[3.5] League Starter W.O.E Sund Slayer / 35c Day 1 Cost / U-Lab Sprinter / High Damage Mitigation
Hey there,
first off, great detailed build. I was wondering if it would be possible to play the very same build as a Gladiator? Since i am looking for a strong Sunder Gladiator as my League Starter for 3.3 Cheers |
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" As has been said before, you can easily go other ascendancies like Gladiator or Champion (you can even run this build as any of the three Marauder ascendacnies) but the final build result will either be a bit more defence and dramatically less damage, or a bit more damage and dramatically less defence. The slayer version of this build is the perfect balance of both for the Uber lab and <T10 mapping speed. I would say if you were going the Maruader route for an Uber Lab / League Starter equivelant of this build, then Nathan's Reave/BF Champion would be the best option. You can find his full build video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W1lAuD4h7c4 - there is a POB link under the video for all the gear and tree info you need. Last edited by Adambjjoz#2403 on May 24, 2018, 6:36:48 PM
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Thank you for the Reply!
I think i will go Gladiator with Blood in the Eyes -> Gracious Violence -> -> Painforged -> Versatile Combatant Getting rid of 2h Axe nodes and getting into shields nodes. This should make me tanky and get me enough DPS at the same time i guess? Last edited by Delroy77#0086 on May 25, 2018, 4:14:42 AM
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Just started playing yesterday, so apologies if my question is stupid or nonsensical. Will this build be useful once it’s kicked to Standard? Is standard lab farming a thing, or does everyone pretty much always start over with each new league? Tangentially, would there be something better for me to use until incursion starts? Thanks! |
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" Yeah it's the same. There is no difference with the Uber Lab between Temp Leagues and the Standard version of the game. Most players play leagues all the time, only playing standard in the 1-5 day breaks between the 3 month long leagues. Recently that's been a bit different though, because the Beastiary league was an unmitigated disaster and most players went back to standard after about a week into the league, only going back to Beastiary in the last few weeks to participate in the current short term 3-week races. The current races and bestiary league finishes in about 3 days I think, so you may as well have a play around in Standard and just get used to the game and the levelling process for a while, before the new Incursion league starts in about a week. |
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" No idea, it will all depend on your gear you chose to go with I guess. But good luck with your character none the less though. |
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How did you all go in the Beastiary Flashback races you competed in?
I did the Softcore BRE001 race as a Necro Summoner (Summon Burning Spectres - https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1971585/page/1) and did way better than expected. I ended up at about L95 and a bit after the first 2 weeks, then stopped the race. I did it solo all the way because I wasn't organised enough to get a group going. Oh man, the solo grind from 92-95 is a hell of an experience if you haven't done it for ages (or at all). You'd have to have been going full bore unemployed in your Mum's basement no-life streamer mode to get 100. My final results, which were personal bests's for me: Necromancer Rank #45 Witch Rank #147 Overall Rank #951 Thought it was a great achievement considering I only had at max a couple of hours a night to play, through the whole race. Makes it even sweeter that a whopping 7% of the entire race contestants were playing the exact same ascendancy, too. I was never going to be in the mix for a top-10 Demi prize, but maybe getting to 95 will get me a better MTX prize than the usual burnt-toast level award of a fern for the hideout, or some shitty footprints? |
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The first part and round of the official 3.3 Patch Notes come out tomorrow everyone. I'll update the build as needed, but at this stage, it looks like pretty well nothing is set to change for us in any noticeable way at all.
It should be noted that barring any major changes, this will still not only be a brilliant Tier-1 levelling and Uber Lab build for the Incursion League due to using Sunder, but possibly one of the best levelling builds for doing Incursions in the levelling process. We even have the option of going 2 x 1-hander's for attack and movement speed, or a chunky 2-hander for raw DPS all the way through levelling, too. Unlike other leagues, builds like this for the Incursion league could reap some seriously big rewards in the opening week, outside of the Uber Lab. Especially in the opening three days, where the Incursion Temple and Incursion's in general look set to drop absolutely filthy amounts of currency, quality-gems, unique's and maps. They'll do this all the way through the levelling process and then afterwards you don't need to run incursions/temples between anything other than Tier 3 - Tier 8 maps to get all the best stuff, because as far aw we are aware and via Chris Wilson's public comments, Tier9+ incursions are only basically for hunting high ilvl item bases. Even all the league unique's are droping in the lower tier incursions/temples. In order to achieve that, your going to need a build which is tanky, fast via a movement skill, has high damage mitigation, has fast attack or cast speed, can move up & down levels quickly through vaal-pyramid type levels & can burst down bosses in small areas while still being mobile - this is our build in a nutshell. I'll review and update the build as info is confirmed and made official by the Dev's. |
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Doesn't look like a single thing from the official patch notes today affects our build, gear, gem choices, jewels, ascendancy or skill nodes. Business as usual folks & with the meta shifting towards traps and elemental attack/casting skills, looks like our gear will become way less in demand and cheaper on day 1-4 of the new league, too.
A few interesting changes of note that helps us: - GGG finally fixed the bug stopping lab trials / breaches / abyss's and other map and zone add-on's from being able to appear together. Now they will have multiple map sub-area's enabled per map and zone, so Uber lab trials and abyss belts will be easier than ever to obtain. - A stack of new enchants have been added to every iteration and difficulty of the Lab's. All the new trap and vaal-skill base enchant's for the helm's are going to be hot property, so read up a bit on the new meta builds to find out what helm's are worth buying on the cheap to apply the Uber Lab enchant's on. Last edited by Adambjjoz#2403 on May 29, 2018, 10:03:09 PM
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This will be my starter for Friday. I'm new to lab running and I have a couple questions: I consider myself as mechanical good player but I'm really bad at Poe economy. I have time to play 24/7 for the first couple days and this will be the first time I'll enjoy a league start this way. So my questions are: -When you have the build up and running do you transform all your currency in exalt in the first day's? I always end up having a bunch of stuff in my currency tab and doing nothing with it - do you buy offerings or do you run lab carries? I never paid attention to offering prices during a league so when is the best time to buy them (never did a lab service but I don't think I'll enjoy it so buy offerings and run solo will probably be my way to go) do the prices differ on good/bad lab layouts? - do you use your fuses to try and 6-link stuff to make bank or just convert them into chaos/ex? -suppose meta helmets will be quite expensive at the start. So when do you buy them? Also: do you look at their rolls or just buy the cheapest cause a gg enchant doesn't care about rolls and you can always divine for better rolls? -when do you start farming lab at league start? I plan to play this build for lab farming an building my shaped t11 atlas. Then use my currency for a wander or bow char. Thanks in advance for your answers. If you don't want to share your league start get rich strategies you are welcome to tell me your strats via pm :D |
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