Oni-Goroshi in Current League - are You gonna farm it or drop it?

The_Scourge wrote:
Arrowneous wrote:
*bzzzt paging Mr Arrowneous, OG junkie extraordinaire*

I could probably influence that. I don't quite know how the PoE 2 skill gem system works though. Is it just a case of picking a skill that 'represents' the item? I am so not sold on this new system, what little I know. I thought it was cool when it was partially explained to me by Chris, but at that point I was under the impression it was for a truly new game, not the existing one, since it was basically, 'this is how I'd like to do it if we could do a sequel'.

I think converting the entirety of PoE '1' to this new system is deeply problematic.

Anyway, regarding OG, explain to me what's expected to happen.
My not so clear understanding is that items have a way to "hold" a gem and that the gem can be supported by other gems. My guess is something like the following. It is just a mostly uninformed guess though.

My new OG would come with stats
When it drops (or is converted) it gets an accompanying gem (or choice of gems!!!) that can have 5 supporting gems.
Gems could be switched at will.

If the OG drop or convert only comes with one option for the accompanying gems, that would be terrible. If it only comes with Molten Strike :( The value of the sword is it's flexibility for both early and late game use.

I'd like the drop to give the lucky player a pick two of the following 6 choices.

"Gratitude is wine for the soul. Go on. Get drunk." Rumi
US Mountain Time Zone
ChanBalam wrote:
The_Scourge wrote:
Arrowneous wrote:
*bzzzt paging Mr Arrowneous, OG junkie extraordinaire*

I could probably influence that. I don't quite know how the PoE 2 skill gem system works though. Is it just a case of picking a skill that 'represents' the item? I am so not sold on this new system, what little I know. I thought it was cool when it was partially explained to me by Chris, but at that point I was under the impression it was for a truly new game, not the existing one, since it was basically, 'this is how I'd like to do it if we could do a sequel'.

I think converting the entirety of PoE '1' to this new system is deeply problematic.

Anyway, regarding OG, explain to me what's expected to happen.
My not so clear understanding is that items have a way to "hold" a gem and that the gem can be supported by other gems. My guess is something like the following. It is just a mostly uninformed guess though.

My new OG would come with stats
When it drops (or is converted) it gets an accompanying gem (or choice of gems!!!) that can have 5 supporting gems.
Gems could be switched at will.

If the OG drop or convert only comes with one option for the accompanying gems, that would be terrible. If it only comes with Molten Strike :( The value of the sword is it's flexibility for both early and late game use.

I'd like the drop to give the lucky player a pick two of the following 6 choices.


You are correct that the value of the sword is its flexibility, and that's 100% intentional. The flavour text for TGU was much more explicit here, but the basic idea was that She's tried two other methods of being useful but for some reason keeps being rejected or discarded (meta humour is fun), so evolves one last time to be anything Her wielder might need. It's a partial transformation, of course, because we none of us are quite so flexible as to be everything someone else might need. There's still the fire theme, and the drawback of no off-hander, but the core idea is 'fine, fuck you, do what you want after all, just don't let me go'. She'd never admit it, but becoming TGU/OG is a desperate move.

I've known for over a year that whatever form PoE 4.0 took, OG wouldn't be a part of it. I knew it was a new set of acts, an alternate path to endgame, which meant that there'd be no Twilight Strand to farm, no Hillock, ergo no sword (although from what I've seen now that I know this alternate path is separated from the current by time, not place, the opening is pretty damn similar). And that's fine, because I have no intention of writing more lines, paying for more voice work, etc. OG stays in the OG campaign, as it were.

That all said, look at this again:

Every gem socketed in an item will be active gem and supports are handled in a separate window. Okay. And gems themselves have the sockets (presumably).

What items such as OG and Tabula would need is the ability to read any socketed gem as 'six link' but to have only one or two gem sockets. This would nicely emulate what's going on right now, although you will inevitably lose the flexibility of, say, two active skills with 4 shared supports or, even crazier, 3 active gems with 3 shared supports. For now, let's assume the vast majority of OG users are doing 1 with 5. It's the most efficient, and with the new system, you'll be able to do 1 with X supports in several other items anyway.

So that's the ideal. Man, this is going to be a nightmare for the underlings to implement. Not just for OG or Tabula but all existing 5-6Lers. Like I said, this made a lot more sense when it was the core skill mechanic for a new game, but to replace an already complicated-as-shit one with an equally complicated-as-shit one? It's like trying to give someone a skeletal transplant without killing them. I mean, TencentGGG might have some deliciously elegant solution up their sleeves but...when's the last time you saw GGG be deliciously elegant about anything?

Account sharing/boosting is a bannable offence. No ifs, ands, or buts. No exceptions. Not even for billionaires.

Post this sentiment publicly and see how long it lasts here.
And The Hunt begins...

Interesting thing, this started to drop:

Hunt done, and with near perfect crit roll too!
Is possible drop more 1 oni-goroshi for character ?
GuiMadruga wrote:
Is possible drop more 1 oni-goroshi for character ?

1 Oni-Goroshi per character.
I'll just buy one for vanity.
Never invite Vorana, Last To Fall at a beer party.
I ran the farm for the first time since the big nerf several leagues ago. Man that was painful.

Every inch of sand for quite a ways was covered in zombie bodies, just a sea of them that is almost worth the effort of uploading somewhere to link.

If I EVER do it again, it will be just to have one in SSF. Thankfully I don't care enough about SSF for that to be likely anytime soon.
Yep, totally over league play.
Im SSF so... All 5 huntHers are lvl7 so Hillock runs only. I must say Kinetic Blast or Bolt whatever that skills name is, is way better than Spectral Throw.
de99ial wrote:
Im SSF so... All 5 huntHers are lvl7 so Hillock runs only. I must say Kinetic Blast or Bolt whatever that skills name is, is way better than Spectral Throw.

I agree, I found that skill early on in one of my farm runs and by the end all of them were using it. That is one killer skill, especially for a level 1 skill.

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