Why is there no auction house?
As an ARPG vet (I started playing the original ARPG known as Diablo (1))
Of all the evolution of trading /SSF over the years in ARPG, I think SSF (a good one) is the best. Kill monsters, get loot, become a bad@ass, & get the girl. Okay, maybe the last part has been missing for most ARPG, but the whole idea for ARPG is to kill monster to get loot, not hoping for currency, & using currency to buy loot. However I am not oppose to AH if done well. I have no problem with either PoE designer went with SSF (fully or with trading (like now)) or with AH. The problem we now have is, we have a half@ss SSF, & a half@ss Trading-half-AH control by third party, that hasn't evolve much pass turn of century Diablo 2. Good SSF allow players to have a pathway to getting the gear they want, with controlled crafting or craft recipe where the mateials/currency reasonable to find if you play normally. More powerful gears just required more mats/currency or rarer ones |
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I cannot fathom how anyone could possibly like the current "trade system". Does anyone honestly enjoy whispering 20 people with only AFKs and no replies? Does anyone enjoy having to constantly portal out of a map all the time when you're trying to sell something? You would seriously prefer this? I'm not even talking about all the 3rd party external crap that you have to install just to sell something.
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If enough people stop playing over this issue, something may happen. Until then, nope.
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" I agree with the first part of your post, then it dropped. Since when do you have to install anything to trade? |
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this game isnt about trading, we want players to focus on running maps and end game content for fun.
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Because sending two dozen tells to unresponsive people is what makes PoE so much fun.
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Auction House is not the solution, is the current system perfect? God no, but let's not dumb down the game just because some people are lazy
"Life isn't a problem to solve but a reality to experience." - Frank Herbert
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The current system is broken already. Plenty of people have pointed out the script abusers.
So of course those people are going to be in this thread braying "no problem here mate! move along,eh?" The key to an effective AH in PoE is to get the fees right. Make the fee equal to the price and people will balk at flipping. Alternatively, have no AH but Player Shops instead. * The PS is an NPC container that you put your items in and set prices on. GGG makes purchacing one an MTX that goes in your hideout. * GGG can sell skins for the PS and extra sales tabs for it to make some real $$$. Maybe your PS is a ragged exile with a crappy looking stand, or maybe it's a living gold statue with an ornate table etc. * Tons of skinning/theme possibilities for players and GGG. * Buyers of your items can find them through the API/3rd party website/notice board or whatever. Then they will visit your hideout to collect the items off the NPC so you still get to show your hideout off. * No automated collection. Last edited by Tilveran#1190 on Aug 16, 2017, 1:37:26 PM
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" There is a big difference between making the game easier (say by reducing monster hp and damage) and making certain common functions more convenient. How is it dumbing down the game if you can just buy items without dealing with AFK sellers, or sell items without having it interrupt your leveling/mapping? |
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anyone who thinks AH prices wouldnt be manipulated to bits has never played world of warcraft
altough i'd be fine with an AH of sorts for essences/maps and the like that you generally buy more than 1 for but definitely not items i quite like actually having to deal with players, be able to barter/bargain with them AH is way too impersonal Last edited by shaunika90#5422 on Aug 16, 2017, 2:17:38 PM
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