When will you REWORK Reflect?

sofocle10000 wrote:
KillerFit wrote:
Since i got 0% Help from all the discussions here,and the only thing i found are "Professors" who think they know everything and their highest char is lvl 97,i will be closing this post and reediting it!
Seems nowerdays people are more interested in "Pretending they are special and they know everything" than to help find a solution to something thats bothering many in this game!As always you manage to evade the solution with your own selfish egos!Dont be suprised when you get hit back in real life for the same thing in the face!People always get what they have earned!I regret supporting this game and will be short leaving it,and spending my time and money on some other game which makes sense and is player orianted!A game that wont have egoistic allknowing nobodys that NEVER help,but always comment how they did that,and how they did this,and how YOU are imperfect and they are!

Right, let me enlighten you a bit.

The 97 level of the so called "professor" was hit by going melee, as in ALWAYS using a skill that requires you to hit a goddamn enemy in a radius <16 around the character on a single 6L with an additional Lightning Strike in a 4L/pseudo 5L for AoE clearing.

And I know the new way to level 100 in a few days, but I don't give a damn about it.

If you would stop focusing on "meta" skills and items, you're welcome to play PoE the HARD way and prove me wrong by reaching 100 faster then I will. Heck, I'll even watch your stream.

You already had received a large number of answers that tried to HELP and offer more pertinent suggestions, as I personally loath ranged and cast playstyles. And that comes from people that took their time and watched your skill tree + items.

Being a self entitled focused player didn't earned you anything else except: OMFG he hit 99 and he has mirror level gear and still dies to REFLECT - of all the bull@#&* mechanics like Volatiles on unavoidable monsters before 3.0 and Vaal DD. What could be wrong???"

You just didn't try to adapt.

And as I said everywhere, I dare GGG to make reflect more punishing for offscreening, as due to all recent mechanics, reflect even offscreened seems like a moderate joke when comparing it to how it was. Or it should get the Racecourse treatment of an On/Off aura.

PS: This so called "professor" might die to unavoidable Volatiles or Vaal DD, but Reflect is a joke. It's great that you, although you reached only 99, die to reflect and probably less to Volatiles/DD so try to improve on the way to 100. You don't even keep a goddamn Voltaxic as weapon swap. >.<

PayneK wrote:

1. did you seriously respec 9 of my points for just 2 life nodes? OMG
2. do you seriously want my perma freeze character to split cold and physical damage and use faster attacks?

Everything that you said screams that reflect kills your build if you want to reach lvl100 ...and that you need to respec into a small hits tank just because of this one mechanic.

Of course he wants that as a 50/50% split would allow you to kill reflect be them physical or elemental with higher chances for your survival.

No need to become a small hits tank, but some caution, especially due to the fact that projectiles travel multiple screens at time, should be mandatory.

I don't get why some people don't like to adapt.

And last time I checked, only the Racecourse boss had a reflect mechanic, so it's going to be safe to use your regular playstyle at all boss encounters...

I see people like you ALL the time in the game.You are the type "Looking for aura" because your dps and clear speed are 0%!If you bothered to read my original post in the beginning you would have read that i wrote "I am not a ZiggyD fan of 0% Damage"!Ofcourse if you nerf your damage in everyway you would so called "Adapt" and NOT die to reflect!BUT thats not adapting,that making your self uneffective!As i told you i see guys like you ALL the time in Strand partys,they join and they run behind us and leech exp,than they get to lvl 97 as you did!Once YOU start to lead a party and MUST clear content not just follow arround OR use an aura bot,than your will start to have the problems i do!The other thing your saying is "Back in the days reflect was worse,now its not so bad so leave it alone"?Really?You mean back in the days black people were killed at random,now a few black kids are killed by police,so its not so bad as it used to be,just leave it alone?There is ALWAYS room for improvement!be nerfing your self,you become less effective in clearing conent,thus you exp/hour lowers and your grinding is prolonged!Keep running around and folowing party man,i have nothing against it!I find this game even less pleasing from before after i saw people like you who have the interest to feel special and say nothing of importance,just say it so people think you really know something!Thats why as i stated i will move on to another game and fix the problem!Good luck to ALL!
Last edited by KillerFit#7210 on Jul 15, 2017, 3:45:34 AM
PayneK wrote:

1. did you seriously respec 9 of my points for just 2 life nodes? OMG
2. do you seriously want my perma freeze character to split cold and physical damage and use faster attacks?

Everything that you said screams that reflect kills your build if you want to reach lvl100 ...and that you need to respec into a small hits tank just because of this one mechanic.

1. No I respecced your tree so you would have 2 extra life nodes (one being constitution, the best life node in the tree) but also 4 less passive points. I also suggested you should get rid of your cruel bandit reward and get another passive point. If you do all of this you would get all but one life node in the Scion life Wheel.

Currently you have 5024 life.
With my suggestions you would end up with 5969 with your current gear.
6398 with a 38% belly of the beast instead of your current chest piece.

So...no. It's not just a small change.

2. No. If you actually bothered to read my post you would know I was listing examples of possible ways to deal with reflect. I could add to the list pick up survivalist, get a 25% effect / 33 less duration cold res potion, utilize point blank (use the distance against reflect mobs to cut damage in half and avoid off-screening). There are many other options...

Actually the build I suggested is still a freeze build with 100% cold conversion.

So how about you actually thoroughly read the post and then response?
KillerFit wrote:

I see people like you ALL the time in the game.You are the type "Looking for aura" because your dps and clear speed are 0%!If you bothered to read my original post in the beginning you would have read that i wrote "I am not a ZiggyD fan of 0% Damage"!Ofcourse if you nerf your damage in everyway you would so called "Adapt" and NOT die to reflect!BUT thats not adapting,that making your self uneffective!As i told you i see guys like you ALL the time in Strand partys,they join and they run behind us and leech exp,than they get to lvl 97 as you did!Once YOU start to lead a party and MUST clear content not just follow arround OR use an aura bot,than your will start to have the problems i do!The other thing your saying is "Back in the days reflect was worse,now its not so bad so leave it alone"?Really?You mean back in the days black people were killed at random,now a few black kids are killed by police,so its not so bad as it used to be,just leave it alone?There is ALWAYS room for improvement!be nerfing your self,you become less effective in clearing conent,thus you exp/hour lowers and your grinding is prolonged!Keep running around and folowing party man,i have nothing against it!I find this game even less pleasing from before after i saw people like you who have the interest to feel special and say nothing of importance,just say it so people think you really know something!Thats why as i stated i will move on to another game and fix the problem!Good luck to ALL!

Lol dude. At this point I actually think you are trolling. Anyways you can read my post I made for you. It's about the same clear speed and safe against reflect.

And yeah - you are massively failing to adapt to a fairly simple problem but you are blaming the game for your own mistakes. So best of luck playing hello kitty :) (see you in 3.0).
Frankenberry wrote:
KillerFit wrote:

I see people like you ALL the time in the game.You are the type "Looking for aura" because your dps and clear speed are 0%!If you bothered to read my original post in the beginning you would have read that i wrote "I am not a ZiggyD fan of 0% Damage"!Ofcourse if you nerf your damage in everyway you would so called "Adapt" and NOT die to reflect!BUT thats not adapting,that making your self uneffective!As i told you i see guys like you ALL the time in Strand partys,they join and they run behind us and leech exp,than they get to lvl 97 as you did!Once YOU start to lead a party and MUST clear content not just follow arround OR use an aura bot,than your will start to have the problems i do!The other thing your saying is "Back in the days reflect was worse,now its not so bad so leave it alone"?Really?You mean back in the days black people were killed at random,now a few black kids are killed by police,so its not so bad as it used to be,just leave it alone?There is ALWAYS room for improvement!be nerfing your self,you become less effective in clearing conent,thus you exp/hour lowers and your grinding is prolonged!Keep running around and folowing party man,i have nothing against it!I find this game even less pleasing from before after i saw people like you who have the interest to feel special and say nothing of importance,just say it so people think you really know something!Thats why as i stated i will move on to another game and fix the problem!Good luck to ALL!

Lol dude. At this point I actually think you are trolling. Anyways you can read my post I made for you. It's about the same clear speed and safe against reflect.

And yeah - you are massively failing to adapt to a fairly simple problem but you are blaming the game for your own mistakes. So best of luck playing hello kitty :) (see you in 3.0).

I have read your post i never had problems with barrage its the 60K LA which by your standarts is a glass cannon,but seems you havent read my original post and my complaint is NOT so much about reflect itself!Anyway Best of luck to you too!I will go and play hello Kitty you just keep following aura partys arooud and may life grant you another 100 lvl!Gl bortha!
KillerFit wrote:
I have read your post i never had problems with barrage its the 60K LA which by your standarts is a glass cannon,but seems you havent read my original post and my complaint is NOT so much about reflect itself!Anyway Best of luck to you too!I will go and play hello Kitty you just keep following aura partys arooud and may life grant you another 100 lvl!Gl bortha!

A) Then it's because you not doing what I suggested and lowered your crit multiplier / damage and get rid of Hatred. Also you are obviously having overlapping AoE effects from LA. Try using elemental focus instead of WED or PPAD to remove the shocked effect. If that is not enough use Faster Attack instead of a damage multiplier.

The order of things are Damage -> Leech -> Reflect -> Damage Leech -> Reflect. So if you can survive until the second leech you should be fine. Also use Point Blank to your advantage. It cut's your damage in half on long range so utilize that against reflect enemies :)

B) Glass refers to an extreme focus on dps and lack of defenses. Your character has extremely good dps. But little to no defenses besides a fairly mediocre ES pool. And a very mediocre ES pool compared to your very high quality gear. My Pathfinder this league actually had 11k ES with somewhat similar gear (not with it's current passive tree).

C) Hard to read your original post since you deleted it :P

D) I always play solo. All the way. From lvl 1 - 100 :)

E) "meow"
KillerFit wrote:
Since i got 0% Help from all the discussions here,[...]

Well, if you don't read what matters, or are avoiding it on purpose because you don't actually want to adapt ...

There are flaws in your character, and the game is punishing you for it.
You can improve if you want.
SSF is not and will never be a standard for balance, it is not for people entitled to getting more without trading.
KillerFit wrote:
sofocle10000 wrote:
KillerFit wrote:
Since i got 0% Help from all the discussions here,and the only thing i found are "Professors" who think they know everything and their highest char is lvl 97,i will be closing this post and reediting it!
Seems nowerdays people are more interested in "Pretending they are special and they know everything" than to help find a solution to something thats bothering many in this game!As always you manage to evade the solution with your own selfish egos!Dont be suprised when you get hit back in real life for the same thing in the face!People always get what they have earned!I regret supporting this game and will be short leaving it,and spending my time and money on some other game which makes sense and is player orianted!A game that wont have egoistic allknowing nobodys that NEVER help,but always comment how they did that,and how they did this,and how YOU are imperfect and they are!

Right, let me enlighten you a bit.

The 97 level of the so called "professor" was hit by going melee, as in ALWAYS using a skill that requires you to hit a goddamn enemy in a radius <16 around the character on a single 6L with an additional Lightning Strike in a 4L/pseudo 5L for AoE clearing.

And I know the new way to level 100 in a few days, but I don't give a damn about it.

If you would stop focusing on "meta" skills and items, you're welcome to play PoE the HARD way and prove me wrong by reaching 100 faster then I will. Heck, I'll even watch your stream.

You already had received a large number of answers that tried to HELP and offer more pertinent suggestions, as I personally loath ranged and cast playstyles. And that comes from people that took their time and watched your skill tree + items.

Being a self entitled focused player didn't earned you anything else except: OMFG he hit 99 and he has mirror level gear and still dies to REFLECT - of all the bull@#&* mechanics like Volatiles on unavoidable monsters before 3.0 and Vaal DD. What could be wrong???"

You just didn't try to adapt.

And as I said everywhere, I dare GGG to make reflect more punishing for offscreening, as due to all recent mechanics, reflect even offscreened seems like a moderate joke when comparing it to how it was. Or it should get the Racecourse treatment of an On/Off aura.

PS: This so called "professor" might die to unavoidable Volatiles or Vaal DD, but Reflect is a joke. It's great that you, although you reached only 99, die to reflect and probably less to Volatiles/DD so try to improve on the way to 100. You don't even keep a goddamn Voltaxic as weapon swap. >.<

PayneK wrote:

1. did you seriously respec 9 of my points for just 2 life nodes? OMG
2. do you seriously want my perma freeze character to split cold and physical damage and use faster attacks?

Everything that you said screams that reflect kills your build if you want to reach lvl100 ...and that you need to respec into a small hits tank just because of this one mechanic.

Of course he wants that as a 50/50% split would allow you to kill reflect be them physical or elemental with higher chances for your survival.

No need to become a small hits tank, but some caution, especially due to the fact that projectiles travel multiple screens at time, should be mandatory.

I don't get why some people don't like to adapt.

And last time I checked, only the Racecourse boss had a reflect mechanic, so it's going to be safe to use your regular playstyle at all boss encounters...

I see people like you ALL the time in the game.You are the type "Looking for aura" because your dps and clear speed are 0%!If you bothered to read my original post in the beginning you would have read that i wrote "I am not a ZiggyD fan of 0% Damage"!Ofcourse if you nerf your damage in everyway you would so called "Adapt" and NOT die to reflect!BUT thats not adapting,that making your self uneffective!As i told you i see guys like you ALL the time in Strand partys,they join and they run behind us and leech exp,than they get to lvl 97 as you did!Once YOU start to lead a party and MUST clear content not just follow arround OR use an aura bot,than your will start to have the problems i do!The other thing your saying is "Back in the days reflect was worse,now its not so bad so leave it alone"?Really?You mean back in the days black people were killed at random,now a few black kids are killed by police,so its not so bad as it used to be,just leave it alone?There is ALWAYS room for improvement!be nerfing your self,you become less effective in clearing conent,thus you exp/hour lowers and your grinding is prolonged!Keep running around and folowing party man,i have nothing against it!I find this game even less pleasing from before after i saw people like you who have the interest to feel special and say nothing of importance,just say it so people think you really know something!Thats why as i stated i will move on to another game and fix the problem!Good luck to ALL!

Let me be perfectly clear, you think that I level solely by Shaped Strand to reach 97?


I'm a player that plays solo, and has 111 completed on the Atlas so even if I wanted, I couldn't always play just Shaped Strands... And I don't buy maps, like ever. I might buy an item once in a blue moon, but I am a casual n00b hoarder.

And guess what, this casual n00b hoarder dies less to reflect than your almighty glass canon build.

So please, stop being a self entitled @#&*^ and start acting like you did played all the way to 99 solo - I'm not throwing with mud - and IMPROVE and ADAPT.

PS: Have fun in any other game that you choose to play.
PSS: Our almighty TencentGGG overlords are very scrupulous regarding criticizing their abilities to take proper decisions and consider everything "needlessly harsh and condescending"...

Good to know "free speech" doesn't apply in any form or manner on the forums these days...
Last edited by sofocle10000#6408 on Jul 15, 2017, 8:08:08 AM
This game has probably the most poorly thought-out reflect mechanics I've seen and that's not likely to change.
i'm not a professor, was wandering around the suggestion thread and decided to give my two cents on the matter. Reflect is good, it was really harsh in the past when the aura was shared with other mobs, but today, it's a problem usually only for those players who deal some kind of dmg they are not ready to receive; if a player has such an high dps (usually critters) GGG added few mods with essences and couple nodes on the tree with which you can reduce the amout of dmg you get. and that's it i guess. edit: the porcupine invader tho, that's broken af.
Last edited by jeonitsoc#7346 on Jul 16, 2017, 5:32:52 AM
KillerFit wrote:
Since i got 0% Help from all the discussions here,and the only thing i found are "Professors" who think they know everything and their highest char is lvl 97,i will be closing this post and reediting it!
Seems nowerdays people are more interested in "Pretending they are special and they know everything" than to help find a solution to something thats bothering many in this game!As always you manage to evade the solution with your own selfish egos!Dont be suprised when you get hit back in real life for the same thing in the face!People always get what they have earned!I regret supporting this game and will be short leaving it,and spending my time and money on some other game which makes sense and is player orianted!A game that wont have egoistic allknowing nobodys that NEVER help,but always comment how they did that,and how they did this,and how YOU are imperfect and they are!

Crying about a glass cannon detrimental mechanic (that is perfectly fine) and threatening to quit but just bought the Eclipse supporter pack.

Congratulations. You played yourself.

Also stop dotting the thread and let it die already.
"Never argue with an idiot. They will take you down to their level and beat you trough experience."

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