[3.5] Ghoulish Overkill! Zombie+Skeleton Baron build

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Thought this will be another fun meme build. Actually im 50 and this hits like a truck.
Why no Empower? Is this really the best set up? You don't have issues with them dying on shaper or Elder / uber Elder?

I would say Empower 3/4 instead of Ruthless...

I'm also skeptical of the clear speed without Mon'tregul's Grasp. No Generosity + Hatred...? How are Incursions?

No CWDT Convocation? Speaking of Mon'tregul's Grasp...why not use it? dps almost doubles in PoB, 1/2 the zombies would balance out and they have more life and AOE. Minion Speed gem?? Zombies are slow without it.

No offense intended, serious questions as I'm leveling a Witch right now :). Just seems like some missing key things here.
Last edited by DamageIncorporated#7815 on Jun 16, 2018, 4:05:42 PM
DamageIncorporated wrote:
Why no Empower? Is this really the best set up? You don't have issues with them dying on shaper or Elder / uber Elder?

I would say Empower 3/4 instead of Ruthless...

I'm also skeptical of the clear speed without Mon'tregul's Grasp. No Generosity + Hatred...? How are Incursions?

No CWDT Convocation? Speaking of Mon'tregul's Grasp...why not use it? dps almost doubles in PoB, 1/2 the zombies would balance out and they have more life and AOE. Minion Speed gem?? Zombies are slow without it.

No offense intended, serious questions as I'm leveling a Witch right now :). Just seems like some missing key things here.

^ quote above

No, I totally get it. I have minor/few issues with some zombies dying in T13+ maps, but I wouldn't say it's every map that I lose even a single zombie.
Empower *can* in certain variations of this build, be slightly more damage than ruthless, but for me, right now, it's a damage loss, even at level 4 (roughly 2K dps per zombie), on top of a massive investment. However, it WOULD give them a substantial increase to life (roughly 4K life isn't anything to sneeze at) I largely contribute my zombie's longevity to their elemental resistances. (running 20% from ascendancy, plus purity of elements, on top of their 40% base. They're cap res, unlike most builds I've seen, which have them at 60%. Meaning they take about 62% of the elemental damage of your average zombie.

I also run 1500 strength, unlike the average montre build that runs in the 300 range (that I've seen). This is approximately 120% increased phys damage (more than montre gives at max) and 300 increased life in comparison (not as much as the sceptre, to be fair) I also run more than double the amount of zombies as a montre build (the highest I've ever seen is 7) and am only missing out on 100% increased damage (even if that was a MORE mod, it would still be a damage loss to put it on)

Hope I cleared up some of the decision-making process in the build, and I'll try and fix the guide to accommodate those questions in the future.

This is the result of roughly 3 leagues of my friend and I playing this build and doing our best to eke out as much as we can from it. In standard, we have a pretty substantial amount of red elder, shaper, uber elder, as well as any number of guardian kills (we farm them -- and can even keep up with our other friend who plays a windripper deadeye)
Last edited by Orangeuglad#0418 on Jun 16, 2018, 4:26:17 PM
Mon'tregul's is MORE though. It was increased pre 2.3.
Mon'tregul's Grasp is more physical dmg yes but for zombies only.
The new bonuses increase dmg for any minion, i think it's for this reason you don't use Mon't Grasp because you also play with skeleton ?

Last edited by Elf_97#7231 on Jun 16, 2018, 5:25:04 PM
My 20/20 zombie get rek by T16 Boss haha.
(With Mon'tregul's Grasp)
No Empower :(

Need Video to Show how zombie counter all 4 Guardian boss
Elf_97 wrote:
Mon'tregul's Grasp is more physical dmg yes but for zombies only.
The new bonuses increase dmg for any minion, i think it's for this reason you don't use Mon't Grasp because you also play with skeleton ?

^^ definitely a part of it.

DamageIncorporated wrote:
Mon'tregul's is MORE though. It was increased pre 2.3.

I do apologize. I thought it was increased, rather then more. However, My 16 zombies with the rare on do around 3.3M damage between them, and rarely die.
Swapping to Mon'Tregul's grasp puts me at 8 zombies, doing 2.8M dps combined.
It is a flat damage loss (by roughly 15%) for unnecessary extra hp on minions. Unless I walk into a map unprepared, it takes a GNARLY set of map mods (130% quant or more on top of double beyond) for me to lose more than just a minion or two.

And that's before taking the damage loss on skeletons into consideration.
alohadancetv wrote:
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haha, yeah. working on it. Stay tuned!
Welp...Level 54, 850 strength atm, and absolutely walking over everything. The aoe is good, the single target is retarded. I...had no idea! lol

edit: 62...this is broken.
Last edited by DamageIncorporated#7815 on Jun 17, 2018, 2:10:43 AM

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