Poll: Should we add Nets that work on Dead Beasts?

Poll: Should we add Nets that work on Dead Beasts?

Yes, but more common
Yes, but more rare
Poll closed
vote - ( NO! )GGG sad to say that, but its the worst league start ever. take a lesson next time , to think out about all .
Suni wrote:
It is kinda hard for some builds to capture, by the time I reach the beast and target for netting, my totems have killed the beast. Or I have to get close and net before putting down the totems, and probably fail capture.

If we cannot capture dead, I will experience very little of the league...sucks.

summoners probably have it worse..

But if this is the philosophy, then we must immediately up drop rates at SSF; remove XP penalty on death, stop with clear speed meta leagues such as Abyss, Breach or Harbinger...

Maybe you are not good enough to play this league well, but if this should be the deciding point about having no effort required anymore, then we must act swiftly about all the other aspects above, plus Lab, as there are also people not good enough and they miss out on stuff as well!

There will always be losers, catering to one side is what causes problems, as then the other will just leave and right now the non speed meta people are fed up with this game to say the least.
Suni wrote:
It is kinda hard for some builds to capture, by the time I reach the beast and target for netting, my totems have killed the beast. Or I have to get close and net before putting down the totems, and probably fail capture.

If we cannot capture dead, I will experience very little of the league...sucks.

summoners probably have it worse..

I'm frost blades this league and my projectiles are pretty much ripping everything a new one, before I realise what's happened, what I wanted to catch is dead. >.>

IGN: Lady_Serena
Yes, but more common please :)
From everything I've seen in this league (personal experience, streamers, community I speak to) I can safely say that my answer to this poll is No. Streamers are all a little frustrated and often get mad by the specific net mechanic (less experienced streamers or more casual) and often hear many of them complain about it, therefore giving the idea of dead beasts capture. From the community of people I talk to, the answer gets a little mixed but majorly it's a No aswell...
I will be waiting for what GGG does here and I won't complain with either outcomes, because both work really...
Read comment and come to your conclusion!

I personally think that you guys from GGG should find a way to rework nets around skills like culling strike ect... because it can be a game breaking for those who play a build that has culling strike as a macanic, also atm this makes culling strike unusable for those who actually want to capture beasts and participate on the challenges etc...

Therefore i think you should rework the net system to be something like a permanent thing no 3sec capture time or make into a curse perhaps, or make a unique that makes nets permanent effect on beasts, something like that perhaps a unique that you can use as a extra armour piece or like diablo 2 runes active while in inventory that would be new aswell.

Like a rune or unique for example that dont take as much space 1 square that while in inventory it grants a passive buff i mean could even be a jewel to be honest, the buff could be something like nets are granted 20 seconds capture time even 15 secs would be good, has to be something substantial to work.

or go down the path to reworking skills like culling strike so that it cannot insta kill 10% below health beasts or rare and unique beasts only.

if we all vote no that would be the worse case senario because there will be no fix and i think you should try to fix now because if u add this league to core game is gonna be game breaking for most builds that do alot of dmg and have no controll of their dmg output, totems or culling strike!

Also if GGG vote no and there is no fix i think that would be slopy and i would be very disapointed sinse this is one of my favorite games i love to see it improve even more. so come on guys you can do it just put your mind to it ok!

Thanks for reading, and i vote on option C = find a way to make it work around the things i discussed.
Ygidua wrote:
But if this is the philosophy, then we must immediately up drop rates at SSF; remove XP penalty on death, stop with clear speed meta leagues such as Abyss, Breach or Harbinger...

Nonsense. This is a league mechanic that is not working for many builds. This is not some sort of sea-change philosophy that requires the entire game to be rewritten.

And you always, always have the choice of not using dead nets should they be implemented if you object to them.

GGG says they don't care one way or the other. Which means they do not see this as some sort of existential threat to the game.

The sky is not falling.
Xavathos wrote:
BigFatCaeZZar wrote:
Imagine the league intergrates into std and your 5m dps becomes a problem..

"Yes" from me.

Your 5M DPS IS a problem. Sigh.

How so? With the recent buffs it's obvious GGG wants players to have good damage.
Yes, all the buffs do scale well with good items..

There's no problem with a few crazy players, who spend 150ex in std to get a gg build and try to go 100.
The most recent build I made (The mentioned 5m dps) won't come close to even 2m dps without at least a 30ex investment. And not many players can afford even that.

I mean, double dipping was a problem, a 2 minute shaper kill on a 50c budget.
You should complain about Blade flurry, if anything. (Which is fairly too op I would say)

A valid reason to vote "No" here would be that you just want the game to be hard and you think players with gg builds should attack the monsters with a two link setup.
Last edited by GrayR#7469 on Mar 5, 2018, 1:07:00 PM
Agilaz wrote:

So, you basically agree that this change will make the core mechanics obsolete?

The things you mentioned could, at best, require some bug fixing. There is no need to throw the entire concept out the window by making dead things capturable.

What I'd like to see is these dead nets as temporary solutions until the process of capturing beasts can be re-worked. I've proposed what I believe to be better solutions, as has many other people here. Unfortunately GGG did not give us a fourth option for something else, so I had to vote for the dead nets.

Agilaz wrote:
You keep hanging on these "insults" of mine, but all I'm doing is stating the obvious.
No, I'm talking about all of the times you insult everyone else who has a different viewpoint or stance on this than you do. I could go through and quote all of those, including the ones where you were edited by a mod, but that doesn't solve anything.

Agilaz wrote:
These are things that come down to players being slowed down. They don't like being slowed down, and that's why this change is going to happen. It has nothing to do with net desync, because they can fix net desync without resorting to necro nets.

I'm complaining about the net skill desync, not about being slowed down by doing content. The only slowdown I complain about is having to backtrack and re-run an area because one beast capture didn't take. Sometimes the nets never work for me, even with no other mobs around, beast is capture-able, net is level appropriate, and skill just doesn't do anything. Skill timeout starts (so it did trigger), but net is never on beast, then a second later the beast dies. The mechanics are broken. This is one possible solution.
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3 second window is fine , but help totem and necromencer builds

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