[3.5] League Starter W.O.E Sund Slayer / 35c Day 1 Cost / U-Lab Sprinter / High Damage Mitigation
I don't think lab will lose value that fast and the core items will be even cheaper then on day one.
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Whenever I see people asking about Uber Lab builds they are always suggested a Jugg build. How does this compare to Jugg? Is it safer early on?
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" Not at all. The beauty of the lab is that it's main return / benefits only gains value over the course of a league (Helm enchantments, Currency drops, Map drops). |
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" Would also like to know your thoughts on this. This is another popular Jugg Uber lab league starter and farmer. Wondering how you think this build compares to that? Thanks so much! Excited about tomorrow! |
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" You need to consider the context of the recommendation. Different Lab Farming build's do different things and serve different purposes. Glacial Cascade uber lab farming characters have no purpose other than the uber lab and have no defense at all, but have 500% movespeed and can 1-shot Izaro before he even starts any of his boss phases. Players use this character to sprint and race for the fastest daily Uber Lab clear times (there's aladder here for it & everything!). Lifting's popular lab farming AW Totems build is as defensive and tanky as it comes and can be upgraded and invested in to take down T16 Guardians as well as everything in the lab. But it's also very slow, doesn't map very well and can't run the Uber Lab on certain days where Izaro is buffed with specific combinations of buffs. Champ & Glad sunder or poets pen builds fly through the lab, are decently tanky but can also be invested in to speed-clear T13 fully modded maps while carrying 4 others in a group. But there are downsides to those builds too. Generally speaking Jugg builds are the most defensive in the game, so people can safely take the slow and casual approach to Uber Lab farming in a very very safe way. People recommend them because they are the go-to ascendancy for people being able to complete the Uber Lab by themselves for the first time, without needing to look into any sort of instructional or youtube video guide for the challenges that await players in the Uber Lab, pretty much regardless of what gear or jugg build they are using. But there are downsides and every version of all the different builds will handle it differently and be better/worse at doing all the other different types of content in the game. This build on the other hand is purpose made for being as tanky as needed for the Lab, while also being extremely fast, but hitting hard enough to quickly take down Argus and Izaro. It's made to be a mix of the fastest and best things to run the lab you need, while also being able to do it on any day of the week, with any combo of Izaro buffs. It's also one of the only lab builds that can speed-run the uber Lab as soon as you hit 70 and simply have most of the Unique's required for the build. We also have the up-side of being an incredibly strong, simple and fast build to level from the start to 70, too. Once you have geared and levelled the character up, you can also alter your jewels in the skill tree to be life / all-resist / attack speed, then you can drop your two rare rings and rare gloves & put in Magic Find gear to go farm currency easily on T1-8 maps. Having said all that though, the Lab still requires a bit of practice and thought to be run by any build - so you aren't invincible or anything. The build also isn't really made to do any of the high end or end-game content either. So you need to understand that this build is really just made to get you in to mapping fast at the beginning of the league, with the ability to farm the lab early to make a heap of currency for which you then should invest into a couple of other much better specific purpose-built characters to do the rest of the content and achievements in the league you have set for yourself. This build suits me and my needs perfectly, however as always, in my opinion the other best Uber Lab farmer build that's also a league starter is Nathans's BF Chieftain (basic build is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W1lAuD4h7c4 and the high-end version that's heavily invested into is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=evaJOWcjbEc). I always encourage everyone reading to try out a heap of different builds each season. So feel free to try out Nathan's if you like and see what you think. The advanced version of the build I linked too was one of the first 5 builds used to kill the Uber Elder last season & I think it was the first or one of the first two to get through the fight deathless. Last edited by Adambjjoz#2403 on May 31, 2018, 10:25:37 PM
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I haven't mentioned it in the build guide because path of building wont be updated with correct numbers till later in the first week of the league, but Vaal Double Strike and Lacerate may also both be perfectly good replacements for Sunder if you like. Even the basic versions of VDS and Lacerate may be perfectly OK now for levelling and the Uber Lab, too.
See how you all go and try it out if you want. Both the skills work excellently with our skill tree nodes and there won't be any issues with attributes, because we naturally have about double the dex required for any dex based skill already. Last edited by Adambjjoz#2403 on Jun 1, 2018, 3:53:48 PM
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" I'm torn between going WoE Sunder (worked like a charm for Bestiary), trying the Chieftain, and going with Windripper/KB. Though the final tossup will probably be between WoE and the Chieftain. LAck of Overleech kinda scares me, and while Nathan kept saying how his Chieftain is so tanky/braindead, in his video showcases he drops dangerously low all the time & doesn't really display a lot of leech/regen if his flasks happen to be down... Eh. Always the same problem before league start xD One week ago I was settled on WoE Sunder, three days ago I was contemplating maybe going deadeye KB or IS instead, now it's a threeway (fourway, if I include the ever-present option of just going summoner necro..). Thanks for all Your input though, Your posts are very helpful =) |
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Great build and guide.
Can this build do ulab carries? If not, what build is more suited for that? Torn between this build and lifting nerds AW build. Thanks |
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Great build and guide.
Can this build do ulab carries? If not, what build is more suited for that? Torn between this build and lifting nerds AW build. Thanks Nevermind found my answer! |
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1st update of Path of Building is out and Lacerate & Vaal Double Strike both look like they will now do slightly better damage than Sunder overall, with better AOE and extra bleed damage, too. Feel free to have a play with them and see how they go. May end up being a better mapping and clearing experience while levelling if nothing else?
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