Changes to Ignite in 3.3.0

Everytime GGG anounces changes like this everybody is so quick to shit on it. we get that you play the game a lot and have likely tried ignite before, but just consider the amount of player data GGG has and the amount of thought that goes into these updates. They have been pretty bang on thus far, the least we can do is wait for the update before given your unjustified opinions.
"We would like to update the way that Elemental Equilibrium works in the future. At the moment it provides a significant bonus that goes against its intended use."
I am curious... what was the "intended" use of EE? other than what we actually use it for?

Maybe have burning enemies "panic" reducing their dmg (or another debuff)? that might make it more attractive. freeze and shock are so much better imo.

Scryer16 wrote:
GGG if you boost FIREBALL damage dont forget to add PvP damage scaling to it! THX!

we can forget about it, they don't care about pvp, just let it be. Sarn is already a mess with vds/zerphis.

PvP is beyond hope. Lets forget about it!

Took them 3 years to "nerf" zerphis which resulted in a buff lol. What do u think is gonna happen LOL

IGN : Relithh , Stronkberry
Last edited by relithh#7305 on Apr 27, 2018, 10:39:55 AM
doubt it wil make ignite viable
''We would also like to look at the way curses work. Ultimately, we want to rebalance them entirely with a particular focus on their effectiveness against bosses - making them stronger against bosses while minimising the difference in their effectiveness against boss and non-boss enemies. Again, this is part of a much larger rework and not possible to do immediately but it's something that's on our radar.''

Is a larger rework of curses really necessary? Why not just change the values of it's effectiveness against bosses. Currently at -80% curse effectiveness I believe against the shaper guardians and shaper. Just change that value. Problem solved..
I welcome this, atm I dont even know why ignite is in the game, if you hit a mob for 400k and get an ignite for 3k, like literally wtf is the point?
So I welcome any positive change to ignites.

I would love if the balance team looked at ascendancies and totems as well, why Occultist's Profane Bloom explosion and Vile Bastion doesn't work with totems makes no sense; Assassin's Unstable Infusion doesn't give you power charges, it doesn't specify that YOU have to get the crit etc.

Current changes and the manifesto about ascendancy changes looks like you're turning the game slowly into a Blizzard style RPG, where every class/ascendancy does their thing and no-one else can do it. Ascendancies needs to be more universal while still keeping their identity.
"Please feel free to report any players you see attempting to acquire/sell items in trade chat." - Bex_GGG
Chance to ignite on Molten Strike perhaps?
Can't see why not all fire based attack gems have that.
just make it so emberwake stacks more then one ignite, and you will have made it viable again.

mby like 50 that sounds resonable
I am glad that they are finally trying to improve other skills instead of just nerfing everything and calling it balanced - that's a huge step in the right direction.
I love how the [Removed by Support] got triggered with the EE change. "Oh no . less dmg with my scorching ray/rf setup!"

Game is shifting meta and so on. Its the right and only way. Its like having your sex life the same all the time. [Removed by Support]

Now seeing the trashtalk above wont change you or the way you think. With that said blaming/naming the GGG balance team will make a change as much as my trashtalk did. Its a free game i.e. you get fun for free. [Removed by Support]. RIP
Last edited by Al_GGG#0000 on Apr 27, 2018, 11:45:09 AM

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