150 points map tab bollocks BONUS: Fragment tab is 75 points, totaling at 22,5$!
" Do you really need a ton of tabs in SSF? I mean, people tend to use more there because they're saving all gear that might be good to twink other chars but I don't see it actively preventing you from doing all content. Again, if you're after all content you aren't a casual player, you're serious about PoE and will likely invest a ton of time into it so you should pay something, and PoE at least does a good job of scaling that something. Personally, I don't see the map tab as a necessity at any stretch, it honestly doesn't seem nearly as convenient as the currency tab. Hell, I probably won't buy it myself because I don't need it, with the way I play the game there are no problems with storing maps. Wish the armchair developers would go back to developing armchairs. ◄[www.moddb.com/mods/balancedux]► ◄[www.moddb.com/mods/one-vision1]► Last edited by raics#7540 on Dec 13, 2017, 12:41:54 PM
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I just want to point out that the map tab is less pay to win than the other tabs. In recent leagues I would use 4x quad tabs to store maps, one for low tier, one for mid tier, one for high tier, one for fragments + unique maps. Before quad tabs came along, I would use double to triple that amount of regular tabs to store my maps. The map tab's capacity is 72 of every type of map and it has separate categories for shaped maps. It stores over 12000 maps in it(I'm not sure how many shaper's orbs we get now so I can't calculate the exact number). The old quad tab stored 576 maps per tab and costs the same 150 points.
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QQ free game no bitching.
Fact of the matter is for years people have been able to and some still do play with 4 tabs. As if you need a div card tab, I have the points to buy one and I dont. I also don't have an essence tab, a quad tab or any other special tab, other then the currency tab. "but don't you have the map tab" No I don't. I'll likely get it on sale at some point or if i reach the point to where I have almost all of my atlas unlocked in the temp league and want to make it easier to dump maps into where i want them to go. Furthermore, premium tab isnt needed because acquisition works. And while a currency tab helps you keep your currency organized, lets be honest all that really matters there is knowing at a glance how much chaos you have. "but you have XX tabs and your able to trade more and easier then me" As if I care to trade more or easier, I got them back when there wasnt much else to buy. Furthermore, if your reaching the point to where you feel "forced" to spend money on tabs, chances are you likely would want to support the game anyway and what better way to do that then to get you something that just helps keeps you organized. If you don't think its ethical to sell premium tabs, your simply wrong and have absolutely no clue on how games like this works. Very few games can say they are "more ethical" then poe, leaving what dota 2. MAYBE, GGG should add a tab or two extra for free, but the argument always comes up that they dont need to because they give you 24 character slots for free to mule and if you absolutely must horde more, you are free to make mule accounts. How about you should focus on more important issues then something you arent even effected by.....just stirring up shit to stir up shit. https://youtu.be/T9kygXtkh10?t=285 FeelsBadMan Remove MF from POE, make juiced map the new MF. Last edited by goetzjam#3084 on Dec 13, 2017, 1:23:44 PM
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I kind of agree with the OP that as we get more and more stuff to collect, tabs have become more of a necessity than a luxury. However, I'm not sure if just giving them away is the best thing to do.
What I would do is grant new accounts small amounts of points when they reach certain milestones for the first time. Something like 5 points each time you complete a new act, and maybe some more for reaching certain map tiers or defeating certain endgame bosses. Up to a total of maybe 200 points. That's enough for the very basics at least, and it requires some effort on the player's part. |
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You can't spend 15 hours a day making a game this deep without paying yourself and the people who help you a living wage.
Enjoy going through life (or at least until you have to pay your own rent) thinking that no one deserves to make money off their creativity and labor. GGG is a business, welcome to reality. There model is what it is, frankly I wish they'd charge $60 just to download so I could read less entitled whining from worthless leeches on the forums. All of you, each and every one, need to understand how life actually works, sad fact of reality, you will almost never be able to enjoy someone elses creative output unless those people can feed themselves and clothes themselves and raise a family on the money that productivity can provide. If everyone freeloads, then nothing gets made and we all get to go back to caveman times and have 20 year life spans where 1% of us ever mate and most of us live in servitude to the guy with the worst temper and best ability to beat the shit out of us. I'll take the modern model of civilization where we all try to cooperate to some degree using the abstraction of Money as a way to allow everyone at least a fighting chance. I understand that everyone needs to make money to be able to do more than subsist. Some day you will understand this truth as well. I am thankful for the gaming hobby, it's my favorite way to spend free time, I will always spend a modest amount of money on it (relative to my means). Sadly I will also spend many more years reading posts like the OP's I've already seen a shameful and embarrassing number of these sorts of posts in over 20 years being on the internet. Before it was F2P games is was Shareware games. I pride myself in knowing I wont be raising children that think everything should be free; poorly prepared for the massive shock of the real world where you have to work your ass off if you want anything unless you're carried by your parents wealth or their shit child rearing. Pandering to players who don't want consequences for their mistakes is a perfect description of what went fundamentally wrong with D3 and 4.
If they wanted mindless mobile game time waster gameplay they sure did make some perplexing choices and marketing statements for 6 fucking years. |
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" The point is fine, but I advise saving this post somewhere and reading it again in, say, 20 years. You're going to get a kick out of it, I promise. Wish the armchair developers would go back to developing armchairs.
◄[www.moddb.com/mods/balancedux]► ◄[www.moddb.com/mods/one-vision1]► |
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" Perfect example, harbinger league which many considered to be the dumpster league. Out of all the premium tabs I own I actually only used about 7 total tabs that league. Now before you go WAIT its 4 tabs, I had 5 fully geared toons who were capable of shaper. So If I just played those 5 toons on 5 different accounts I would of theoretically had 480 tabs at my disposal at 5 accounts with 4 tabs each soo your theory is invalid. Would it have been a minor nusaince to have to mutli account yes but it isn't that big of a deal especially as in poe you can do it legally without having to sandbox or VM client like you used to have to do in DII, and lets not pretend for even a micro second that anyone who played DII didn't have a billion accounts of mules. You can scream all day long that its not fair, and its p2win or that the sun rises from north and sets in the south but it doesn't make it true. Your opinion is not fact no matter how much you wish it to be so. Not one thing has anyone ever said concerning mtx's in poe given you an unduplicatabile advantage. Premium tabs - acusition or other tools. Multi tabs - multi accounts and muling - Crazy pixels well use a sharpie on your monitor its all good. |
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You cannot mule between accounts in SSF.
Apart from that, I don't care, its fine if I have to pay to play the game, I got enough stash tabs. They should just not advertise it as "everything is free to play", because by now, major features of the game are not anymore, and the amount of features that are for paying customers only get bigger every league. Personally I would anyway prefer PoE to be pay2play, not this mediocre state it is in right now, but that is just my opinion. Oh, and yeah, the map tab in its current form isn't worth it. Remove Horticrafting station storage limit. Last edited by Char1983#2680 on Dec 13, 2017, 3:39:34 PM
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Despite my strong reservations about lab and less strong reservations other aspects of the game, I'm still playing the game a fair amount and enjoying it overall. So, I spent $15 to buy points and then bought a map stash tab.
I find item management to be quite a bit less fun than playing, and so to me the map stash tab is worth the price being charged. The OP has their own perspective, which is fine. We're all entitled to our opinions. Now that prestige classes will finally leave lab in 4.0, will GGG get it right this time or will they find new ways to repeat old mistakes?
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QoL=time, time=currency. People who paid have more time and space to be rich. Nothing really hard to comprehend, maybe only for die hard PoE fans, but let's be honest - most of us, people who play PoE a lot, spent already more money here than for a regular AAA game. It's a common business model for f2p games, GGG is far from common p2w, but with so many tabs already it's safe to say, that we're reaching that point. OP has 100% right. I will buy it (when it goes for sale), but it doesn't mean I'm happy about it and it doesn't mean I agree with GGG policy. Greed 100%. You have yellow info, that there are new mtx, but when server suddenly goes down nothing. So many crashes, so many lags - with all that money from qol and mtx, I mean wtf. 2017 and PoE still has major issues with server/game stability. FPS drops are of course daily basis, but with so many shit going on the screen, let's forgive them just that :P
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