Donald Trump and US politics
" There is always the possibility Trump could get primary'd in a 1v1 contest by someone like Ted Cruz... |
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"I don't think that's likely. But it's probably more likely than a Democrat win. When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
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Cruz went from Lyin' Ted to Complyin' Ted to Lion Ted. He would never betray the GEOTUS.
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
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" I switched from independent to republican so i could vote against Trump in my states closed primary in 2020. I have faith in Ted Cruz. He'll do the right thing. |
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" The narrative is still Wrong. Democrats vote in lower numbers, that is what happens. Many Democrats didn't turn up to vote and Trump won. Vote for Trump, vote for third party, Stay home on election day that is their votes. |
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" Are you lying or do you seriously have a small child's fanciful, overly simplistic misunderstanding of this issue? Some of the problems with the election, all of which are regularly discussed: 1) Voter suppression carried out by Republicans across the country (limiting early voting, cancelling Sunday voting in areas with black communities, voter ID laws designed to disenfranchise certain groups, voters unknowingly being unregistered, etc.) 2) Voter suppression inherent in our voting system (the electoral college silencing the voices of millions of Americans) 3) A large number of radicalized, uninformed, and historically misinformed Americans, largely stemming from propaganda (Fox "News," right-wing insanity factories, Russian interference (paid ads, internet trolls, fake Twitter personalities, and more), fake news on social media sites (actual fake news, not what the right calls literally any information they dislike), and so on) That's not an inclusive list. Your absurd claim that "the Democratic narrative" (as if such a thing even exists) is "Russia did it" is so outside the realm of reality and rationality that you should be ashamed of yourself. Your willful ignorance and the ease with which you belief any ridiculous claim demonizing the left makes me call you out for nonsense like this constantly. As for the future looking bleak for Democratic candidates, I don't know if your head's been buried in the sand or up in the clouds, but things have been looking pretty damn good since the election. Donations are absurdly high all across the country. Democrats are overperforming in elections to a huge degree (recent article: Democrats have won 6 GOP-held seats in 2017. Republicans have won 0 Democratic seats). There are no indicators that this is going to stop anytime soon. Your beliefs, as usual, don't map to reality. You should really work on that. |
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To be clear, as a centrist I want the tightest races between the most viable candidates. I want the Dems to get their shit together. But that's not going to happen until they:
1. Apologize to their base for rigging the 2016 primary 2. Accept responsibility for mismanagement during the 2016 general (as opposed to blaming Russia) 3. Purge those within the past who were responsible for 1 & 2, and have those who successfully complete that purge become the new party leadership and/or presidential candidate. (Given the identirarianism of the left and her excellent record on issues, Tulsi Gabbard would be the optimal choice for the latter). When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
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" Not likely. Hillary Clinton is already centre. The left despise that. Bernie Sanders is trying to move the party left. They Want A Bold Leftward Shift. |
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"You misunderstood. I'm center, but I'm not asking leftists to simply go away and not represent themselves. The DNC is currently left on identitarians issues but almost nothing else. No, that's not because the party is center, that's because it's corrupt, rotten and empty; it is left on appearances only. Given my distaste for identirarianism in all forms, I'd much rather they return to representing the more ideological left, ex: anticorporatism and antiwarmongering. As I've already admitted, despite my preferences, they probably won't phase out the identirarianism, so yes, this would represent a Sandersesque left-shift. That's what I want too; more left-populism. You got one thing right though: not likely. When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
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