Changes to Ignite in 3.3.0
" I have totally no clue what I shall think about your comment, but fire got nerfed to death, with the least few patches and the remove of double dip,.... if you look forward to molten strike or Righteousfire as "the end-game viable builds" then it's easy explained, molten strike don't rely on burning, it rely on 50-80 projectiles every second who destroying enemies face like nothing and righteous fire is a life based tank character with damage over time, who don't rely on life leech or hit damage.... while frostblade's are ez endgame for example and lightning shock effectivness can be boosted so you inc enemies damage taken directly by 50% :,D what the heck you want to boost out of lightning or cold anymore? Hierophant 4x Frostbolt totem not easy enough? |
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" It would be a really good change of curse mechanics. retired from forum because of censorship and discrimination
(also poe2 bad) |
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These buffs sound nice but i'm not that big fan of traps or most fire based skills, except maybe Flame Totem. Im happy for all other players which look forward for it.
Will maybe play a self buff melee witch with hybrid ES/HP again. Had around 9k HP with offering in combat. Was a fun experience in Harbinger league. This time i will slightly change the skill tree and integrate some minion nodes for the synergy of the Scourge Claw. Side effect would be autocast minnions as meat shields or additional damage depending how i setup my self buff setup. Masterpiece of 3.16 lore "A mysterious figure appears out of nowhere, trying to escape from something you can't see. She hands you a rusty-looking device called the Blood Crucible and urges you to implant it into your body." Only usable with Ethanol Flasks Last edited by gandhar0#5532 on Apr 27, 2018, 1:07:53 PM
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So, as i see it, game has reached a point where the major "new" in content will be a metaswapping by changing numbers of existing mecanics. As they do in diablo.
Patch 3.3.0 - We buffed ignite - We nerfed something to oblivion - We buffed something to become meta Patch 3.4.0 - We buffed previously nerfed to OK status - We nerfed previous meta to oblivion - We buffed ignite to become a new meta And so on. |
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Change the stupid fireball threshold!
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" ![]() When balancing team is literally brain dead and can't see that a particular mechanic is being abused by a couple of builds. Check out the wording that makes it sound to be universally OP when empirical evidence clearly proves otherwise. Typical GGG. Sad Pepe. Last edited by MadAndrew#4553 on Apr 27, 2018, 2:11:55 PM
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GGG internal balance is extremely questionable, even now. Why is it that they make these crazy balance changes and not do proper internal testing to make sure the meta isnt heavily skewed like it is now?
Lots of builds are viable, more than ever tbh, but the spectrum of efficiency between those builds is what fucks the meta up. IE why run melee when you can run summoner and faceroll content. Why be a self caster when you can totem and faceroll content? Better yet, lets make it simple to sustain RF with one class, and have them be able to run through content! |
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Good news! Hope ignite builds are playable now and not utter and complete garbage like it is now. Look at you, GGG, trying to unfuck the big mess you made. Ignite prolif builds was the most fun i had in this game before you ruined it.
I disagree with you on EE, it only works without a downside on certain builds, you cant utilize it on most builds. You gonna fuck it up and noone will use it and then after 1 year you gonna have to rework it... Can you please make ignite endgame viable with enough investment? Its all i ask...why any other build can be viable and not ignite you bucn of racists :D Path of Exile - RNG based hoarding simulator
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A 100% chance to create a weak non-stackable dot is still 100% useless.
I don't know of a single meta / build that was ever close to "hit the enemy and run away, then come back and hit them again". This means ignite will always be worthless with the 3.0 changes, outside of procing things like for Oro Flicker. Players have always built characters to 1 shot or outright spam skills on enemies, which is why even with the huge nerf to poison's still useful for bosses. It doesn't matter how much you buff passives / supports for ignite, until you address the nerf you gave it ( and supporting items ) back in 3.0 . And outside of that, the only real way to make ignite interesting / worth it to people to make it like the other 2 elements, by giving it a form of debuff / effect when it procs. |
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The fact that GGG is making ignite more accessible makes me question whether it's going to be valuable at all. If it's so easy to build around then it will just be an afterthought like poison was in 2.6
Also, please don't destroy EE. It's a keystone with a huge penalty already - literally you have to have all your damage come from a different element than the one that procs it and that cannot proc EE or you have to alternate between elements (EG discharge + incinerate). Totems and spectres may get a lot of easy benefit from it, but they also have to deal with not being able to control their damage directly making the playstyle less involved than a self caster. I really don't see the need to change anything with that particular skill. |
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