Why is there no auction house?

Tilveran wrote:
The current system is broken already. Plenty of people have pointed out the script abusers.

So of course those people are going to be in this thread braying "no problem here mate! move along,eh?"

The key to an effective AH in PoE is to get the fees right. Make the fee equal to the price and people will balk at flipping.

Alternatively, have no AH but Player Shops instead.
* The PS is an NPC container that you put your items in and set prices on. GGG makes purchacing one an MTX that goes in your hideout.
* GGG can sell skins for the PS and extra sales tabs for it to make some real $$$. Maybe your PS is a ragged exile with a crappy looking stand, or maybe it's a living gold statue with an ornate table etc.
* Tons of skinning/theme possibilities for players and GGG.
* Buyers of your items can find them through the API/3rd party website/notice board or whatever. Then they will visit your hideout to collect the items off the NPC so you still get to show your hideout off.
* No automated collection.

I've been saying the same thing about the alternative in several posts (although not so well thought out as you) and it gets ignored. The mindset seems to be AH or nothing. I think it's because it's hard to argue against what you have just laid out.
"we are going to bring trading improvements soon"
years later
"here are 5 more acts and some boring pantheon defense booster we also gutted ES"

^only people that scam , flip , and are in general to be considered poe-scum support this idea
^normal people that just want to minmax their builds and go on mapping

this is pretty much the gist of it.
Saevan wrote:
Tilveran wrote:
The current system is broken already. Plenty of people have pointed out the script abusers.

So of course those people are going to be in this thread braying "no problem here mate! move along,eh?"

The key to an effective AH in PoE is to get the fees right. Make the fee equal to the price and people will balk at flipping.

Alternatively, have no AH but Player Shops instead.
* The PS is an NPC container that you put your items in and set prices on. GGG makes purchacing one an MTX that goes in your hideout.
* GGG can sell skins for the PS and extra sales tabs for it to make some real $$$. Maybe your PS is a ragged exile with a crappy looking stand, or maybe it's a living gold statue with an ornate table etc.
* Tons of skinning/theme possibilities for players and GGG.
* Buyers of your items can find them through the API/3rd party website/notice board or whatever. Then they will visit your hideout to collect the items off the NPC so you still get to show your hideout off.
* No automated collection.

I've been saying the same thing about the alternative in several posts (although not so well thought out as you) and it gets ignored. The mindset seems to be AH or nothing. I think it's because it's hard to argue against what you have just laid out.

But then the issue becomes: "how do you enter the persons hideout".
possible solutions:
1) poe.trade or whatever could copy a command like "/hideout 3846722" (some unique HO id) instead of a long trade text.
2) another Notice Board type thing listing players shops (we could give them names) that can be filtered by name. search for "bows" or "rares" or "cheap", check out what's to offer. then have a Visit button.
and/or maybe some checkboxes/sliders for filtering HO's that only have things withing a certain price range. "show all hideouts with "rare" and "bow" in its name and b/o is 1c-5c"

(2) would be slow to find stuff but would give it a more Market kind of feel, like window shopping.
rawr. fear me.
Last edited by tidbit#1299 on Aug 16, 2017, 2:14:18 PM
shaunika90 wrote:
anyone who thinks AH prices wouldnt be manipulated to bits has never played world of warcraft

altough i'd be fine with an AH of sorts for essences/maps and the like that you generally buy more than 1 for

but definitely not items

i quite like actually having to deal with players, be able to barter/bargain with them AH is way too impersonal

So what? Of course there will be some manipulation going, it happens even in real world with WAY more safe guards than a videogame will ever provide. But an AH will be MILES ahead in all aspects compared to the current crap that we have, including potential of dealing with flippers and scammers TO SOME DEGREE.

Some people above mentioned player shops. I would love to see that and believe it is a viable solution.

Give players an option to make their hideout public, so when you find this person (either through third party crap or whatever), you can just click his nickname and then go to his hideout. Make premium stash tabs simply double size tabs, and give everyone access to the ability to set up a shop.

There. Done. Everyone is happy, and hideouts become more meaningful.


So many people presented ideas on how to make it work, without even taking much time to come up with this. I seriously doubt GGG devs haven't thought about this. This solution would also be in line with their "player interaction (lol like it happens now) trading, without AH functionality (which we have now but with more opportunities for scammers and less controllable). Is there some kind of insidious reason for them to keep the current abomination of a trading system? Do they benefit somehow from this scam open third party website relying trash?
Last edited by MECHanokl#1095 on Aug 16, 2017, 2:21:11 PM
MECHanokl wrote:

So what? Of course there will be some manipulation going, it happens even in real world with WAY more safe guards than a videogame will ever provide. But an AH will be MILES ahead in all aspects compared to the current crap that we have, including potential of dealing with flippers and scammers TO SOME DEGREE.

Some people above mentioned player shops. I would love to see that and believe it is a viable solution.

Give players an option to make their hideout public, so when you find this person (either through third party crap or whatever), you can just click his nickname and then go to his hideout. Make premium stash tabs simply double size tabs, and give everyone access to the ability to set up a shop.

There. Done. Everyone is happy, and hideouts become more meaningful.


So many people presented ideas on how to make it work, without even taking much time to come up with this. I seriously doubt GGG devs haven't thought about this. This solution would also be in line with their "player interaction (lol like it happens now) trading, without AH functionality (which we have now but with more opportunities for scammers and less controllable). Is there some kind of insidious reason for them to keep the current abomination of a trading system? Do they benefit somehow from this scam open third party website relying trash?

well at least half the people crying for an AH are claiming "flippers and price manipulators" as an excuse, so it's not just "so what"

again, i'm not necessarily against player shops, but that would make bargaining impossible, which i kinda love

i think every consumable should be able to be sold in a player created shop

but items themselves should require personal interaction

i think that's a nice middle ground
There is plenty of manipulation and fraud on the New York Stock Exchange, despite all the different layers of oversight. But you don't hear the SEC suggesting going back to ticker tape and banning high-frequency trading algorithms that have come to dominate the market in recent years. I mean, do you guys realize how ridiculous this argument sounds?
For me there being no AH or AH-like way to trade other than spamming a chat and going to a 3rd party site, kinda makes the game worse.

I do know that not everyone feels the same though.
shaunika90 wrote:

well at least half the people crying for an AH are claiming "flippers and price manipulators" as an excuse, so it's not just "so what"

again, i'm not necessarily against player shops, but that would make bargaining impossible, which i kinda love

i think every consumable should be able to be sold in a player created shop

but items themselves should require personal interaction

i think that's a nice middle ground

There is nothing stopping a person from seeing something in a persons 'shop' and whispering a counter offer. It happened all the time in EQ2 which had that kind of in house storage for sellable items.

EQ2 allowed you to open your home (hideout) to non-party members for the purposes of trade. The only thing they could interact with was the shop storage, or vendor in this case.

I like the idea of the personal vendor which would be an interface to the stash tabs that you deemed as for sale. You'd click the vendor like you click an NPC now and the sellers tabs would pop up all neatly labelled.

Seems reasonable. I'm not holding my breath though.
Lets not become the next Diablo 3 xD
Hi. I can't believe I share the planet with morons who reply here.... Just introduce the bloody AH already like all the other normal games did! Years b4 you...

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