[2.6] IMMORTAL MF GOLEMS - Shaper / Uber / ALL Guardians *WHILE DEAD*
Sure, and minion damage modifier in the tree as well as Minion Damage Support or Controlled Destruction Support, flat Fire Damage from Anger, etc., do ultimately increase the Burning Damage from Ignites. I meant to say my golems do not double-dip... because I prefer 5% more damage with every hit from Eelemental Focus over Ignites I get with Controlled Destruction. Monsters can only have one active Ignite instance at any given time which is 20% damage of a single hit from one golem over 4 seconds (much less even at bosses since penetration does not affect DoT), IMO not worth it without Increased Burning Damage Support.
" This remains to be seen... GGG have nerfed all sorts of things and indeed ascendancies in the past. ;) And seeing how one can completely cheese the mechanics of the hardest boss fights the game has to offer with a bunch of immortal golems has surely got their attention. " Necro golems are not "immortal". ;) Last edited by tomay#5509 on May 11, 2017, 7:07:07 AM
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" just make golems despawn once owner dies? |
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Minions dying with their master is another option indeed but my money is on GGG going after elemental immunity.
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" Damage over time does not effect us. But i doubt this build will survive 3.0. I hope it does but i would not depend on it. Trust your mind and strengthen your abilities!
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Oh dear... false informmation yet again.
" This would be true you were using Elemental Focus instead of Controlled Destruction. However, changes to Damage over Time do affect us if... " Your "ignite effect" causes Burning Damage which is Damage over Time which is subject to changes that will indeed affect this build. In 3.0 modifiers to Spell Damage will no longer influence your Ignite damage, meaning you will loose a good chunk of burning damage, namely any increase the golems currently receive from Controlled Destruction and quality on Spell Echo. Last edited by tomay#5509 on May 11, 2017, 10:09:45 AM
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Ok, I managed to kill minotaur while dead. It took 4 portals, but it seems consistent enough that I should never run out of portals with this method. Not that I'll bother as it's not worth it. I just wanted to see if I could.
Equipment: The baron helmet, united in dream, 2x heartbound loop, sidhebreath amulet, 1x clayshaper Gems: used 20/20 flame golem. removed 2 damage gems from my 6 link and put in empower lvl3 and minion life Passives: picked up minion life leech next to gravepact Jewels: 9x harmony, anima stone, might, 1x eminence Golems: originally tried 3x flame, 1x stone (for regen), 1x chaos (for phys reduction). Chaos died too quickly, leading to the others falling like dominoes since there was less of them to spread out the damage. In the end 5x flame seemed best Map: rare corrupted, made sure to avoid any mods that could possibly make it harder Possible improvements that could reduce it to 1 portal: empower lvl 4, picking up all minion life passives, another united in dream, lvl 21 flame golem. Maybe another harmony would be better than eminence. Anyone thinking of copying this, don't. Unless you already have a united in dream (260 chaos), otherwise it's not worth it. |
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" U dont need to be dead or go that extreme expensive items. All you need run around the room try to stay alive. You can do this with a shield - chayula amulet and any es boots or gloves and some improvements on skill tree. Trust your mind and strengthen your abilities!
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Hi i have a problem and im sorry if it is answered already. (im at work so no time for reading 76 pages)
so my problem is this: if i have EE skill point and my golems hits first the target then i cast arc/orb of storm whateva lightning skill ... what happens to the rest ot the fight ? my question is this does i need to hit the target before my golems or just need to recast the procing skill ? |
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" Damage from golems does not proc EE. Your damage does however proc EE such that your golems benefit. So zap away, just make sure you don't have anything on you that causes fire dmg. |
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" Hi, its ok to ask questions any time even if they were answered before. About the question; your golem does not proc EE so u dont need to worry about their dmg. But it would be better to use a lightning skill on bosses as much as possible to proc both ee and ascendancy penetration buff. You can ask any question i am glad to answer all. Hf and gl :) Trust your mind and strengthen your abilities! Last edited by MrsDeath_#3960 on May 12, 2017, 4:12:09 AM
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