Oni-Goroshi in Current League - are You gonna farm it or drop it?

Was the first time I farmed my Oni :D Took 3x chars till lvl 8 (was killing all mobs along the way to hillok from lvl 7 to 8) and ~1.5h of running after.
PoE nowadays looks more and more like a fork server with tons of custom weird experimental stuff rather than original game with carefully thought out balance brough live to players.
Last edited by judikator#2053 on Mar 15, 2020, 12:22:27 PM
Are they still any good outside SSF with all that access to great weapons?
HairyBotter wrote:
Are they still any good outside SSF with all that access to great weapons?

I don't think its worth the effort outside of SSF, since it doesn't scale well enough to be a permanent item in your build. Sure, it can serve for a long while (as I got it mainly to avoid having to upgrade several times during story arc) but I could have also just played a proper league starter and probably been mapping already.
Yep, totally over league play.
Nelhyss wrote:
Doing Hillock only kills all the way up to lvl 8 it finally dropped for two of my 4 chars at around 10% of their xp bar filled.

I'm confused tho wasn't Oni-goroshi only white sockets ? The two I got are red and green socks.

Nope, OG is a normal 6L socket color sword:
"You've got to grind, grind, grind at that grindstone..."
Necessity may be the mother of invention, but poor QoP in PoE is the father of frustration.

The perfect solution to fix Trade Chat:
Huh... Closing to lvl 8 on all hunters but still no OG.

Keep grinding.
Finally got them

Not good rolls but can be dived. Now i can start enjoying Delirium.
Well I'll gonna bump this ol thread,
found my 3rd (and last) one for this league.

the fights (if anybody is curious):
1st one with Shadow Lvl. 7.8
2nd onw with Witch Lvl. 8.1
3rd one with Duelist Lvl. 8.23
two of them i will migrate to Std. Delirium to play with my son, for the 3rd i dunno really which build i want to play. I get the strange feeling I should've tried Cyclone at least once before it's getting nerfed. But de99ial's Bladestorm Scion also looks appealing.
Just do it! And keep it simple -
Things will become complicated by itself.
Last edited by tuasoafoch#7907 on Mar 26, 2020, 8:30:59 AM
I tested Duelist/Champion in MetaMorph also was fun. Scion is kinda test to see if this will perform better than Duelist. Champion/Trickster ;)
Well now, here's a familiar sight:

Calling Uber Hillock... Ubbie... please come out and play with me. Nope... rats!
Ah ha... here's a sweet TSB Tabula drop to perk up my beach running mood:

Oh Ubie, won't you please come out and play with me. It would be such fun...
Ah, there you finally are. Come now, you really shouldn't be so shy:

Ring around the Ubie!... ring around the Ubie!
Ha ha, you missed me...

missed again...

Awe!!!... you died all too soon. UH is dead... long live UH!
Die you nasties! Go back to sleep forever.

88% crit... SWEET!

Also sweet is now my framerate is finally great after years of bad QoP (read here).

Let's see now: 4½ minutes to kill UH including a few of his Awakened minions. Pretty typical and routine for me.

My total haul from TSB runs:
Charan's Sword, Tabula Rasa, Bramblejack Plate Vest, Lochtonial Caress Iron Gauntlets, and a Last Resort Nailed Fist. Very good with only a 9% increased rarity helmet in zone 1.

Another challenge league and another Oni-Goroshi. So will this be good for Cycloning in Delirium? Is there a better build for it? I'm open to suggestions if I want to salvage something out of this league with the stay at home order in effect (Florida). Right now I just got PoD (Path of Diablo) up and running on my Windows 10 and ready for a 4 player trip down memory lane (my D2 install shows a September 25, 2003 date) with my 2 BFFL that we trio played D2 back then. Amazing that their daughter is the one asking if we can play D2 now and with PoD providing maximum window size for playing with lots of enhancements and a PoD server in Miami it should be loads of fun. And with none of the one-shot bullshit and clusterfuck fx (WTF!, I can't see what the hell is going on in this fog!).

Stay safe exiles.  :)
"You've got to grind, grind, grind at that grindstone..."
Necessity may be the mother of invention, but poor QoP in PoE is the father of frustration.

The perfect solution to fix Trade Chat:
Last edited by Arrowneous#3097 on Apr 14, 2020, 2:56:00 AM
Hello again. Another day and another exile exercising in isolation being social distancing compliant. The beach would be a great place to jog if it weren't for the damn zombies and sand spitter critters. Then again if the beach was empty it would be pointless.

The old stomping ground of zone 1 is intimately familiar and the beach jogging, Hillock killing, and rince and repeat is completely comforting (never ever any concern about being one-shot). This league I started with only 2 OG farmers, with my first exile finding Uber Hillock at level 8.48. Alas, my 2nd exile had to go the full rince and repeat distance and is now the latest member of the Twilight Strand Beach Level 9 Club (not since Incursion league when I was at my peak of Oni-Goroshi farming insanity and ground out 4 OGs and two new TSBL9C members). I grind the low end, elite players grind the top end to get a level 100 build. To each their own poison way to play PoE. This time I chose to very casually do beach runs between other games such as playing World of Warplanes and while waiting for a match to start I can jump over to PoE, make a beach run, then go back to WoWP. That certainly removes the mind-numbingness of so many 100s of beach runs but the trade off is that it takes longer to find Uber Hillock and get Charan's Sword. I had stated that I was burned out on OG farming last league and wouldn't be doing this anymore but with Delirium league mechanics way over-tuned at league start (much better after the nerf patches) for my filthy casual playing of PoE I ended up back on the beach and back into my comfort zone once again. So here's my 2nd and final (for this league) UH battle.

Ah the TSB, the soothing sound of the water gently lapping up on the sand, the pitter patter of the light rain, the frequent moaning of the zombies, and the satisfying squeal of the death of another Sand Spitter. This has definitely been a great part of PoE and I will always salute Charan for his wonderful creation and GGG for allowing zone 1 to be a guaranteed 6L farming place. Such a shame that it will all end when PoE 2 turns the whole of a 6L upside down and destroys 6L gear farming forever. Sigh!

Now as the number of runs mounts and the xp incrementally rises my poor exile is once again calling for UH to come out and play to no avail:

Hmmm, has UH gone the way of Puff The Magic Dragon and locked himself away in his cave forever? Did GGG change the RNG on UH? Nope, just bad rng luck because finally:

And so the dance of death begins again:
At level 9 I can face tank UH until he pulls the sword out:

Oh my UH, have you been taking HGH (Hillock Growth Hormone)? You seem much bigger than before:

One last leap from UH (at 10% health) before he dies:

Uber Hillock is dead. Long live Uber Hillock!
Hillock is still a wimp even with the boss bump in HP and DPS this year.

Yuck, what a mess of Awakened Zombies put back to sleep forever. Fortunately the TSBL9C has another member to help with the beach cleanup.

Now for the prize he worked long for:

89% crit chance... sweet! 2 great rng rolls in a row.

So my haul on this exile is:

1. Enzomyte Peak iron hat
2. Lochtonial Caress iron gauntlets
3. Bramblejack plate vest
4. Oni-Goroshi Sword (89% crit)

Stay safe exiles... until next league.
"You've got to grind, grind, grind at that grindstone..."
Necessity may be the mother of invention, but poor QoP in PoE is the father of frustration.

The perfect solution to fix Trade Chat:
Last edited by Arrowneous#3097 on Apr 29, 2020, 9:13:39 AM

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