Data about how Beastcrafting is being used

Those numbers dont mean anything, its still a horrible system.
Buy the ticket, take the ride.
Those statistics explain the turnover :)
I'm enjoying this league, but only because I'm functionally ignoring the beastiary aspect of it. It's more like the "ascendancy reboot" league. New builds are abounds, and new takes on old builds too!

Capturing and using beasts is awkward and finicky and barely worth the time, so I'm enjoying my time more since I started pretending it wasn't there. Am I missing out on free stuff? Maybe, but trying to make it work was painful.

So now I play a standard hardcore league with ascendancies retuned, and sometimes there are monsters that are a bit harder than normal rares that drop a whole lot more loot. Screw the nets, screw capturing, screw the blood altar.
Last edited by Pathological#1188 on Mar 17, 2018, 5:03:07 PM
Figured i'd post the results of me beastcrafting items and stuff for half an hour after i farmed endgame for 10-15ish hours in here.
I opened up a portal to the avian flight dude and got the gloves which are useless, created 20+ uniques all of which i had the delight of vendoring. so after half an hour i managed to get 6alchs and 10 alterations... That's my reward for capturing most beasts i encountered after 10-15hours?
Just scrap this league and bring back an old one any old one will do.
If u need me for anything u can pm me ingame or send me a private message :)
Lmao these 30 achievements / 5 challenges (at the end of week 2 of the league) guys moaning here... dude you don't even play the game lmao...

GGG don't listen to these scrubs whining... they always want the game to be made easier for them, instead of themselves adapting and putting in more time/effort/self-research to become good.
Last edited by Paldamus#1328 on Mar 18, 2018, 6:29:23 AM
Each league is now an excuse to add more and more rng layers in an attempt to keep players interest. This is typical designer delusion. Innovation can be so much more than piling up features, and trust me, I work in research, so innovation is my life...

On paper the beast system is interesting for crafting.
In reality it's a freaking mess with a counterintuitive system that alternate between making you sit idle to avoid one-shotting weak rares so you have time to cast a net at the right monster in a 20 monsters mob, and tanking/throwing everything at stronger rares with huge regeneration abilities for 2 minutes, waiting for the half second where you can safely cast a net without losing 2-3k hp.
Plus, the naming convention you use in the recipe list is making it awful to locate the right areas for farming specific rares. WTF are unnaturals for instance ?

This league's challenges are also completely insane.
Finishing story mode with a bit of crafting is barely enough to grant you 9-10 challenges, so most casual players won't even get the first perk... talk about reward for playing...
Multiplying challenges requesting to farm up features from the past 10 leagues is a freaking waste of people's time! Challenges should be focused on the current league features!!! As it stands, completing a league is taking more and more play time because you're required to explore the whole content since PoE scratch instead of focusing on the league novelty...

I've said this for the last 2 years: you devs have litteraly ZERO clue in basic psychology of challenge/reward mechanisms.
You NEED to implement 2 levels of play and rewards for BOTH casuals and hardcore players, without relying on RNG multi-gating.
I hope you DO realize that players spending 2-4 hours per day of farming can very well end up leagues with no little access to endgame just because a good build isn't enough nowadays, you also need more and more luck. Being lv75 and still stuck at lv3-4 maps is not my idea of fun...

PS: last suggestion. Stop resetting masters with every league (beside Zana), it's the most annoying task EVER to level them up every 2 months. Or at least let them start at lv5 so people can craft easily during level up...
Last edited by tienbasse#4660 on Mar 17, 2018, 10:31:15 PM
"We're very pleased with the high engagement with Beastcrafting"

You guys at GGG should clearly watch this short video ( about the Simpson's Paradox when it comes to statistics.

You should not be pleased with this "high engagement" if you don't get why people do this. And i'll bet they don't do it because it's fun. It's because it's another RNG lottery where you get all or nothing. And this should really have to stop. Masters are the only remotly reliable source of having control of your outcome when doing something. It's next to impossible to target farm items because every stuff is a layer of stupid RNG where even CONTENT is gates behind RNG. Wan't to get your second threshold jewel without having to deal with trading? Have fun finding that random legendary beast to craft a random unique jewel...

I've stoped buying supporter packs and will only continue if i will have more control about what i want to do in the game.
Shagsbeard wrote:
Get nets out of our inventory and I'll give the league another chance.

where's the problem? nets as such to catch monsters or handling those?

for me they make no sense cause they drop in such an amount that you always have enough of them.
and, imho, the introduction of roadkill nets was a mistake.

the essential feedback of this league is: players are risk averse, can't/won't handle some more complicated mechanics and can't lose
age and treachery will triumph over youth and skill!
Just a hint GGG.

I buy MTXes when I am highly enjoying the game. That's why I spent so much during Breach and then some during Legacy.

I do NOT play the game because MTXes excite me. Nothing excites me about Bestiary. I am seriously playing Standard over it because the inventory / netting and capture system is such a huge pain in the ass that I'd rather not deal with it.

Having to fight the same unique monster 2x (once to get it low and capture it, then again with other monsters to craft an item) is just so unfathomably stupid and repetitive that I don't know where to begin. Either let us capture them at full hp or do not require us to do the absurd "ritual of sacrifice" or whatever it's called just to craft the items.

TLDR: Far too much work for far too little reward that requires an annoying amount of "thinking". The worst kind of boredom isn't turning your brain off (like doing most manual labour), but having to think like an accountant "Oh I need x monsters in my list to craft x item".
Last edited by Ixoziel#3753 on Mar 18, 2018, 3:47:15 PM
please stop making us craft. this is a ridiculously stupid season.

crafting is BORING. I don't know about anyone else, but I play ARPG games to kill shit and hunt loot.

end of story.

I have a real job, I don't need a virtual job too.


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