New Skill and Support Gem Interactions
" Melee only needs to be nigh on immortal so they can properly wade through swarms of enemies instead of getting overwhelmed like chumps. "Into the Labyrinth!
left step, right step, step step, left left. Into the Labyrinth!" |
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Can someone enlighten me as to how Volley is any different from GMP/LMP other than trajectory? And ultimately if that's the only difference, is there really any point in it?
I'm confused, I mean shit, it looks awesome but I feel like I'm missing the point, we have additional projectile skill gems. Is there another interaction I've missed? |
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Sire of shards
Frostbolt + Spell Echo + GMP + Spell Cascade + Spell Totem 2x Frozen Trail Hierophant, Soul Mantle, Ancestral Bond keystone = ??? Last edited by DNOnnie#2179 on Nov 28, 2017, 6:47:47 AM
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Volley still looks kinda gross unfortunately. Eugh.
" The coverage of Volley is much, much better than GMP's. You can actually hit things that are to the side of the initial target, and you don't lose range by virtue of not firing at an angle. There's no point in running GMP Incinerate unless the Damage penalty on Volley is twice as high. Last edited by Vipermagi#0984 on Nov 28, 2017, 6:46:30 AM
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" GGG wont nerf ranged playstyle. they 'bought' players by handing out the free power for years now, there is no turning back. and it is true - there wont be any sensible balance without SERIOUS ranged nerfs. these wont happen. sad thing is - melee buffs are nowhere to be seen. auto targeting melee has is STILL worse than what Diablo 2 (TWO) had. most bosses are melee-unfriendly, heck some seem to be designed with only standoff gameplay in mind. new uniques - these interesting ones - are non-melee and clearspeed.. Kinetic Blast with 1c items in each slot WIPES THE FLOOR with any melee setup you name with any gear you name. it is non-comparable (flicker while good cannot be controled so you pray rather than play). Vaal Power Siphon is even more bonkers your opinion on the only melee support gem so far, the Ancestral Whatever? the gem that they they seem to themselves deem filler because they decided to not include in this preview post? there are 8 new gems. 1 has been ignored. which one and why? Last edited by sidtherat#1310 on Nov 28, 2017, 6:56:27 AM
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" It would be cool if used with Spell Totem + Ice Nova. But unfortunately only 1 cast of Nova will be procured, and not from all Frostbolt projectiles. I am wandering if make otherwise? Many spell totems with Ice Nova, and 1 Frostbolt from which tens of Ice Nova's will be procured! |
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Common GGG, give us skill gem with a long range and large aoe with a base damage like ice crash , a reverse ground slam a falling rock when we hit the ground! Or make melee splash works on every melee skill gem?! Common common common gives us some fun. Caster ain't fun for me even thier superior and viable on many ways.
Last edited by 2pher#4748 on Nov 28, 2017, 8:37:59 AM
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Are you doing any changes to traps and the Saboteur ascendancy class at all?
I surely hope so, been too long that you left those as is / in a rather sad state. |
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All the complain i see is unresolvable, mélée demand clearspeed with no extended range (because it would not be true mélée anymore).
Do you realise what you ask? do you even know what you want? That said, i agree that they should be a direct link between the risk taken by the player and the damage output; and we'll all agree that melee is the most dangerous place to be. So in my mind melee should allways outdamage range (with similar gear/build quality/viability) but clearspeed? not a chance. And as range have all these nice chain/fork/etc that mele don't have, well it wouldn't be melee if it had it, no? bonus Question: Is turning your Char into a living projectile count as melee? To get back on topic, i like these new skills/skin, more options are allways nice. PS: Hope i'm understandable, not a native english speaker. |
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If Spell Totem weren't garbo ...
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