Cool stats! :)
“He who fights for nothing, dies for nothing”
TwiceBorned wrote:
Smear wrote:
I think people are missing the whole point of the issue with excessive nerfing.
It's not the fact there aren't meta builds available.
Ok, when a person spends hours and hours building a character up, only to be nerfed into the dirt the next league, what is the dam point?
So, we're forced to play the new league meta or redo old characters in standard just to play the dam game. And quite frankly, I don't want to waste time building a character that's only to get nerfed anyway.
See, this is punishing people for being successful at the game instead of rewarding them with an effective end game build that won't be ruined. NO, we can't have that, let's punish them badly.
But.. that's the whole point! You can't transfer anything to new league anyway, so you start from zero anyway and nerfs to your old characters shouldn't bother you, they are lost anyway(well, they are in STD, but PoE balance isn't about STD IMO - all those legacy items ruin even remnants of balance anyway)
And since new league is a fresh start you can just make a new build - that will be effective in THIS league, after all nerfs and buffs. GGG don't do major nerfs during league, so you are safe there.
I never use forum builds - sometimes I look at them, but almost never follow. And for me point of this game is something like this:
@They nerfed things you used last league? Ok! Adapt. Find new ones that work. There are always handful of them. GGG balance team want you to be miserable and weak? Don't let them! Find new ways to beat this game and show GGG balance team how little you care about their nerfs. It's you against GGG balance team. Don't let them win."
Lol I like your "glass half full" mentality. You'll make a great motivational speaker, one day.
I think the majority of frustration within the community comes from the continuous nerfing and buffing of skills. One day your build is great, the next day it's garbage. And, this is after many hours of investment on the player's part.
Players will always gravitate towards the best builds out there. And, that's true with any game on the market. It just boggles my mind that the folks at GGG can't wrap their heads around that. Instead, they force players to ride the continual nerfing and buffing roller coaster. Which of course causes epic frustration.
I think the "balance team", if it even exists, should try to be a little more innovative with regards to the nerfing and buffing roller coaster. I feel at this point, they're not thinking outside the box, which is probably why there is always so much complaining about nerfs and buffs.
See you on the coaster...
The Lab, making a great game good since 2016.
Posted byBowman8763#0625on Sep 27, 2017, 8:10:13 PM
MyBallsOnYaChin wrote:
alhazred70 wrote:
Smear wrote:
3.0 was full of nerfs, yet the games never been more popular. *shrug*
Don't you think this is due to the 6 additional acts hype apart from the nerfes? I was eager to play when FoO was released because of all the hype and such. However despite these new acts, the balance has gotten worse in my opinion and diversity received it's final blow.
The way that's quoted, it makes it looks like I made that statement, I never did type that, that statement was made by alhazred70.
Thanks for correcting this.
alhazred70 wrote:
3.0 was full of nerfs, yet the games never been more popular. *shrug*
Posted bySmear#1381on Sep 27, 2017, 8:46:02 PM
Bowman8763 wrote:
TwiceBorned wrote:
Smear wrote:
I think people are missing the whole point of the issue with excessive nerfing.
It's not the fact there aren't meta builds available.
Ok, when a person spends hours and hours building a character up, only to be nerfed into the dirt the next league, what is the dam point?
So, we're forced to play the new league meta or redo old characters in standard just to play the dam game. And quite frankly, I don't want to waste time building a character that's only to get nerfed anyway.
See, this is punishing people for being successful at the game instead of rewarding them with an effective end game build that won't be ruined. NO, we can't have that, let's punish them badly.
But.. that's the whole point! You can't transfer anything to new league anyway, so you start from zero anyway and nerfs to your old characters shouldn't bother you, they are lost anyway(well, they are in STD, but PoE balance isn't about STD IMO - all those legacy items ruin even remnants of balance anyway)
And since new league is a fresh start you can just make a new build - that will be effective in THIS league, after all nerfs and buffs. GGG don't do major nerfs during league, so you are safe there.
I never use forum builds - sometimes I look at them, but almost never follow. And for me point of this game is something like this:
@They nerfed things you used last league? Ok! Adapt. Find new ones that work. There are always handful of them. GGG balance team want you to be miserable and weak? Don't let them! Find new ways to beat this game and show GGG balance team how little you care about their nerfs. It's you against GGG balance team. Don't let them win."
Lol I like your "glass half full" mentality. You'll make a great motivational speaker, one day.
I think the majority of frustration within the community comes from the continuous nerfing and buffing of skills. One day your build is great, the next day it's garbage. And, this is after many hours of investment on the player's part.
Players will always gravitate towards the best builds out there. And, that's true with any game on the market. It just boggles my mind that the folks at GGG can't wrap their heads around that. Instead, they force players to ride the continual nerfing and buffing roller coaster. Which of course causes epic frustration.
I think the "balance team", if it even exists, should try to be a little more innovative with regards to the nerfing and buffing roller coaster. I feel at this point, they're not thinking outside the box, which is probably why there is always so much complaining about nerfs and buffs.
See you on the coaster...
Given the track record of this "balance team", they need to be fired. Keeping them around will only cause more of the same.
The definition of insanity is when people keep doing the same things over and over but expect different results.
Fire these noobs and get competent people in there.
As Trump would say "YOU'RE FIRED".
Posted bySmear#1381on Sep 27, 2017, 8:51:29 PM
Smear wrote:
The definition of insanity is when people keep doing the same things over and over but expect different results.
That's the definition of stupidity, the inability to learn, not insanity; insanity is a legal term for the inability to distinguish right from wrong in the moral sense of those terms (hence the "not guilty by reason of insanity" defense; i.e. if you lack the mental capacity for moral reasoning, you can't be held morally culpable for your actions).
Smear wrote:
As for the "balance" team, they're not "noobs", according to Chris they include "people with level 100 hardcore characters" and "multiple famous community members". So, in other words, they're professional gamers and no-lifers (i.e. people totally out of touch with most of the playerbase).
Fairgraves was a slave trafficker specialized in the kidnapping and transport of children. He was not "a good man".
Posted byAxiomOfAnarchy#7408on Sep 27, 2017, 10:28:21 PM
dqh21489 wrote:
My opinion:
- Nerf: Berserker, Chieftain, Raider, Pathfinder
- Buff: Ascendant, Elementalist, Sabouter.
I felt GGG hate caster class so much when they buffed range/melee atk skill too much n nerf heavily spell skill.
Chieftain 3.02% = number 2 on your nerf list
Pathfinder 4.46% = number 4 on your nerf list
Those 2 really need a nerf while Raiders and Necromancer are perfectly fine, right?
Go see a doctor before that brain cancer becomes serious.
German saying: Schönheit und Funktionalität in Sekundenschnelle zu ruinieren, ist dem wahren Dilettanten keine Herausforderung!
torturo: "Though, I'm really concerned, knowing by practice the capabilities of the balance team."
top2000: "let me bend your rear for a moment exile"
Posted by666lol666#3140on Sep 28, 2017, 3:02:34 AM
KillerKrug wrote:
how was that hard to predict? all chars which are on the top right side are shit, because to low life, and es was nerfed to the ground ....
Well, the classes in the top-right side can can rest secure in the knowledge that regardless of which changes GGG makes, they will still not be the least played class.
Scion has inhabited that role since the introduction of ascendancies, with every other class having more players divided amongst its three ascendancy variations than Scion has in its one variation that tries to be all things to all playstyles in a single ascendancy, while not being really good at any.
Posted byPi2rEpsilon#4367on Sep 28, 2017, 5:00:50 AM
Lack of content make no choice to people and low balance not helping at all.
Why not add mini flashback?
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Veiled crafting Service Settlers craft PM: TreeOfDead Last edited by TreeOfDead#4438 on Sep 28, 2017, 7:14:01 AM
Posted byTreeOfDead#4438on Sep 28, 2017, 7:12:50 AM
hey ggg,
can you do some sql-statement for me?
i want to know how many 90+ characters in harbinger-league that use dark pact as main skill are berserkers of all the dark pact players in %
you can send this message via pm to me, i wont publish it :-)
Last edited by Rascull#3269 on Sep 28, 2017, 8:01:52 AM
Posted byRascull#3269on Sep 28, 2017, 8:00:57 AM
AxiomOfAnarchy wrote:
Smear wrote:
The definition of insanity is when people keep doing the same things over and over but expect different results.
That's the definition of stupidity, the inability to learn, not insanity; insanity is a legal term for the inability to distinguish right from wrong in the moral sense of those terms (hence the "not guilty by reason of insanity" defense; i.e. if you lack the mental capacity for moral reasoning, you can't be held morally culpable for your actions).
Splitting hairs now are we?
AxiomOfAnarchy wrote:
Smear wrote:
As for the "balance" team, they're not "noobs", according to Chris they include "people with level 100 hardcore characters" and "multiple famous community members". So, in other words, they're professional gamers and no-lifers (i.e. people totally out of touch with most of the playerbase).
They are out of touch and I will explain why.
I've worked in corporate environments. When a company grows into success (like GGG), people that have had no prior experience in the corporate world are suddenly catapulted into positions that directly affect a direction of said company.
These people then suddenly try to conform to this corporate paradigm and make decisions not based on sound judgement, but for the approval of the people above them. In almost all cases, these people drag a company down into unneeded bloat and problems.
Now, you take a gaming nerd that is suddenly put into a paying job like this so-called "balance team" and give them the power to make broad decisions, not based on their past gaming experience, but what they think their boss is going to approve. See, they want to be recognized as helping so they can advance in the company to solidify their "importance". And in the process royally screw up.
I've been involved in a few corporate IT departments and have butted heads with my supervisors over just such flimsy business teams.
In one instance, I was a regional lead IT technician for casino gaming events points of sales systems and installs. It was my responsibility to ensure these systems worked when thousands of people came into these events paying money. I had a corporate supervisor that had his head so far up his corporate ass, he got demoted once the light was shined on him to the CEO, by me.
See, he was from the old main frame systems school and new virtually nothing about the new (at the time) Novell/NT systems like I did. Consequently, he'd make assumptions and decisions not based on sound judgement, but on what he thought his VP boss would see worthy of his next promotion. Meanwhile, I was cleaning up the messes out on the field taking the heat from this loaf of bread.
I'm done.
Last edited by Smear#1381 on Sep 28, 2017, 2:12:53 PM
Posted bySmear#1381on Sep 28, 2017, 12:15:09 PM