[3.5] League Starter W.O.E Sund Slayer / 35c Day 1 Cost / U-Lab Sprinter / High Damage Mitigation

Soulblazerz wrote:

You. Have. Got. To. Be. Kidding me...

Goddamn. I just looked at the stats and figured, huh, this is a pretty good unique, wonder why they don't use it.

LOL, don't worry man, we all make basic mistakes like that every now and again.
Why no nodes for Splitting Strike?

Also for Fortify, what about putting nodes to Rampart?
Last edited by xantonin#7658 on Apr 18, 2018, 8:23:45 PM
xantonin wrote:
Why no nodes for Splitting Strike?

Because it would involve giving up 5 skill tree nodes elsewhere for only an 8% DPS gain and 1% extra life regen. There's already 3 or 4 other 3-node selections you could make along our current skill tree path that would give you more DPS and additional bleed DPS than that.

xantonin wrote:
Also for Fortify, what about putting nodes to Rampart?

Because it would involve giving up 4 skill tree nodes elsewhere for only a 2.5% DPS gain and extra 2% extra phys damage mitigation. We also don't need the additional fortify duration, as we leap slam everywhere as it is already, proccing it all the time.
Just thought i'd drop in and give a bit of a mid-season update.

Based off using this build as my league starter and Uber Lab runner in the opening week of the league, I've pretty well achieved all my personal goals for the league.

I ended up buying my way into a Burning Spectres Summoner build (https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1971585/page/1) for my second character of the season, using it to clear everything in the game right up to the Uber Elder (haven't managed to spawn it, won't be bothering too either now). Total cost for it (including all the twink levelling gear and 20% L1 skill gem's to start out with) was only about 2 Exalt's. I'd say it's the best value build in the entire game for what it's capable of & it's built to be Hardcore mode levels of tanky and safe, too. I've also whacked on a couple of Ventor's rings and a quant-find amulet to use it for T12-T16 magic find currency/gear farming. Map sustain is completely impossible due to GGG gimping map drops though, so that character now is only used every now and again after farming low-tier maps enough to roll-up to high tier maps again.

That then led me on to my next character, a Magic Find Deadeye wander build (https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2074126/page/1). I've had an absolute blast with it and honestly had absolutely no clue the staggering amount of currency and gear you could farm with a build on T1-T8 maps until I tried this build. You could easily do this build from day 1 and buy a complete new character/gear/build at the end of every week from the money you can make speed-farming low tier maps. The character is actually able to get up and running as a currency/gear farmer on Tier 1 - Tier 4 maps with nothing other than the 20% quant boots for as little as <10c on day 1 of a new league. You then just progressively add-on a 20c value wand, 20c value generic quant find amulet, 1Ex value shield, 1Ex value ventor's ring on each hand & then finally the 4Ex value Bisco's amulet or a 6-link QOTF chest which is about 1Ex more expensive. The whole build can be run easily though on a 5-link QOTF chest and garbage quality everything else.

My next character was a test build for the new Indigon Helm introduced this season, which I was hoping could be a Hall of Grand Masters farming character. It's a Heiro Scorching Ray Totems build, using the new helm to ratched up SR damage to over 2mil Shaper level DPS (https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2130522). I've never used a character with higher DPS ever, it melted Shaper to nothing in less than 2 seconds when I tried it and the character was only at level 82, with no % quality on gems and no L20 gems either. It doies have some downsides, but it's an incredibly fun and different playstyle, as I haven't done a totems build since the Breach League. The total build cost was around 2Ex to 3Ex and crafted most of the other stuff I needed. It's an excellent end-game farmer and while it was able to handle 2 or 3 rooms of each HOGM map, the totems would get instantly 1-shot by many of the really high-end super bosses in there that wipe stuff out from 3 screens away.

My main goals for the season were to get rich, make a HOGM map farmer, try a couple of currency/gear farming characters and I've done it all easily just 6 weeks into the league. The Bestiary league itself is a total failure from the Dev's, due to ignoring the warnings from the community for weeks leading into the league. Hopefully they learn from it and we don't end up with Bestairy dumped into the standard or core parts of the game until it's drastically improved and the 100's of issues still left with it get addressed and fixed to an acceptable standard. So yeah, I won't be bothering to try and do any of the league achievements this league. Currently I'm sitting on 4 pretty decently decked out characters and currency cop has my four "Currency / Essence / Div Card & Unique Jewels" tabs alone valued at over 26 Exalts for immediate liquidation. So yeah, I've easily achieved what I wanted & much more. I really have to say it was mainly in part to starting with this character too, because this league is the least I've ever played the game in a league since I started in 2014 due to how terrible the Beastiary league has been, yet I've made an incredible amount of currency and easily bought in to three additional powerful and fantastic builds regardless. I'm thinking I might now move on to an additional couple of extra builds for the next few weeks I haven't tried before, then enjoy the Flashback races for the final month of the league.

Hope you guys have all had a good league and moved on to buy into some really fun builds after this cheap league starter.
Last edited by Adambjjoz#2403 on Apr 19, 2018, 2:39:48 AM
Adambjjoz wrote:
xantonin wrote:
Why no nodes for Splitting Strike?

Because it would involve giving up 5 skill tree nodes elsewhere for only an 8% DPS gain and 1% extra life regen. There's already 3 or 4 other 3-node selections you could make along our current skill tree path that would give you more DPS and additional bleed DPS than that.

xantonin wrote:
Also for Fortify, what about putting nodes to Rampart?

Because it would involve giving up 4 skill tree nodes elsewhere for only a 2.5% DPS gain and extra 2% extra phys damage mitigation. We also don't need the additional fortify duration, as we leap slam everywhere as it is already, proccing it all the time.

Gotcha - thanks for the reply! I am trying to learn more about the skill tree so it's cool to understand reasoning behind some choices.

I actually came from a HC build and it was close to this one so I swapped some nodes over to match - Ramparts was one of them but I left them there for a while until I started questioning it. Love this build! Thank you
No worries mate.

I wouldn't really consider this build safe for Hardcore, as the life in general is a bit low. But it's nice to hear that there's a few of you Hardcore guys making use of the build with a few tweaks here and there.
Build guide updated, everyone.

Have slightly changed the tree (we now incorporate an extra Frenzy charge and additional Frenzy duration) and laid out a clear path to L91 after some early-levelling testing I did.

I've put in additional information and partially re-written a number of the parts of the build guide, including a new pastebin link for the finished L91 skill tree, as well as a bit of an infographic image link showing in detail exactly what order to take all the skill tree nodes in.

I've updated the currency making area, the meta guide to increasing Life/DPS, the skill tree node selection process & the levelling advice guide sections.

First time playing a properly defensive character that also has decent damage and I'm loving levelling it so far, the first 3 labs have been no issue at all, looking forward to getting my trials out the way and getting into uber :D

Never done uber before without a carry ;s
Adambjjoz wrote:
Just thought i'd drop in and give a bit of a mid-season update.

Based off using this build as my league starter and Uber Lab runner in the opening week of the league, I've pretty well achieved all my personal goals for the league.

I ended up buying my way into a Burning Spectres Summoner build (https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1971585/page/1) for my second character of the season, using it to clear everything in the game right up to the Uber Elder (haven't managed to spawn it, won't be bothering too either now). Total cost for it (including all the twink levelling gear and 20% L1 skill gem's to start out with) was only about 2 Exalt's. I'd say it's the best value build in the entire game for what it's capable of & it's built to be Hardcore mode levels of tanky and safe, too. I've also whacked on a couple of Ventor's rings and a quant-find amulet to use it for T12-T16 magic find currency/gear farming. Map sustain is completely impossible due to GGG gimping map drops though, so that character now is only used every now and again after farming low-tier maps enough to roll-up to high tier maps again.

That then led me on to my next character, a Magic Find Deadeye wander build (https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2074126/page/1). I've had an absolute blast with it and honestly had absolutely no clue the staggering amount of currency and gear you could farm with a build on T1-T8 maps until I tried this build. You could easily do this build from day 1 and buy a complete new character/gear/build at the end of every week from the money you can make speed-farming low tier maps. The character is actually able to get up and running as a currency/gear farmer on Tier 1 - Tier 4 maps with nothing other than the 20% quant boots for as little as <10c on day 1 of a new league. You then just progressively add-on a 20c value wand, 20c value generic quant find amulet, 1Ex value shield, 1Ex value ventor's ring on each hand & then finally the 4Ex value Bisco's amulet or a 6-link QOTF chest which is about 1Ex more expensive. The whole build can be run easily though on a 5-link QOTF chest and garbage quality everything else.

My next character was a test build for the new Indigon Helm introduced this season, which I was hoping could be a Hall of Grand Masters farming character. It's a Heiro Scorching Ray Totems build, using the new helm to ratched up SR damage to over 2mil Shaper level DPS (https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2130522). I've never used a character with higher DPS ever, it melted Shaper to nothing in less than 2 seconds when I tried it and the character was only at level 82, with no % quality on gems and no L20 gems either. It doies have some downsides, but it's an incredibly fun and different playstyle, as I haven't done a totems build since the Breach League. The total build cost was around 2Ex to 3Ex and crafted most of the other stuff I needed. It's an excellent end-game farmer and while it was able to handle 2 or 3 rooms of each HOGM map, the totems would get instantly 1-shot by many of the really high-end super bosses in there that wipe stuff out from 3 screens away.

My main goals for the season were to get rich, make a HOGM map farmer, try a couple of currency/gear farming characters and I've done it all easily just 6 weeks into the league. The Bestiary league itself is a total failure from the Dev's, due to ignoring the warnings from the community for weeks leading into the league. Hopefully they learn from it and we don't end up with Bestairy dumped into the standard or core parts of the game until it's drastically improved and the 100's of issues still left with it get addressed and fixed to an acceptable standard. So yeah, I won't be bothering to try and do any of the league achievements this league. Currently I'm sitting on 4 pretty decently decked out characters and currency cop has my four "Currency / Essence / Div Card & Unique Jewels" tabs alone valued at over 26 Exalts for immediate liquidation. So yeah, I've easily achieved what I wanted & much more. I really have to say it was mainly in part to starting with this character too, because this league is the least I've ever played the game in a league since I started in 2014 due to how terrible the Beastiary league has been, yet I've made an incredible amount of currency and easily bought in to three additional powerful and fantastic builds regardless. I'm thinking I might now move on to an additional couple of extra builds for the next few weeks I haven't tried before, then enjoy the Flashback races for the final month of the league.

Hope you guys have all had a good league and moved on to buy into some really fun builds after this cheap league starter.

Hey! I was thinking of switching to the burning specter build since I think I have enough money now (300+ CC) but what are the twink levelling items you bought? It's a little unclear in that guide, I know you recommended it to me before but I had the same trouble.

Last edited by Autofire2#3572 on Apr 27, 2018, 6:35:30 PM
Autofire2 wrote:
Hey! I was thinking of switching to the burning specter build since I think I have enough money now (300+ CC) but what are the twink levelling items you bought? It's a little unclear in that guide, I know you recommended it to me before but I had the same trouble.


It all listed in the Burning Spectres build guide under the "6 - Leveling" section.

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