[3.5] League Starter W.O.E Sund Slayer / 35c Day 1 Cost / U-Lab Sprinter / High Damage Mitigation
" OK, so: - You transfer all currency upwards into Exalt's if saving up to going back to standard mode. - You transfer a bit of it into a few Exalts if your looking to play and build new characters right through till the end of the league (when Exalt's are worth a lot). - You liquidate any and all items into Chaos orb's as quickly as possible normally though early in a season, to buy otherwise expensive equipment for your next planned character while it's still relatively cheap. Not cheap as in Chaos amount at the start of the season, but cheap as in it's cost relative to that of later in the league. This needs to be put in context though, because early in the league great items are cheap because people are low on currency, while shit quality items are expensive because there is high demand for anything useable players can get their hands on - so what you want to do is have a second and third character/build planned out in advance, so you can buy their really expensive gear for cheap at the start of the season. " Offerings can be bought for 1-alch to 5-chaos depending the day and the seller. I find running T1-4 maps quickly in the opening week allows me to accumulate more offerings than I can use just by doing the Uber-Lab trials in those maps. The Global-820 trial/challenge chat channel has people sitting in it all day offering free invites to do their Lab Trials too. I often jump in there and finish the trial first to get that Offering, then say thanks and portal out. Uber Lab carries are a waste of time and money even though you can charge 6chaos - 10chaos a person, generally speaking. When playing with a big group in the Lab, the game often de-synch's or disconnects players from the group, wasting their time and money, leaving you needing to re-run them again or feeling guilty for not running them again. The cruel and Merc Lab's however - these are filled with less content and can be done in 2-3min without the same desynch or disconnect issues and low-level plebs will pay up to 5 chaos a run. These Lab's cost nothing to enter, so nothing gained is nothing lost for them, no hard feelings if it doesn't work out. You'll easily make enough money off quality gems, maps, uniques and currency drops in any solo run Uber Lab anyway, to afford buying 1 or more offerings. It's an easy self-sustaining thing to do. You only need to hit one good helm enchant and you are financially set for the rest of the season, so don't forget that either. " This one is a gamble to be honest. I've been playing since 2014 and in all that time only ever 6-linked a chest or 2-handed weapon once in less than 1500 fusings. IMO it's always going to be more worth your time to sell fusings for chaos and pay the 3Ex-6Ex it costs for the 6-link item of your choice. Especially considering a 5-link version of anything rarely costs more than 50chaos and almost always get's you to end-game stuff easily. You can always just buy a shitty rolled 6-link of what you are looking for and pay 10c a go to divine orb the stat rolls into something better, too. " Meta helm's technically will be the: 1 - ilvl 86+ shaped/elder good bases 2 - ilvl 83+ shaped/elder good bases 3 - Any ilvl 4-link capable popular Unique Helm 4 - ilvl 86+ white standard good bases 5 - ilvl 83+ white standard good bases Generally speaking though, most players just take in any of the following and apply an enchant while praying to the RNG baby jeesus: Lightpoacher, Starkonja’s, Abyssus, The Barron, Indigon, Devoto's Devotion & Rat’s Nest unique helm’s. Royal Burgonet, Lion Pelt & Hubris Circle standard white bases. If you get lucky, then you bring in a high ilvl version of the white bases I just mentioned, but the Elder/Shaper versions of them. Having said that though, getting a helm enchant for Tornado Shot, Cyclone, Generic Attack Speed or Molten Strike on pretty much anything is likely a 15 Exalt - 20 Exalt value enchant right there. God only knows what the Trap enchants will turn out to be worth this season? " It's not often mentioned in levelling guides, but the first Lab, then cruel and merc Lab's are the most dense areas and zones in the entire levelling process. They are easily twice as dense as the next closest zone in the entire levelling process. So take advantage of them and farm them for gear, quality gems and basic mid-level enchants on levelling gear as you progress. As far as the Uber Lab is concerned, I start farming that once I have all the gear advised in the build guide. I clear the lab the instant I hit L70 and kill Kitava & finish Act 10 for that 4th ascendancy - but it's not efficient IMO to start farming the lab until you have the gear advised in the build guide and can smash out the Uber Lab persistently and safely in under 5min. Usually by day 2 of a new league, I have the gear required to start farming the Uber Lab efficiently. I usually then have enough currency and gear gained by day 5 of the new league to start on my second planned build for the league - which is often a map clearing magic find character. I'll then use that character for a couple of weeks to farm up the currency and gear needed for a end-game boss killing 3rd character. Then by the end of month #1, I usually have enough currency and gear to play around and test new builds for the whole second month of the league, which leaves the last month of the league open to join in any of the league races. " No point in me hiding anything or being secretive, that's the entire opposite to the point of this build and guide. Hope the responses were helpful. |
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This was really really helpful and insightful, thank you!
Beeing only on mobile(hospital till tomorrow, nothing scary), which lessens my research capabilitys quite a bit, while giving me time to plan and think about my league start, a couple more questions came to my mind. As I said first time since I play I have time to play during release week. So I would again be thankful for your thoughts: - they added plenty new helm enchants so I think about enchanting boots first for a more consistent income and to see how the trap meta evolves? - how do you handle trade requests during your lab runs? -why do you get your dw nodes that early? (Mad paint skills btw!;) ) to be more flexible while leveling? As I see you only benefit from these when you have woe or am I missing sth.? I'm also considering rushing resolute techniques and respect later. In flashback I leveled as dw sunder and missing stuff really sucked. With 2 hand and slower attack animation my guess it would feel even worse. http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAABAQBAAmW6wk5Dpd5hVLHKrkdR35lTb02eWgx-5tYf-PBBMqQFezkUV8_6hjZYb6nhNn3MulGivCpbq2NdqzPfnfjAdx82QAAAAA= Sth. Like this and respec later (only 5 points) while leveling. Getting a princess as stat stick and leveling as dw is probably not a good option because of slayer I guess? Last edited by Netaxo#6015 on May 30, 2018, 11:00:06 AM
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Dude awesome build to start a league
I have a few questions for you . Just for sure I am not good at this build making staffs. First I am not sure but after 85 lvl which one is better for you Jewel Sockets or Increase Life or some Attack Speed from Berserking ? Second and probably a stupid question I couldn't figure out Which body armour are we going to equip ? |
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" 1 - I find the general rule of thumb is aim for 5000 life, then work on increasing attack speed for more DPS and quality of life (more attack speed = faster attacks, faster multistrike hitting, WAY faster leap slamming & less time stuck doing the sunder hit animation). It's still up to you though. 2 - You use a strength based body armour while levelling up. Read the build guide to find out why we only use a Tabula or Dialla's Robe once fully geared (it's because of the Unique Helm we use). Last edited by Adambjjoz#2403 on May 30, 2018, 9:03:15 PM
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" Boot enchants are nearly all worthless except for the "Extra Crit Chance if haven't crit recently" and "Mana/Life Leech on hit" enchants. Even so, they aren't even worth that much. They maybe add like 5-10 chaos to the value of a pair of boots. Boots are all very specific to each build too, unlike helm's which are pretty universal in that any iteration of the Strangth/Dex/Int based helms are workable for most builds based within one of those attribute bases. I handle trade requests by activating the /DND command while running labs (It means "do not disturb" - it prevents any chat or trade/invite notifications from appearing on your screen). I run 5 (or however many) Labs straight, then map for the rest of my time playing that evening. This means I can pump out the Lab's quickly and uninterrupted, then re-activate notifications by typing in the /DND command into the chat box a second time, to enable trade/chat requests again. I sort my loot, vendor what I dont need and then I hop in and out of maps to trade & sell as needed. I have the Dual Wield nodes taken early because a lot of players like to level up with two 1-handed melee weapons, due to the increased attack speed it grants, which is a huge quality of life boost via making-leap slam move way quicker and faster. Like any of the stats on the tree though, don't take them while levelling if you dont want or need them. For example, my experience levelling in the Beastiary league just passed was so bad and bothersome (red beasts 1-shotting me from multiple screens away), I've decided that from now on I'm going to have a linked "Cast on Death" + "Portal" setup somewhere in my build, so I can simply just blast through the levelling process taking almost nothing but the DPS nodes on the skill tree, dying 50+ times over if need be. It makes little to no difference to me in the end because I'm playing softcore and the gear & tree nodes you have by the time you Level to 70 give you all the surviveability and health you need to go on from there anyway. Obviously however, this is not going to be viable for those playing hardcore or other modes where you want to keep safe, or you are someone who was previously like the old me, who hated the thought of dying. IMO it simply doesn't matter to me any more, as the experience penalty on death when dying while levelling is laughable, as it takes about 5min to just level up through the next zone on, anyway. Yes, my l33t MS Paint skills put modern and ancient artists to shame. Their work in comparison to mine is bad and they should truly feel bed for that, too :) You can rush RT, or not, it's purely a preference. Ultimately you either use two 1-hander's and move/leap-slam quick then take a while to kill stuff, or you use a 2-hander and move/leap-slam slower but kill things quickly. The league mechanic for this up-coming incursion league in a few days is a countdown timer in each incursion based off killing the volume of enemies, so perhaps the 2-handed route of being able to actually get things killed while plodding through the incursion to keep the timer up is the better tactic? This may or may not be the best advice though, because it's really also dependent on what rare/unique drops you find along the way, too. If your lucky enough to get two really well rolled rings and a pair of useable gloves with high phys damage rolls on them, then you can go dual 1-hander's and utilise the extra move speed because the other gear gives you the damage you need. The situation is a fluid one though, because as you level up, that gear and those stats will become next to useless in possibly just 10 levels up from where you are now. So you'll need to think about your options because you don't have much chance to re-spec your skill tree nodes when starting a new league, due to not having any currency yet. As for the Princess Unique / Stat Sticks, I don't put much of that stuff into consideration because you simply can't plan for any of that stuff dropping or being affordable on day 1/2 of a new league & you need your currency saved up to afford the gear you need for hitting L70 down the line on day 1 or 2. Being a non-crit build and a build in general that is disposed of within 7 days of the league starting, there seems little point to me in investing the time and money to gear-up the character further like that. Especially when there are just way better end-game viable Sunder or Slayer builds out there that you could simply re-spec into down the line anyway, if you don't want to park this character for future use as a Lab Farmer for your own enchants / currency-gain. Last edited by Adambjjoz#2403 on May 30, 2018, 9:06:24 PM
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" Whoa, sounds kinda strange to hear answer like that from a fellow lab lab farmer. Both Added Lightning damage when you have not killed recently, and more so Ele Pen enchant were selling easily on my Atziry Step's i was buying for 5-10c and selling for 35-40c for added lightning, and even higher ( upwards of 70-80c) for ele pen. Also a good target for chants are high IIQ rolled Goldwyrms, but they aren't cheap too. Last edited by iDielord#4648 on May 30, 2018, 9:28:14 PM
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" It's more about efficiency in running the Lab for profitable returns. Valuable or decent boot enchants are very hard to come by and then when they do, they just aren't worth that much & even when they are, take ages to sell. They also don't really boost a build or it's gear that noticeably. They are great to have, but they aren't the difference between being able to do certain content or not, like Helm enchant's are. Helm enchants are a mix of being completely build defining and taking an entire build up to that next level. Helm enchants have many good rolls, for many different builds and when you even hit even a mid-medicore one of them, they sell for huge amounts and sell in a matter of minutes quite often. A simple example of this is that you mention a boot enchant roll that can fetch up to 70c on very specific boots. That's great and could pocket you money if you hit that rare combo. On the other hand though, there are currently 50 separate helm enchant rolls that will guarantee you upwards of 1 Exalt, with Arc, Tornado Shot and Barrage enchants likely going for upwards of 25 exalts a month or so into the up-coming league. Being that you usually only have 1 chance to roll an enchant at the end of the Uber Lab, it's pretty much a no-brainer for which item you are going to roll it on, in my opinion. Last edited by Adambjjoz#2403 on May 30, 2018, 11:35:46 PM
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Thanks again for your detailed answers!!
I really appreciate it and feeling well prepared!:) the only thing I need to decide is which build I'll spend the (hopefully) enormous amount of currency I'm going to make on :D Last edited by Netaxo#6015 on May 31, 2018, 12:42:49 AM
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After reading this build and all the amazingly clear answers from OP, this is gonna be my league starter build..I'm not someone who plays a lot and I found late in beastiary that running lab is a nice way to make currency without having to play crazy number of hours a week or do 100 maps a day.
Thanks for this amazing build, can't wait to try it. |
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First of all, thank you for the detailed guide, it helps a lot!
I've been wanting to start with a lab build for a while but due to RL circumstances I will be able to start the league 1 day later. Do you think I should bother with a lab build at this point as I will be a day behind which might have a big impact on the income down the line |
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