Poll: Should we add Nets that work on Dead Beasts?

Poll: Should we add Nets that work on Dead Beasts?

Yes, but more common
Yes, but more rare
Poll closed
Seriously, this League is boring enough, don't make it more complicated... Leave the capture thing as it is now.
I get that you guys want to cater to everyone but I cant believe this is even a question, capture dead animals? how dumb. sorry its challenging to those who complain, but I like that its difficult. like most other people are saying, it would just become a new currency/loot that you pick up in a weird way. DONT DO IT!
BorgsFury wrote:
You should not even be asking the playerbase. Half the people voting aren't even playing a summoner or a build that would be most affected by this. They are just voting no out of ignorance of other players experiences. You should have been able to test all these experiences yourself before it ever went live and decided that the experience was simply not great for enough builds that you'd change it.

As a summoner you have little to no control over when your minions attack a target you want to capture and the damage output isn't always the same (it depends on how many of your minions decide to hit that target). This makes it very hard to gauge when to throw the net. It creates many frustrating scenarios where you miss the capture.

Sometimes (very often) it dies before the immunity proc even goes off, even if you attempt to throw a net. If you're trying to capture a new species this is especially annoying as it starts a chain of failures. You miss the first one, even if you attempted to throw. Now there's a short cooldown where you can't throw at all. That period involves you watching your minions masacre most or all of the rest of the mobs you wanted to capture, possibly followed by some more attempts to throw and fail as they die before the net immunity goes off.

Against Legendaries, the three second window is hard to gauge as your damage is inconsistent and you have no way to burst them down after you throw the net to counter any regen that occurs. This means you have to state at their hp and throw the net when they are very close to death. Even when they are very close to death this can lead to random failure because all the sudden the inconsistent damage output ramps up as a minion uses a cooldown or more start hitting the target. Or there's sudden health regen or perhaps lower damage output and its health starts going up instead of down just as you threw the net and you miss the tiny window. You also have a pointless 5 second or so hidden cd where you can not re-net a target, which does nothing but screw over builds that can't control their damage output as they can not stop DPS immediately to wait to try to net again.

Even if you choose not to add nets that capture dead targets you should:

1) Decrease the time it takes for the net immunity to apply from whatever it is to instantly when you hit the button. Make this more responsive and you solve a lot of issues summoners run into on regular mob and rare mob captures.

2) remove the obnoxious hidden cd where you can't re-net a target you just net. This will make capturing legendaries a lot less annoying when you don't control your targets or damage as well.

3) realize how stupid vorici missions have been all this time for similar reasons and do something about that too

edit: I also support the idea suggested by many that instead of a 3 second period, nets mark a target and always capture at the end. That would also solve the issues summoners lack of control causes for legendary captures.

I agree that the marking of a beast with no time limit -- or a more generous one than 3 seconds -- is a good idea. Maybe the downside is that it always enrages when you mark it, so you choose to mark ti right away and deal with it, or wait till it is almost dead.

But as for the "no" folks being ignorant of summoners, knock it off. Many people play multiple characters, multiple builds, multiple metas. My Baron 1200+ STR Necromancer and my MF Golemancer have been my absolute favorite builds to play, but I also play melee, crit, non crit, CwC, CoC, totems, and even did a CWDT spell monsoon build. What I am saying, is that part of the fun of the game and getting all kinds of weird Uniques is so that you can play more than one character per league. League Starter Characters are usually designed around NOT needing expensive gear in order to reach Maps. Leveling a character 1-70 is bound to net even SSF players a couple of good items to use in the next build.

So why not have Beast Catching Builds? Seems to me an additional playstyle that makes the game more dynamic for everyone -- especially in a new league and especially for new players and especially for SSF players.

Summoners have always represented the "tough choices" design intention in this game: They are challenging to balance and to level with, but are fabulously powerful in the late game, and also help you defensively. And up until recently, the downside was they they were onerous to log into and get the minions up and running each time. But this is not Path of Summoners. Summoner builds are just one of many. Each build should have both pros and cons. I mean, think about it - -if everyone is playing summoners and summoners get to catch dead beasts, what's next on the nerf list? summoners.

Don't put all your eggs in one basket, as they say.
The Yes's together got 50% i think it should be rare though rarer though.
Yes. Common.
I get it that capturing dead beasts make no sense at all and i do agree with that, with a summoner or even a tornado shot build its either skip capturing all but the reds, something that with the recipes just doesn't cut it or go bare as you were born, something that makes as much sense as capturing them dead.

I would say something along the lines of, as long as the creatures aren't blown up or otherwise made into map decorations, once they die they are considered "unconscious" for a x amount of time and still allow for capturing during that time, as it is even with a lvl 38 summoner its a chore to remove minions so we can approach the creature without killing it then be almost afraid of hitting it too strongly, then set the gear back, re-summon the minions continue clearing, see another creature to capture, remove gear and/or minions...rinse and repeat, its no fun and a chore, we are better of just skipping the capturing altogether
There is an easy fix to all of this; map awareness. That then leaves the only build with a real problem being summoners because of the lack of control of summons. You can control the placement of your totems, mine, traps, etc, and when you see a rare spawn show up that should be a sign you need to start mixing things up. This league doesn't need to be changed, we just need to be open to different playstyles. Which is kinda the point of leagues anyways right, to keep things varying?

I'm still using the first tier net on mid teens-early 20's monsters and having literally zero issue capturing things. The three second window made that even easier.
Playing with poison I see the problem some players have with this. I suggest making nets that do catch dead beasts, but only within a period of 4 seconds (as it means "recently") and to be rare. I stand with my original vote of yes but more rare.
Most people vote no because most people are not playing builds that kill quickly. It looks like this won't happen with the current results of the poll, but player feedback is key.
Quit assuming that players who voted no did so for this reason or that. I voted no because it is a horrible idea which is a bandaid fix for a major problem. It looks like they're adding them. I'll tell you straight out, if they make it to the Core game I'll be gone.
I vote yes but rarer. I wanted to hit no, but i just couldnt. I dont know how many times i have missed a capture b/c my skellies/totems either burst it down to quick, skelies wandered to another mob and its hp regen'd only to have it die before the net cd went off. Or my most annoying is being unable to find the mob again to target in a grp. Honestly just gimme a quick key that can target lock the mob. and ill be happy.

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