You try hard to distract from the orange idiot, Xav.

Not easy these days, I understand that.
Last edited by Schmodderhengst on Feb 7, 2019, 2:38:36 PM
You try hard to distract from the orange idiot, Xav.

Not easy these days, I understand that.

Our Queen will be key to Trump winning in a landslide in 2020, that's why I'm bringing her up. I also have no reason to distract from anything. Dems will ideally entirely waste the next 2 years with their Russian Collusion Truth movement.
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
Xavderion wrote:
You try hard to distract from the orange idiot, Xav.

Not easy these days, I understand that.

Our Queen will be key to Trump winning in a landslide in 2020, that's why I'm bringing her up. I also have no reason to distract from anything. Dems will ideally entirely waste the next 2 years with their Russian Collusion Truth movement.

Thx for letting us know about your dreams.
Xavderion wrote:
You try hard to distract from the orange idiot, Xav.

Not easy these days, I understand that.

Our Queen will be key to Trump winning in a landslide in 2020, that's why I'm bringing her up. I also have no reason to distract from anything. Dems will ideally entirely waste the next 2 years with their Russian Collusion Truth movement.

Thx for letting us know about your dreams.

Trump won't be a candidate in 2020.

Trump won't be a candidate in 2020.

I see we're doing the whole cycle a second time. Some people are unable to learn. Sad!

GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
I'm saying he won't even win the primaries because he will not be a candidate. It will be a minor miracle for him to dodge a prison sentence :)
I'm saying he won't even win the primaries because he will not be a candidate. It will be a minor miracle for him to dodge a prison sentence :)

Their problem might be that they lived through many many years of Benghazi investigations as part of 23 years of congressional investigations into the Obama administration. Since nothing was found there, they are under the delusion somehow that nothing will be found in the investigations into Trump. That doesn't even count the Mueller investigation which has already found way more than any hanky panky found during the many
investigations into Obama.

Fast and Furious
The first issue that prompted such an investigation was a failed operation conducted by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, in which the Bureau allowed illegal gun sales near the border with Mexico in hopes of tracking where the weapons wound up. The operation was largely unsuccessful, and one weapon that was sold was found near the scene where a Border Patrol agent was murdered.

Fast and Furious was presented as an example of the Obama administration acting to cover up its mistakes.

(All timespans for the investigations listed below refer to the first public hearing or public announcement of the formation of an investigation through the final report issued by a committee.)

House Oversight Committee, February 2011 to July 2014. Then chaired by Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.), Oversight launched an investigation into the operation aimed at determining what had happened and what administration officials knew about it. In July 2011, the committee released the first of a three-part report assessing what it had learned.

House Oversight, October 2011 to June 2017. In October 2011, as part of its investigation, the committee subpoenaed materials from the Justice Department, then led by Attorney General Eric Holder. While it received some of the material it sought, Holder’s failure to provide additional documents resulted in a protracted fight and his eventual censure by the House. The third of the three parts of the Oversight probe focused on this fight and was only released after Obama (and Holder) had left the government.

One of Obama’s focal points as president was to bolster jobs associated with renewable energy. That included making loans through an established Energy Department program that acted as investments in clean energy companies, including a California-based solar-panel company called Solyndra. It collapsed, defaulting on its loan to the government — although the loan program overall ended up earning a profit for the government.

The investment was presented as an example of “crony capitalism,” an investment made at Obama’s behest to favor a particular company.

House Energy and Commerce Committee, February 2011 to August 2012. The final report on the investment found that the administration had failed to allow the company to fail earlier than it did, choosing instead to restructure the loan resulting in heavier losses.

By far the biggest target of congressional investigators were the twin attacks on U.S. facilities in Benghazi, Libya on Sept. 11, 2012 — shortly before the 2012 election. How the attacks resulted in the deaths of four Americans, including Ambassador Christopher Stevens was a subject of intense scrutiny — aimed first at Obama’s administration and, as the 2016 election neared, at Obama’s secretary of state, Hillary Clinton.

Five House committees launched investigations shortly after the attacks took place (and mostly before the 2012 election).

House Armed Services Committee, September 2012 to February 2014.

House Foreign Affairs Committee, November 2012 to February 2014.

House Intelligence Committee, September 2012 to November 2014.

House Judiciary Committee, September 2012 to April 2013.

House Oversight, October 2012 to September 2013.

The five committees released a joint preliminary report in April 2013. Most of the committees continued their work beyond that point, the result of which included broadly rebutting many of the conspiracy theories flying around on conservative media.

Two Senate committees, then controlled by the Democratic majority, also launched probes.

Senate Intelligence Committee, October 2012 to January 2014.

Senate Homeland Security Committee, October 2012 to December 2012.

But the most notable and influential investigation came with the formation of a select committee of members of the House to investigate the attacks.

Select Committee on Benghazi, May 2014 to December 2016. The most important finding from the select committee didn’t relate directly to the Benghazi attacks at all. It was this committee which uncovered Clinton’s private email server, the existence of which prompted an eventual FBI investigation and which played a key role in Clinton’s losing the 2016 presidential election. The committee concluded its work shortly after the campaign ended.

IRS targeting
There were hints in Obama’s first term that the IRS was applying special scrutiny to certain political groups that were hoping to form 501(c)(4) nonprofit organizations. The House Ways and Means committee began seeking information on the subject in June 2011, but never released a formal report summarizing its findings.

But it wasn’t until IRS executive Lois Lerner admitted publicly in May 2013 that the IRS had singled out certain groups — including some that identified as tea party groups — for additional questioning that formal investigations got underway.

House Oversight, May 2013 to December 2014. Issa’s Oversight committee was again actively involved in questioning the IRS’s decisions and behavior. It ultimately determined that both liberal and conservative groups had been subject to additional scrutiny. Despite theorizing in conservative media, no link was found to the White House ordering that conservatives be put under the microscope.

Senate Finance Committee, May 2013 to August 2015. The Senate report dealt largely with the IRS’s mismanagement of the process overall.

Overall, according to our tally, the above inquiries of the Obama administration totaled over 8,400 days of investigation, from launch to final report. That’s 23 years of probes covering an eight-year administration.

All of that investigation effort found nothing that comes close to just the public obstruction of justice, cabinet officers resigning in disgrace, and emoluments clause problems that are publicly obvious in the Trump administration.

Over 430 threads discussing labyrinth problems with over 1040 posters in support (thread # 1702621) Thank you all! GGG will implement a different method for ascension in PoE2. Retired!
It would be so much easier on these cultists if Obama and Hillary were criminals like Trump is :)
It would be so much easier on these cultists if Obama and Hillary were criminals like Trump is :)
They're criminals, and in a just world they'd be prosecuted. (Obama's crime is relatively minor — he knew Clinton was using a private server for official business and used a pseudonym to email her.)
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
I'm saying he won't even win the primaries because he will not be a candidate. It will be a minor miracle for him to dodge a prison sentence :)

Do you understand how elections work? Current presidents are automatic, they dont do primaries.

Prison again, lol, so last year.

Im just amazed nothing has stuck to the wall yet, you monkeys have to be running out of feces by now

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