New Skill and Support Gem Interactions

Spectral Throw + Volley... Kreygasm
3.14 - Removed Harvest from the game.
New skills, could be fun to level with, but that's it.
All those necro corpse spells, you can't clear end game with that shit.
Need to spam corpses in a one button game? Too complicated.
Also they don't do aggro, and leech is weak if possible at all.

Cremation is still odd for being a green gem 40 dex:30 int, huh?
It's a aoe firespell mostly, should have been green or blue.
"Players can now smack around players who are having trouble very early on."
Elemenz wrote:

Cremation is still odd for being a green gem 40 dex:30 int, huh?
It's a aoe firespell mostly, should have been green or blue.

Blah-blah-blah Fire trap
Last edited by Thaerathandel#4437 on Nov 28, 2017, 3:49:07 AM
Dat hunter seeker necro fireballs.
The interest grows, at a controlled level.
■► It's a business. You won't get the full experience.
■► Yes, this is an addiction. This is a Slot Machine. I am addicted.
■► You won't be rewarded. There is no reward.
How does Spell Cascade work with AOE spells which originates from player as center?
Such as:
Shock Nova
Ice Nova

And others?

Or it doesn't work with them, only with Area targeted skills???

Does it works with mines/traps?

Storm Call + Spell Echo + Spell Cascade = 6 casts?!
WoW !!!
Ok GGG you showed us some good stuff. Now we wait for all these skill nerfs in 3.1 which you still dont showed ;p
SirKnightRoe wrote:
Definitely using Volley With Freezing Pulse. Dreams do come true! Pure Cold Wave. Now its time for MTX on FP.

I have the same idea! probably with new unique dagger :)

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