[LOOTFILTER] FilterBlade - editor, with lootgeneration & more - optimized for NeverSink's filter

SkoDo_ wrote:
Show # $x->Atlas->T2 %TB-Atlas-Bases
ItemLevel >= 84
BaseType "Blue Pearl Amulet" "Marble Amulet" "Vanguard Belt" "Bone Helmet" "Two-Toned Boots" "Spiked Gloves" "Gripped Gloves" "Fingerless Silk Gloves" "Crystal Belt"
Rarity <= Rare
SetFontSize 36
SetTextColor 255 125 0 255 # TEXTCOLOR: Atlas bases
SetBorderColor 255 125 0 255 # BORDERCOLOR: Crafting: T0
SetBackgroundColor 35 100 20 255

Accidently clicked Submit instead of preview.

I was wondering why something like this line shows up in my filter as I cannot find any setting in customize for it.

There is a setting for 86+ Atlas bases but nothing I can see for 84+

Customize -> Endgame -> Special Bases and Rules -> Atlas-exclusive -> Atlas Bases, level 86+

There is currently a small problem with the mislabeled title. It says 86+ but the entry is actually for 84+. We'll fix those with the next update soon!
- ZoeyFloat, FilterBlade developer
DamnYouFreak wrote:
Hey is there a way to disable default drop sounds for currency. It works for nets but not for currency.

It should work for currency too by just adding the line "DisableDropSound" but FilterBlade currently doesn't have the UI to add/remove that line. We might add it later on!
- ZoeyFloat, FilterBlade developer
I can't Disable the Default drop sound for items and it's playing TWO sounds per drop now instead of ONE.

So I've been running into an issue just recently regarding drop sounds (not necessarily nets) for all items. It will play the custom sound from the filter (for example: Exalt - Sound 6) and immediately afterward it plays the GGG Default sound for the item.. Resulting in two distinctly different sounds per item... across the board.

This is happening with currency, various items and gear. I tested the Item Filter Alert Volume and Sound Effects Volume and that takes out one sound or the other (in the case of having only the filter sound show up, I had to fully lower the volume of the Sound Effects, which disabled ALL sound that wasn't filter related, which sucks). The Item Filter Alert Volume bar, when fully lowered, just removed all filter sounds and leaves me with the default sound that was always playing (filter on or off).

I've been googling and scouring forums for a few hours this morning and have come up empty. I was wondering if anyone else is having this issue and if there's a 'solve' already available. Thanks!

UPD: Solved.

Hi! Thanks for your amazing job and beautiful filter! =) I've been using it for 3 leagues since I saw it =) And it's soooo god, omg, and filterblade.xyz also awesome.

But maybe in some near future, can we get please something like small "disable" or "hide" button near existing right now "reset" button on every section of filterblade.xyz? It will be very nice QoL. Cuz it's ultra annoying, for example, hiding every single t2, t3 and t4 rare bases now, when you moving step-by-step from normal filter at the start of league to middle/endgame/grind style by tuning stuff yourself.
⚔️ https://steamcommunity.com/id/yalme/
Last edited by yalme#5688 on Mar 20, 2018, 3:11:35 PM
yalme wrote:
Hi! Thanks for your amazing job and beautiful filter! =) I've been using it for 3 leagues since I saw it =) And it's soooo god, omg, and filterblade.xyz also awesome.

But maybe in some near future, can we get please something like small "disable" or "hide" button near existing right now "reset" button on every section of filterblade.xyz? It will be very nice QoL. Cuz it's ultra annoying, for example, hiding every single t2, t3 and t4 rare bases now, when you moving step-by-step from normal filter at the start of league to middle/endgame/grind style by tuning stuff yourself.

We'll consider it.
But for the rare tiers you can actually go to Customize -> Endgame rares -> Add custom Show/Hide rules -> Hide rares by Tier, click on Hide and use the dropDown menu there to simply hide e.g. Tier 2 and worse, Tier 3 and worse, ...
- ZoeyFloat, FilterBlade developer
Tobnac wrote:
yalme wrote:
Hi! Thanks for your amazing job and beautiful filter! =) I've been using it for 3 leagues since I saw it =) And it's soooo god, omg, and filterblade.xyz also awesome.

But maybe in some near future, can we get please something like small "disable" or "hide" button near existing right now "reset" button on every section of filterblade.xyz? It will be very nice QoL. Cuz it's ultra annoying, for example, hiding every single t2, t3 and t4 rare bases now, when you moving step-by-step from normal filter at the start of league to middle/endgame/grind style by tuning stuff yourself.

We'll consider it.
But for the rare tiers you can actually go to Customize -> Endgame rares -> Add custom Show/Hide rules -> Hide rares by Tier, click on Hide and use the dropDown menu there to simply hide e.g. Tier 2 and worse, Tier 3 and worse, ...

WWOOOOOW! Somehow I didn't know that feature exists, just dont see it all time! :D
It's actually pretty good, really, thanks! =)
⚔️ https://steamcommunity.com/id/yalme/
Last edited by yalme#5688 on Mar 20, 2018, 12:45:52 PM
EDIT: question answered in other thread, as NeverSink says below (I missed it because it was on next page, didn't notice a page had been added when I refreshed).

Is there any way to add items based on quality (for the armorer's scrap and blacksmith's whetstone vendor recipes)? Something like small items need to have 5% quality (regardless of rarity) while extra large items need to have 15% quality?

I looked through, and while I found that the "command builder" offered enough options (quality, height, width), that's really for editing existing rules, not adding a new one. Meanwhile the add additional rule section doesn't have quality as an option.

Is it just not possible to include items with certain quality percentages based on size?

Neversinks answer from the other thread:
NeverSink wrote:
I'll add a quality slider in the next update. Also: this will definitely not make it into the default filter.
Last edited by gokens#3993 on Mar 23, 2018, 9:43:59 AM
gokens wrote:
Is there any way to add items based on quality (for the armorer's scrap and blacksmith's whetstone vendor recipes)? Something like small items need to have 5% quality (regardless of rarity) while extra large items need to have 15% quality?

I looked through, and while I found that the "command builder" offered enough options (quality, height, width), that's really for editing existing rules, not adding a new one. Meanwhile the add additional rule section doesn't have quality as an option.

Is it just not possible to include items with certain quality percentages based on size?

I answered your question in the other thread already
Please don't PM me ingame with filter/guide questions, post them on the forum, after reading the FAQ.
I still use your filter never sink :d

Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr
I_NO wrote:
I still use your filter never sink :d



Awesome, I'm glad you like it.
Please don't PM me ingame with filter/guide questions, post them on the forum, after reading the FAQ.

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