Data about how Beastcrafting is being used

You are trying very hard to justify this becoming a standard mechanic, but it is terrible. You were warned of the issues before it launched, it was worse than we thought it would be.

This isn't engaging, it's tedious.
also please add mayhem or something for us to play now besides the worst league in path of exile history, and yes this is worse then talisman, prophecies, and harbinger
This league's mechanic, was a well thought out, untested failure, and continues to be. I'm only playing this league and hiding nets on the ground in SSF, because I don't wanna spend the time to seed/root into another game. I am however, NOT buying MTX this time, as I do not support this direction or change for the game. The only reason to continue playing at this point is the ascendany changes and uber elder fights. Maybe you guys could have more people test crap on the next league before you just toss it out to the community unfinished. Where this league is NOW is what you should've released with, and even then, it's still questionable as to how rewarding it is. I've done over 1000 maps this league, and not one portal. Basically playing standard at this point.
SSF, because Path of Trade RMTers and bots suck.
Last edited by Iamod#4125 on Mar 16, 2018, 10:41:43 AM
Putzy wrote:
This is just sad, compared to other leagues these beasts drop almost new loot, add no density all they're good for is to craft a unique to then vendor and be happy with the alchemy shards becouse with nets replacing some of the currency drops things like alchs and maps have been a nightmare to sustain.
Then the sets that were announced as one of the new things for the league are so rare most people haven't encountered one yet after 2weeks of playing!
Please remove the damn nets already any beast we kill with the skull over its head will be added to the managery so the overall droprates of maps/currency can go up by 20 or so % again. add more bestiary beasts per map so it feels like we aren't playing stanard.
I've played since the open beta and i'm sad to say that this is the worst league so far :(, i mean compare this to abyss (without lightpoacher spamm), breach or beyond which were challenging fun and rewarding.
GGG you've made some great leagues before i hope you can turn this one around by taking the things that made previous popular leagues good and adding them to this league asap.

Apparently, you didn't play talisman. THAT was the worst league EVER.
SSF, because Path of Trade RMTers and bots suck.
yeah out of 40k rare amulets with life on them how many sold for more than an alt ffs?
dachoppa wrote:
Elemenz wrote:
What would the bankers have to say about this creation of real money out of thin air by randomnly punching a keyboard...

you just described what bankers actually do - create money out of thin air! fiat currencies are backed by absolutely nothing and new money is mostly created by entering it into the balance sheet.

Sarcasm is like firing a wet noodle with a long bow.
"Players can now smack around players who are having trouble very early on."
I personnaly like this league. I like the idea of collecting stuff, and having to work for it, hunting and be prepared for a battle. I also really like the book, although it could be improved a lot more in the future, like having a picture or a description of the monster, maybe being able to highlight a beast, keeping track of it somehow.

Beast crafting is also a great new add in the game, there are some awesome recipes, some very useful, I'm sure SSF players are loving this. Maybe too much stuff which may be redondant with Masters crafting at some point.

The fights against red monsters, and sometimes yellows too are really fun, you guys added some pretty hilarious things in there, and it's making us think twice before attacking blindly. ^^

I however don't like the idea of capturing a dead corpse, this kinda ruin the idea of beast hunting and kills the immersion. I am very surprised that you guys at GGG failed for the Reddit whiners when you wanted so hard for Path of Exile to be a hard game in the first place. People could have used their brain to play instead of having everything served for them on a silver plate.

Finally I don't see why people are still complaining like they lost their favourite toy, when all of it is fully optional.

Anyway, keep up the good job GGG, you guys are working too hard and certainely deserve a few breaks. Go visit a couple of museums, get some massages and jump in pools for a few days, I won't mind at all.
Seriously this league is even worst than Talisman. In Talisman at least with a lot(a big lot) of farm you could see Rigwald at least once, or you add access to knew items without any farm(even a t1 talisman was new). Here it's absolutely random and you show us with your stats that most of us will never see any.
95% of the recipes are as if we used an alch/essence on an item (and since today a chaos/essence t6 but with mods t12 ahah).

And I wanted to say that you speak of price of the recipes for beastcrafting, but there isn't any price. We don't know what beast/mod is used for recipes (unless you look for a specifik recipe), these beast only use is for recipes and most of your recipes are useless. Now with the trade available the price may begin to appear but it will be absolutly unrealistic (and I won't use it) and it's too late, in 2-3 weeks the league will begin to empty itself and you know it.
Another matter that you should see in your stats is that most of the good recipes are known by few people (I've not unlocked half of the listed ones).
DjParagon wrote:

The fights against red monsters, and sometimes yellows too are really fun, you guys added some pretty hilarious things in there, and it's making us think twice before attacking blindly. ^^

It's funny that you say that while I never seen any differences between fights against each red or yellow beast. Don't even know if beast mod as any impact on the mob or if it is only used for craft.
I only see rares mobs with manymanymany hp (for the red ones).
The "Grinding" Part in GGG is real this league

I've found 3 unique beast on my road to 93

Around 100 abyss's only 4 depths nice buffed rates... as if

About to push into the end game t16 maps,uber atizir,shaper,vaal temple but so far really disappointed in the Beast league it's basically standard for me with an almost infinite about of free silver coins.

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