[3.5] Mjölner Untethered 3.5 UPDATE! Mjölner is back! Uberelder+Shaper done
Is there something that shows the recommended order of skill tree selection?
Last edited by NateDiesel#4510 on Sep 4, 2017, 6:38:48 PM
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" Calm down. I did look at the guide. What I'm asking about is the relationship of cyclone attack speed and the amount of discharges you can proc with Mjolner. The question has nothing to do with the CoC portion of the build. I'm wondering if the belt is worth in terms of getting an extra discharge out of Mjolner given the attack speed you get from the build (i.e. - does the build hit 5 spins/second). That's it. IGN: Yolowanda
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Im in early 60s and really really starting to struggling with leveling with the bow build suggested. I basically have to grind a level before bosses and then just zerg it down.
Do you have any tips? Or could you perhaps have a look at my toon and provide insight? I feel at this point i may not get to 70 =/ |
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" I cant check out your char, it seems to be private. Are you using diamond flask and wise oak already? They boost dmg a lot. Overflowing chalice gives a nice boost as well. The lvling build sucks for bosses, but a 4 or 5l barrage should handle them. Just grind your lvls fast by killing trash mobs! Dont kill mapbosses if you want to lvl quickly!I hit lvl 70 in around 6 hours /played by farming mobs in t1-t3 maps(prefered beach maps). A 5l could help your dmg! Last edited by Sacr0#4430 on Sep 5, 2017, 9:11:53 AM
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" I cant say for sure how many discharges im able to trigger per second, its just too fast to count. If i had to guess id say around 4. But what i can definitely say is that with the flow untethered equipped, i trigger discharges more often and faster than without. So even with unoptmized attack speed, we can trigger around 1 extra discharge per second due to the belt. Did you feel the same when trying it out ingame? I think its really hard to calculate the hitrate from cyclone. Its seems not to be linear, it seems to rely on movement speed much more than attack speed. All i can say is: it works somehow. |
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listen as sacroo said he might only get 4 discharge per sec. But if u would have read my answer to u, u would understand that even if sacroo doesn't get the extra discharge each time, just the fact that the belt let im get more firestorm ( this way more power charge are also generated) it just make it BIS for the dmg it provide trought a stable charge generation.
To explain it even more clearly...... (non realistic number) w/o belt lets say he get 4 proc but he generate on 2 firestorm per sec so after X amount of time he will have generated X amount of charges. But with the belt he get still 4 proc (according to everybody who doesn't belive he's getting 5) but he generate 2.3 firestorm per sec generating X amount of charges. The MORE firestorm u have going the More DMG ur discharge will do due to the constant MAX charge DISCHARGE. Also sacroo if u want to be sure how many discharge u get just analyse a shaper recording frame by frame thats what i did to prove to some retard that i did proc 5 discharge per sec. Don't lose hope overtime ppl get smarter ;) A day w/o dealing with stupid ppl is like....Never mind. Ill tell u if it ever happens Last edited by philophil#2404 on Sep 5, 2017, 10:21:21 AM
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Hello I would like some help with my ch i just did hydra and phoenix and though i killed them it took all the portals to kill them. Would really appreciate some help and ways to improve my ch |
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i would honestly sell most of ur jewels ... Crit chance if the least effective dmg boost stats. Try to get spell/crit multi/aoe dmg/life/lightning dmg
A day w/o dealing with stupid ppl is like....Never mind. Ill tell u if it ever happens
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So I've been playing this with Cospri's for a while (with the help of Phil on what should I do).
Currently at 5k hp (can get 5.4k but I'd have to drop multi, which I don't want to). Gear
Jewels Been doing T11 Shaped Spiders with Bisco's and it's a breeze. Done Minotaur and Hydra so far. My profile is public, so if there are any improvements (other than better jewels), let me know :) |
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" try to get the helmet enchant 30% chance for discharge to not consume charges. It boosts the dps a lot! Last edited by Sacr0#4430 on Sep 5, 2017, 3:38:31 PM
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