[3.5] Ghoulish Overkill! Zombie+Skeleton Baron build
" A. Damage can scale up to over 5 million shaper dps with the right stuff. After that scaling movement speed without losing damage is most valuable *see my first post on this thread, first response to the guide. B. Clearspeed is about as fast as you personally move. With both the maximum range on zombies/skeletons teleporting them to you and the CWDT Convocation they keep up with you very well. I usually clear Incursions in t12+ with around 30-40s remaining. |
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I'm probably not seeing something very obvious but how do you get slam jewel to work if there are no 40 int nearby? The place near templar power charge only has strength nodes in jewel radius. And I think even the witch one has only 30 int nearby.
Thanks for clarifying. |
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" the int does not need to be allocated just in the radius. |
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Oooooh. OK thanks.
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The health part of strength is not transferred to minions, right? Or is it just the tooltip not changing?
So basically what Baron does is give 1% increased damage per 10 strength (on your witch) to all minions? I can see where this can be really nice when you have >1000 strength. Do you guys think other curses than Enfeeble could work? Like Assassin's? Also, what about skeleton totem? Any specific reason why it is not used here? |
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When will the skill gem section be up? I used the same gems so far as the guides equips had on but my skills are so messed. A bit too many skills to use all the time. Which skills should I use and which ones not?
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" sorry, been more busy than anticipated the last few days. No promises on when links will be 100% done. If you're overwhelmed, the absolute bare minimum is shield charge + fort + faster attacks, Zombies summoned (multistrike, conc effect, minion damage, melee phys, ruthless in order of most important to least important links) , Golem summoned, and your skeletons/vaal skeletons (linked with PTL, maim, and either minion damage or melee phys damage) on your bar. Everything else is for pushing into red maps and guardians. (working on getting my map pool set up to farm guardians -- don't worry, I haven't forgotten about the guide. I definitely still have plans for some edits and updates.) Spirit offering is really nice to have, to heal your zombies back up after a particularly hard-hitting enemy. Enfeeble totem is a nice option if you're fighting guardians or other particularly rough bosses, as taking less damage is always nice. Convocation is nice if you're having a particularly hard time getting zombies to keep up (though I find that unless I'm running at the speed of sound, it's not really an issue) Phase run does work in a CWDT link, but tends to be cancelled in my experience, by the sheer amount of things I'm doing all the time. |
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" The minions' tooltip just isn't super reliable -- never has been, and I don't expect it to ever be. They get strength that works just like ours. Melee phys damage, life, the whole shebang. (test them with moderate strength in an area, then again with massive strength to see the difference) Other curses do work, but I find them wholly superfluous. Your main issue will be keeping yourself alive, not doing more damage. Most fights, you're limited only by the duration of the phasing mechanics of the boss, and trash packs die in a single multistrike of a zombie. Doing multi-million dps tends to make things melt in a hurry. Stacking a curse on top isn't really necessary. Skeleton totem isn't super necessary, as you'd lose out on an already limited link setup, (it's only a 4-L as it is) and you throw down 3 skeletons with a single click as it is. By the time you've dropped one cast of skeletons, your zombies have caught up, and the pack's dead. During bosses, you summon skeletons when they die, have a curse out, and don't get hit by things. Those are just about your only real tasks. |
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Hi guys!
Im selling all my stuff in a bulk let me know if someone is interested. i sell this kinda cheap. Kill shaper easy with it! 1500+strenght (max zombies 16) 6Links Astramentis 100atributes
Message me on the forum pls. Private message ofc :) |
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can make gem link section and progression tree? :D
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