Donald Trump and US politics
I said it's a good thing one because it show that the bigotry against such people is going down (at least, I hope so, I'm sure people of the LGBT community voted for the person just because they are trans, which is bad.
Build of the week #9 - Breaking your face with style
IGN: Poltun |
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Trump boosting the economy everywhere he goes: GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
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" "Even in their foreign dining, the contrast between Obama elitism and Trump populism is stark. Related: I rarely discuss politics with my kids, but the one regular trigger where they bring up Trump on their own is when we have steak. See, my youngest prefers his well done with ketchup, and thanks to the local radio covering it on their morning show, my other kids always point out that he is eating like the President. Kinda difficult to imagine a poor-ish family like mine "eating like Obama." When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted. Last edited by ScrotieMcB#2697 on Nov 8, 2017, 9:15:38 AM
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" I'm calling you bigoted for doing the same thing racists and bigots on the right always do. This is yet again something I've already talked to you about on this forum, but nothing I say to you ever manages to sink in. You just keep repeating the same mental errors. Again, though, I respond to your nonsense not to fix you, but so that anyone reading along doesn't mistake you for someone remotely reasonable. Take an issue where two groups do a thing. I'll go with the same example I called out the racist right on in this thread a while back, crimes committed by white and black people. These two groups both commit crimes regularly. The racist Trumplings in this thread, however, would frequently and exclusively post statistics on black crime and talk about how violent black people are. You'll note that this is the same thing Trump and the other racists and bigots on the right do constantly, demonizing non-white, non-Christian mass shooters while not doing the same for white, Christian shooters (and it's fucking disgusting that we have enough mass killings to form a consistent pattern on this). "We should not politicize this tragedy." Yeah, unless the killer's not a white Christian, in which case we see a tweet born of bigotry from the president thirty seconds later. That's exactly what you do with (and I'll quote your buzzword insanity here) "intersectional minority-identitarianism." (Quick aside for anyone else reading this, Scrotes apparently coined that bullshit term himself. He's so enamored with his bigotry that he came up with a fun new name for it!) We don't see a steady stream of posts from you calling out the various forms of "identitarianism" on the right, but you're up in arms as soon as someone starts caring about minorities and persecuted groups instead of condemning them. Those people get branded "SJW" and are labeled one of America's greatest problems. |
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The reason for all of the Dem 'winning' is Trump. People weren't out in droves voting for Democrats, they were voting against Trump as a person.
Good sign. |
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"This isn't true. Not that long ago, some antisemitism worked its way into this thread, and I denounced it thoroughly. It's not that I don't denounce the identirarian right when they appear, it's that they're truly a much smaller and much, much less accepted demographic, so there is quite simply more identirarian left to interact with. I mean, if anyone posts anything identirarian right around here, chances are I won't have a long window to denounce it, before it gets taken down. The mods here let left-identitarians speak but silence right-identitarians. I'd prefer the mods let the speech of both stand; I enjoy dismantling the arguments of both, and as a minor bonus I'd get more opportunities to signal my centrism to Jennik. For the most part, though, you're right: I deal with left-identitarians around here. Like you. When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted. Last edited by ScrotieMcB#2697 on Nov 8, 2017, 10:27:34 AM
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Scrotes, how are you so consistently wrong about damn near everything? You bring up the "identitarianism." You don't reply with screeds about "intersectional majority-identitarianism" when some racist asshole posts "it's okay to be white," "build the wall," "black crime Chicago so bad," or whatever bullshit they're pushing that day. Trump cultists constantly post their "identitarian" garbage.
You only attack those filthy SJWs who care about minorities, even when nobody's talking about minorities. You bring up your hatred of the SJW menace. You also play the disgustingly dishonest game of using outrageously extreme examples of SJWs (the ones in right-wing hate videos) to demonstrate what an SJW is, then also call people like me an SJW. This is another favorite tactic of the bigoted right, frequently seen in recent years when demonizing all Muslims when an extremist does something bad. Another side note: I searched for "identitarianism" alone instead of along with all Scrotes' other favorite buzzwords: " Those filthy SJW libtards and their white nationalism. When will they ever learn?! |
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Dr. Trump's new Twitter banner is pretty.
![]() Looks like he's enjoying his time in China. GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
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"That is not growing anybody's economy. When a restaurant gets suddenly popular and people eat there, they are doing so instead of spending money at a different restaurant or in some other way. The owner of the newly popular restaurant may get richer, but somebody else sees lost sales. There is no economic growth; it is just moving money around within the Japanese economy in a slightly different way. "Gratitude is wine for the soul. Go on. Get drunk." Rumi
US Mountain Time Zone |
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