ....

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