Donald Trump and US politics

Jennik wrote:
Kamchatka wrote:

What does this have to do with the Catholic Church running charities & hospitals in the USA?

Good lord, man. Really? I was very clearly talking about two completely different things in those posts. How could you possibly not understand that? I talk about people's lack of reading comprehension skills often, but that's just fucking shameful.

Well you posted it under several posts about charity & hospitals. I guess you decided to post a random comment near there to confuse someone so you could insult them.

Congratulations, you got me! good job!
It's a rather tasty start!
Kamchatka wrote:

Well you posted it under several posts about charity & hospitals. I guess you decided to post a random comment near there to confuse someone so you could insult them.

Congratulations, you got me! good job!

There you go! Deny all responsibility for what is clearly your failure, then find some farcical way to blame the other person. Good job, nailed it! Yeah, I totally posted those comments back to back to confuse people so I could insult them, not because I wanted to say something relevant to the thread (indictments starting) and reply to something someone else said (charity fantasy). Brilliant catch! Totally pinned down my nefarious motivations!

Shit. Now that you've caught on to me, I need a new master plan in order to confuse and insult people. It turns out posting two separate posts in one thread wasn't quite subtle enough to go unnoticed.

Sigh. I guess this is what I deserve for interacting with someone I already had on my ignore list. If only their posts didn't still show up when I click "post reply." Like the old saying goes, though, fool me once, shame on you. Fool me can't get fooled again.
Last edited by Jennik#1783 on Oct 30, 2017, 8:39:24 AM
Jennik wrote:
Kamchatka wrote:

Well you posted it under several posts about charity & hospitals. I guess you decided to post a random comment near there to confuse someone so you could insult them.

Congratulations, you got me! good job!

There you go! Deny all responsibility for what is clearly your failure, then find some farcical way to blame the other person. Good job, nailed it! Yeah, I totally posted those comments back to back to confuse people so I could insult them, not because I wanted to say something relevant to the thread (indictments starting) and reply to something someone else said (charity fantasy). Brilliant catch! Totally pinned down my nefarious motivations!

Shit. Now that you've caught on to me, I need a new master plan in order to confuse and insult people. It turns out posting two separate posts in one thread wasn't quite subtle enough to go unnoticed.

Sigh. I guess this is what I deserve for interacting with someone I already had on my ignore list. If only their posts didn't still show up when I click "post reply." Like the old saying goes, though, fool me once, shame on you. Fool me can't get fooled again.

I congratulated you on your clever ruse, you got me good. What more do you want? A high five?
Three so far!
Aw fuck yeah, it was Manafort! Gonna spend the $20 I won in the pool on a nice scarf.
Papadopolous is going to be a huge problem for Trump in this.

faerwin wrote:
Honestly, if I lived in the US, I think I'd start a crowd funding project to create an hospital (one to start with) that would be a non-profit institution.

From the American Hospital Association:
Of 5,564 Hospitals in the US, 2,845 of them are non-government Not-for-Profit hospitals. A few of the children's hospitals are run entirely on donations, where the patients aren't charged at all, but very few of the others are able to run that way.
"The only legitimate use of a computer is to play games." - Eugene Jarvis
PoE Origins - Piety's story
Last edited by DalaiLama#6738 on Oct 30, 2017, 10:16:38 AM
Jennik wrote:
Kamchatka wrote:
Well yes, The Catholic Church runs hospitals that survive on charity, as do some other churches.

I'm not aware of a single hospital in the US that operates purely on charity. There's also a massive difference between there being some charitable organizations that provide healthcare and charitable organizations providing sufficient healthcare nationwide to help all those who need help. This libertarian delusion might feel good, but it's still pure fantasy like the rest of their inane ideas about libertarian utopias.

We would not get a nationwide network of hospitals in this libertarian, charity-fueled wonderland. The people most in need of medical assistance still couldn't afford to pay for their treatment under faerwin's model. It's a busted idea from top to bottom.

Socialized medicine is what we need.

You should read up on the history of hospitals, as your perspective is 180 degrees off. Hospitals began and spread because of charities and church organizations. There are several chains of hospitals that are non-profit. The largest chain of all (currently) Kaiser-Permanente, is structured as non-profit health plans with for profit facilities. Many smaller independent non-profit hospitals are having to combine to keep from going bankrupt as they operate on thin margins. They handle a lot of patients (as most hospitals do), that can't ever pay their bills. In any given hospital, about 20-25% of patients don't pay, and those costs have to be absorbed. In some places, it's over 1/3 of patients, which usually requires public subsidies to keep them running.

The concept of making money hand over fist from hospitals is relatively recent (last fifty years or so). They aren't unknown backwater hospitals either. Perhaps you have heard of Mayo Clinic before? Or maybe the little place called John Hopkins?

Johns Hopkins, a Baltimore merchant and banker, left an estate of $7 million (US$134.07 million in 2016[10]) when he died on Christmas Eve 1873 at the age of 78. In his will, he asked that his fortune be used to found two institutions that would bear his name: "Johns Hopkins University" and "The Johns Hopkins Hospital." At the time that it was made, Hopkins's gift was the largest philanthropic bequest in the history of the United States.[11]

Toward the end of his life, Hopkins selected 12 prominent Baltimoreans to be the trustees for the project and a year before his death, sent a letter telling them that he was giving "thirteen acres of land, situated in the city of Baltimore, and bounded by Wolfe, Monument, Broadway and Jefferson streets upon which I desire you to erect a hospital." He wished for a hospital "which shall, in construction and arrangement, compare favorably with any other institution of like character in this country or in Europe" and directed his trustees to "secure for the service of the Hospital, physicians and surgeons of the highest character and greatest skill."[11]

Most importantly, Hopkins told the trustees to "bear constantly in mind that it is my wish and purpose that the hospital shall ultimately form a part of the Medical School of that university for which I have made ample provision in my will." By calling for this integral relationship between patient care, as embodied in the hospital, and teaching and research, as embodied in the university, Hopkins laid the groundwork for a revolution in American medicine. Johns Hopkins' vision, of two institutions in which the practice of medicine would be wedded to medical research and medical education was nothing short of revolutionary.

"The only legitimate use of a computer is to play games." - Eugene Jarvis
PoE Origins - Piety's story
The_Reporter wrote:
It's a rather tasty start!

Still reading the indictment, but except for 2 recent (2016 and 2017) statements of denial of what he was doing from 2006-2014, it looks primarily about tax evasion, and the foreign agent stuff is 2014 or prior, before he was working for Trump.

Someone paying $3 million in cash for a house should have been a red flag. I haven't had a chance to look at the reports that Manafort was supposedly investigated back in 2013, and why charges weren't filed then.
"The only legitimate use of a computer is to play games." - Eugene Jarvis
PoE Origins - Piety's story

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