Oni-Goroshi in Current League - are You gonna farm it or drop it?

I'm doing Torstein's Oni-Goroshi Slayer Cyclone build because I've never actually done a Cyclone build before. Just hit level 93 and it's feeling pretty strong so far, even though some of the gear is still trash and most of my gems are still 20/0.

Just farmed mine, first time ever doing it and leveling with it :) is fun!

Boomshakalakaring wrote:
Just farmed mine, first time ever doing it and leveling with it :) is fun!

It is :)
trying to farm my 6th 56pct into 8 on 1 char and 50pct into 7 on another. will update
98pct into 8 on one char 22pct into 8 on another still no luck. expect to see it when i hit 9 i guess? maybe?
Is it hard ?
Last edited by ShaosiZei#5728 on Jan 13, 2020, 1:23:02 PM
Hardest part. Most numbing.
Little over 9 hours total between 4 characters and still haven't met UH. Will edit if I ever do...

First char is almost level 8 while the rest are mid level 7.
I got it!
Level 8, 2 hours 54 minutes of playtime.



Dropped a second one!
Level 8, 3 hours 4 minutes of playtime

Last edited by Kennelmus#1805 on Jan 16, 2020, 3:35:11 AM
Do runs only for Hillock. Repeat. Repeat. Maby You will get into "9th Level Club"?
Kennelmus wrote:
Little over 9 hours total between 4 characters and still haven't met UH. Will edit if I ever do...

First char is almost level 8 while the rest are mid level 7.

As stated by others once you get to level 7 there is no need to keep killing zombies and definitely avoid wasting time on the spitters (insignificant xp). All that matters is the very low rng chance that the zone will roll uber Hillock or not (mostly not). So running up your xp doesn't help get you better a rng roll on the next TSB instance. Only time I shoot anything as a ranger is when I can get a triple kill with 1 arrow (rare), the zombie is right in my path, or the zombie is in my way killing Hillock. Otherwise just run past. By level 7 you should have been lucky enough to get 10% speed boots. On my 3 UH farmer rotation I did have the unfortunate bad luck of having all 3 exiles into level 8 (typical for me) before UH finally came up on the PoE rng slot machine.

By focusing on Hillock kill runs only/mostly you should get UH to come out and play with your exile in under 3 hours of game time x 3 exile rotation = < 9 hours total physical time. My Metamorph UH sighting and kill came at just under 3 hours:

My Metamorph UH fight

I will seriously miss this part of PoE come PoE 2 and no more six link weapons to chase after. Chasing a 6L skill gem just won't ever have the same impact as TSB farming for Charan's Sword and with so many skills available if patch 4.0 still has the TSB UH challenge for a 6L skill gem it'll probably be a rng skill gem drop meaning I'll get one that is a garbage skill. SIGH! If I won't be able to pick the skill that I get to 6L upon killing UH (99.99% sure GGG won't give us any choice that way, just more 100% weighted rng drop bullshit) then that will definitely be the end of UH farming. Now I understand (mostly) why Charan quit so suddenly and dramatically.
"You've got to grind, grind, grind at that grindstone..."
Necessity may be the mother of invention, but poor QoP in PoE is the father of frustration.

The perfect solution to fix Trade Chat:
Last edited by Arrowneous#3097 on Jan 15, 2020, 10:13:23 PM

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