When will you REWORK Reflect?

LowBudget780 wrote:
k1rage wrote:

well its rather easy...

build more towards defense and less towards offense like every HC player ever lol

You don't even have a single character leveled past 85 and your sitting here defending reflect mechanics, chaining low level maps in hardcore doesn't mean you have a defensive build lol

most of my higher lvl guys got deleted to make room for new leagues

highest i ever hit was 91 or 92 i think

I really never worry about reflect... totems FTW
I dont see any any key!
KillerFit wrote:
crystalwitch wrote:

Nice gear, by the way.
I'm especially impressed by that one ring you've got with 25% increased elemental damage, 30% increased elemental damage with weapons, and 29% increased fire damage)

And I know you said you're an experienced player, but I just noticed that if, instead of spending 4 points and getting the 'Forces of Nature' node and the nodes leading to it for 40% increased elemental damage and 'damage with weapons penetrates 6% elemental resistances', you could spend 4 points and go down from where your Energy from Within jewel is socketed and go to the 'Foresight' node and gain 20% increased energy shield, plus another 20 base maximum energy shield, which would help make up for the Skyforth boots you're using.

I already sit at 10+K Es which is more than enough for a ranged character?Is the poupose of this game building insane amounts of defence?For example do we have to build 15K Es to survive a reflect monster?If so,could you please tell me how exactly and how long will it take for a new or average player to aquire such high lvl/mirrored gear?What you want to tell us is that its better to build defensive rathar than offensive?For mee building offensive IS DEFENSIVE!The less time i spend at a boss fight the lower the chance for me to get killed or make a mistake!If i do get killed in a boss fight i at least know i made a mistake,i know how to correct that mistake and next time a fight that boss i would have learned,and prepared NOT to make the same mistake!Now could you tell me how to prepare for "next time i encounter reflect"?Do you see my point now?Its all about that the mechanic DOES NOT give you any chance to prepare for it,or if it does it is at a cost of something else,lets say for farming exp!So we again come to the point in which if you build defensive you need and extra 1-2 months of grinding to get to lvl 100!Every game has a goal my man,this types of games is running,farming as fast as you can,reap profit from it,gather more money and invest in another character when your bored,OR upgrade your current char!If you take for ever to reach lvl 100,dependant on other players+Aura so you barely have any dmg in a party++++Uping the risk of getting killed in a boss fight becuase you are forced to spend longer and longer time,than i can imagine how many lvl 100 chars there will be!There is a thing called exp/hour?Have you heard it,it is there telling you how fast you can reach the next lvl,if you build all out defence,and 0% like some streamers do,than how long will it take you to kill trash,and be effective in exp/perhour?If you check my profile you will figure put that my LA arrouw does 60K dps with chain,which is NOT by any means a glass cannon!!!!I take 1-3 shots some times to kill a pack in heavy modded 6man partys!My dps is NOT overkill for trash BUT i still get killed to refl!What does that mean to you than?

if your offense is you defense then you are building glass cannon

Reflect it your weakness

almost every build has weaknesses reflect is yours

in the old days reflect was way way worse
I dont see any any key!
Last edited by KillerFit#7210 on Jul 14, 2017, 12:38:56 PM
well yeah if you can one shot yourself you are a glass cannon

you have plenty of ES for the mobs you are fighting but not for the insane amount of damage you are putting out

try not to off screen so much and dont run reflect maps

all builds need a weakness your build is weak to reflect

most high damage builds that dont have VP are

also you seem angry, maybe calm down and remember its just a game
I dont see any any key!
Last edited by KillerFit#7210 on Jul 14, 2017, 12:39:05 PM
I play hardcore bro....

sometimes I die

sounds like you do to

would you have made it past 92 in HC


but not if reflect is as big of a problem for you as you make it out to be

also pretty please stop posting in big blocks, paragraphs and spacing are your friend
I dont see any any key!
and it hits the graveyard lol
I dont see any any key!
KillerFit wrote:

Well you proved my point exactly,you are somebody that never went the distance above playing lvl 95,so you have no experience about lvl 99 and lvl 100.Further more you say it your self you are not interested in going the 100 distance,you are happy with you 92 lvl characters!Well i am NOT!You are totally self centered and egoistic,you are ready to play the few builds that can get to 100 just to get there,and thats something totally diferent from what i am talking about here!NON of your answers had nothing to do with what i am talking about infact!You also said "reflect mechanic is there to punish offscreening" ????WTF are you talking about?Would you also say tha vollitile was added o the game to punish close range melee attacks?If GGG wanted to punish offscreening they would have removed it all together from the game and BOOM you never offsceen at all!Do you even know why reflect exist?Let me tell you,reflect was added in the game just so there is reflect in the game,same as volitile!No one expected people to be all out mirrored and have 800K damage and get 1 shotted to refl at the beggining!It happened so they tried to counter it with buffing reflect even more with buffing life of the monsters,but that ofcourse wont fix the problem!You and i are talking about 2 diferent things + you are the kind of prson that will bow his head and accept things as they are,and stay lvl 92 for ever,well i am not that person,thats why i am here,of you LIKE reflect than i kindly ask you NEVER to reply again here!Open your own section with the name "I LIKE REFLECT MECHANIC" and enjoy your comments there!I am looking for people like me who had enough and actually want to do something about reflect,not for people who bow their heads and clap when their told and people who are willing to stay ot lvl 90.Thank you and good luck with your New Thread!

Literally everything, personal issues aside, in this wall of text is wrong.

"You are totally self centered and egoistic" - Very ironic for you to say, since this thread was made because you wanted to stroke your ego somewhat.

"You also said "reflect mechanic is there to punish offscreening" ????WTF are you talking about?" - That is one of the main reasons reflect existed. Rather, back when it was an aura, it was meant to drive people to attack the rare first and deal less area damage, but that includes off-screening with projectiles.

Would you also say tha vollitile was added o the game to punish close range melee attacks? - Yes, for the most part. Believe it or not, melee used to be very popular, especially before Nemesis when volatile rares were introduced. I wouldn't say they were made to specifically punish melee though, but close-ranged builds in general, including some spell casters.

"If GGG wanted to punish offscreening they would have removed it all together from the game and BOOM you never offsceen at all!" - actually, if GGG wanted to prevent people from off-screening content, they'd probably put a wall in the way rather than remove it entirely. You clearly don't pay attention to GGG's balance decisions, do you? They prefer to fuck shit up rather than outright remove it.

No one expected people to be all out mirrored and have 800K damage and get 1 shotted to refl at the beggining! - actually, GGG did expect this somewhat. There's a reason mirrors are a thing in the game, you know. Maybe not 800K, because that's an unfeasable number for when they first started, but with the mechanics you had back then compared with what we have now, they definitely expected people to make builds with absurd damage outputs.

"It happened so they tried to counter it with buffing reflect even more with buffing life of the monsters,but that ofcourse wont fix the problem!" - GGG has nerfed reflect on monsters several times because of community complaints. I'm pretty sure around the same time they increased monster life, they also reduced reflect numbers. Reflect also used to be an aura, if you were around for that time you'd have probably destroyed your computer judging by how you're acting now.

I'm not gonna bother responding to your personal feud with the other guy, since it doesn't really involve me. I kinda agree with you on a few of the things you said, leveling past 99 is a lot different than leveling past 95, and so on. But that doesn't mean there's a problem with reflect. Hundreds of people manage to survive with reflect in the game, there are people who hit 100 in hardcore leagues. Reflect is not a problem as it is, the people playing in soft-core leagues expecting everything to just melt in front of them are the problem.

One more thing, regarding the whole 'Glass Cannon' thing. Your character takes absolutely no defense outside of Energy Shield. Leech is not a defensive mechanic, it doesn't mitigate damage. It's a recovery mechanic, and doesn't make your character more defensive. Your build, by definition, is a glass cannon. You invest into no defense and into as much offense as you can, and your gear is heavily offensive based.

I'm assuming you're not a native English speaker, and I really don't care about the issues in spelling and grammar. But you should probably at least break your posts down a bit, it's a bit hard to read through a solid wall of words.
10k ES retarded damage 'full banana' build cannot deal with reflect. how typical (and a choir of like-minded players in support.. the same names every time)

get some evasion so your tooltip LA wont kill you. it is this simple. EV nullifies attack reflect damage.

and please - 'offscreen reflect is unfair'? how is offscreen damage 'fair' in the first place?

solution to offscreen reflect is to remove offscreen

ps. are people that insecure that they cannot cut their DPS tooltip by 50% and invest these points/gear slots into defenses so they no longer are affected by the dreaded reflect? the dps they do not need anyway as there are no rewards for overkill damage
sidtherat wrote:
10k ES retarded damage 'full banana' build cannot deal with reflect. how typical (and a choir of like-minded players in support.. the same names every time)

get some evasion so your tooltip LA wont kill you. it is this simple. EV nullifies attack reflect damage.

and please - 'offscreen reflect is unfair'? how is offscreen damage 'fair' in the first place?

solution to offscreen reflect is to remove offscreen

ps. are people that insecure that they cannot cut their DPS tooltip by 50% and invest these points/gear slots into defenses so they no longer are affected by the dreaded reflect? the dps they do not need anyway as there are no rewards for overkill damage

Well, I never cared for reflect even while playing RT with US, and IR in 1.3.0 when reflect was an aura, and I still used Lightning Strike for AoE and Glacial Hammer for single target - I just made my damage 50% phys and 50% elemental...

And I don't give a @*~^ now when I play Crit and use a fully converted Ice Crash for Phys reflect, and Sunder versus Ele reflect...

Not to mention all the instances where you converted a large amount of your damage to chaos, or the newly introduced reflect mitigation options...

And I still think that offscreen damage should be greatly reduced, but until GGG thinks that is the way to go, I would just enjoy that for each screen away from the character, the reflect monster should deal 100% increased reflect damage, as that would be fairplay when comparing with the melee situation, and by melee, I'm only considering skills that need to hit a target to do damage, in a <16 radius from character...
PSS: Our almighty TencentGGG overlords are very scrupulous regarding criticizing their abilities to take proper decisions and consider everything "needlessly harsh and condescending"...

Good to know "free speech" doesn't apply in any form or manner on the forums these days...

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