Harbinger Statistics - Popular Passives and Ascendancies

Arh_Cayos54 wrote:
Stats, stats, stats and other nonsense that no one cares.
Instead of focusing on analyzing important informations from the technical forum (which clearly show that you should take advantage for optimization in this game because 70% of people playing your game - and i don't need statistics for this, just looking on tech. pages forum - have 20fps experience or other "funny" things) as usual, nonstop talking about nonsense and distraction from the most important things.

PoE in 2k17
Have a nice day.

True this (kinda), though the stats are interesting.
Quit after Legion, rejoined PoE to see what the game's like now in 3.12.
Last edited by Paldamus#1328 on Sep 26, 2017, 10:48:39 AM
I think Berserker should have less Life Leech...
A little leech? Did Chris say this intentionally to trigger people?
You guys that keep wanting more nerfs aren't getting it.

The game is being ruined for large chunk of the player base. More and more people are quitting.

Oh sure, there is a pool of new players, but most of these new players quit after a few frustrating builds that lead to no where.

It's been said before, if GGG want "build diversity", start buffing unused skills to make them viable in end game. For God sake, stop ruining everyone's build all in the name of dam "balance".

That word "balance" is literally sounding stupid now.

I'm going to make a prediction. If GGG does another round of draconian nerfs, this will be the death cut to the game and it will see a rapid decline in the player base.
So lets talk about Blood magic, in a meta where Life is suddenly dominant, and Dark pact a non elemental (auras and heralds don't scale with it) Spell that scales off your life is highly popular, and the by far most popular class choice was Maruader.... BM couldn't. even. crack. the top 10. Not until you see it appear 10th in HC.

1. Auras and heralds are very strong
2. Mana is super easy to sustain especially on typical life based melee which is the target demo for BM.
3. Blood Magic's Downside is far in excess of its benefit. No Heralds, no Hatred, no Blasphemy QoL are not worth ~800 life. Especially in a game where 6000 hp and 7000 hps will both be one shot by the same one shot damage source in high level maps.

Solution: make BM use your life for ACTIVE skills; you still get mana but at a -50% Less base mana penalty (to temper MoM), BUT reserve skills now cost twice as much per reserve skill you have. In this way a BM build could still use one reserve skill. Basically halving the current penalty.

- Signed a player who does life builds and wants to use BM, but always ignores it, even on RF and Dark pact builds, even on Pure 100% phys builds that gain nothing from elemental Heralds and Aura's.. I don't even use BM on a Bleed Gladiator that paths right past it and currently plans to not use either MoM nor any Aura... I'll probably end up using something meh just because I can.

Oh and since I'm talking about Physical characters that can't benefit from Elemental auras and Heralds lets talk about putting a physical Aura or Herald into the game:

"Herald of Iron" As you wade into battle, your blows spall and shatter the armor, weapons and Shields of your opponents turning them into deadly shrapnel

Gives a flat physical Base Bleed Damage bonus to melee attacks, when you kill an enemy shrapnel explodes doing physical damage, and giving a small chance to maim and bleed surrounding enemies. This Bleed is scaled by your Ailment damage modifiers. This bleed is caused by a secondary effect, and thus allows Bloodlust support to be used on your main skill.
Pandering to players who don't want consequences for their mistakes is a perfect description of what went fundamentally wrong with D3 and 4.
If they wanted mindless mobile game time waster gameplay they sure did make some perplexing choices and marketing statements for 6 fucking years.
Most of the 'favorite Passive' things on the tree are just the start point's nearest available Life node. I don't really think GGG needs more data telling them that there's too much need for gaining Life on the tree. Man, wouldn't it be nice if you could clear the game with 3k Life and a few other layered defenses...

Mostly? This strikes me as solid evidence for the over-dominance of Vaal Cheesepact. Berserker being flexible is good; Berserker being Da Bess at virtually any build you care to name because bolting 100% instant leech onto [Build Here] gives you Epic Survivez is less so. We really need to take a look at Vaal Cheesepact. If that necessitates Cloaked in Savagery being reworked too, then okay. But CiS being worthless without Vaal Cheesepact and blatantly overperforming with it is just off.

In less bitchy news...interesting to see Resolute Technique make such a strong showing, especially in a game the boards would have one believe is completely and utterly dominated by crit builds. Most of the keystones people like are the more bolt-on ones without crushing, build-defining downsides or restrictions. Acrobatics, Mind Over Matter, Resolute Technique, Elemental Overload, all stuff that plugs into builds easily. No sign of any of the ES keystones. Yeah, ES got hit a li'l too hard this pass, methinks. Oh well. It'll be back eventually.
Smear wrote:
You guys that keep wanting more nerfs aren't getting it.

The game is being ruined for large chunk of the player base. More and more people are quitting.

Oh sure, there is a pool of new players, but most of these new players quit after a few frustrating builds that lead to no where.

It's been said before, if GGG want "build diversity", start buffing unused skills to make them viable in end game. For God sake, stop ruining everyone's build all in the name of dam "balance".

That word "balance" is literally sounding stupid now.

I'm going to make a prediction. If GGG does another round of draconian nerfs, this will be the death cut to the game and it will see a rapid decline in the player base.

After years of playing poe .. you are damn right !

So GGG stop this insane nerf wave !
Its a game and we Support you for this one to have fun !
Destroy it and your customers leave !

sinple or not ?

If you not affraid of the Devil.. then you dont need a GOD !
Smear wrote:
You guys that keep wanting more nerfs aren't getting it.

The game is being ruined for large chunk of the player base. More and more people are quitting.

Oh sure, there is a pool of new players, but most of these new players quit after a few frustrating builds that lead to no where.

It's been said before, if GGG want "build diversity", start buffing unused skills to make them viable in end game. For God sake, stop ruining everyone's build all in the name of dam "balance".

That word "balance" is literally sounding stupid now.

I'm going to make a prediction. If GGG does another round of draconian nerfs, this will be the death cut to the game and it will see a rapid decline in the player base.

After years of playing poe .. you are damn right !

So GGG stop this insane nerf wave !
Its a game and we Support you for this one to have fun !
Destroy it and your customers leave !

sinple or not ?

Balance > Fun
Always has been, always well be.
Last edited by Lantis02#2582 on Sep 26, 2017, 11:54:02 AM

After years of playing poe .. you are damn right !

So GGG stop this insane nerf wave !
Its a game and we Support you for this one to have fun !
Destroy it and your customers leave !

as a year long player you should know that all supporters already left when they removed "avatar of fire". there's only you left!!!

age and treachery will triumph over youth and skill!

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