Donald Trump and US politics

MrSmiley21 wrote:
Another political defeat for the left:


Surge For Right-Wing Eurosceptic ‘Czech Trump’ at Worst Election in Czech History for Left Party

With over 99 per cent of the vote counted, the party of the populist Czech billionaire described by some as the ‘Czech Trump’ has achieved a considerable victory in the national legislative elections — with the mainstream left Social Democrat party achieving their worst result in national history.

With an estimated fortune of over four billion, ANO [YES] party leader Andrej Babis is even wealthier than U.S. president Donald Trump, and has used his wealth since the 2011 founding of his party in a crusade to change Czech politics. Originally founded to oppose government corruption, the party has since come to oppose the Euro currency, European Union federalism, and mass migration.

Looks like Team Pepe gets another recruit on the global leadership council. Along with Don, Vlad, Vic, Bashar and Rody. Everybody, welcome Andy to the crew!

*makes cringy Pepe face*

Another Billionaire using idiots.
The true Russian cover up

GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
MrSmiley21 wrote:
Look, we all know that Trump is:

- A big meanie poo poo head.
- Runs things like a mob boss.
- Has an enormous ego.
- Is narcissistic.
- A brute.
- Insensitive.

But we voted for him anyway. I don't think anyone who voted for Trump didn't know that he wasn't all of the above.

What does that say about the left? America would rather have a jackass than a communist? Sounds reasonable to me.

The_Reporter wrote:
He received many votes from the ill informed and ignorant.

What’s your point? So did Clinton, and Obama, and McCain, and Romney, and Bush, and Kerry, and every other candidate before them.

Go to any college campus and you’ll find plenty of the ill informed and ignorant crying about safe spaces and violent words. Go to any city and you’ll find plenty of the ignorant and uninformed praising their Democratic masters that run their cities into the dirt.
Devolving Wilds
“T, Sacrifice Devolving Wilds: Search your library for a basic land card and reveal it. Then shuffle your library.”
CanHasPants wrote:
Go to

we don´t have to
Uranium / Clinton was news in 2015, iirc, right ?
What I find hilarious, is selective moral outrage. Both the left and the right do it, but it's commonly done most by whichever party lost. It's hypocrisy on display, and smarter people know it, and don't let these cries of selective moral outrage sway their opinions one way or another about more important issues. Etc, which candidate is the best for me politically, supersedes cries of selective moral outrage by the opposing side. Which means selective moral outrage is only designed to convince idiots to change their mind. Regardless if it's the left or the right doing it.

All of the critics of Trump in this topic are pushing selective moral outrage, incredibly hard. I know some of the others here are wise enough to have picked up on that fairly early on as well.

I wish I had a dollar for every TOP KEK! moment I had in this topic.
Last edited by MrSmiley21#1051 on Oct 22, 2017, 2:08:37 PM
MrSmiley21 wrote:
What I find hilarious, is selective moral outrage. Both the left and the right do it, but it's commonly done most by whichever party lost. It's hypocrisy on display, and smarter people know it, and don't let these cries of selective moral outrage sway their opinions one way or another about more important issues. Etc, which candidate is the best for me politically, supersedes cries of selective moral outrage by the opposing side. Which means selective moral outrage is only designed to convince idiots to change their mind. Regardless if it's the left or the right doing it.

All of the critics of Trump in this topic are pushing selective moral outrage, incredibly hard. I know some of the others here are wise enough to have picked up on that fairly early on as well.
It's a memory thing.

I've been thinking a lot about memory lately. About how the ability to remember more things with higher accuracy is a measure of mental fitness, and how the creation of false memory is the hallmark of mental illness. I've been thinking about the end of the Momento movie (old Nolan flick) and the choice of a character to deliberately corrupt their own memory.

It used to be said that he who is not sided with the Left at twenty compels one to doubt the generosity of his heart; but he who, after thirty, persists, compels one to doubt the soundness of his mind. The continued popularity of the Left among the Gen X and Boomer crowd seems to show that the Left has overcome this one-time weakness, but I don't think they've done it by winning the argument... I think they've done it by realizing the importance of memory. If the truth of experience is painted over with willful forgetfulness and revisionist history... if they can get people to not care or think about anything that those very people saw or heard more than, say, ten years prior... if people are so thoroughly emersed in hedonistic consumption and their childrearing delayed so as to divorce them from responsibility and family values... then they've managed to prevent people from ever surpassing the mental age of 30, and created an infantilized population with more heart than sense.

I don't quite understand how this is done, but I see it everywhere: people simply don't remember what the Bush presidency was like, they don't remember Obama's campaign promises, they simply aren't playing with all of the evidence even though they were there. I don't honestly believe it's selective moral outrage or hypocrisy on display, I think they've literally forgotten that this isn't the first time these things are happening. It's as if Obama winning meant the Before Time was over and no longer worth holding onto, unless you were a grumpily old birther.

Or maybe they were just too busy watching TV and getting tattoos to give a fuck.

But I think the scariest part is: there are people behind this who are making a choice between the integrity of memory and Leftist political objectives, and they're sacrificing the former to the latter. And like Leonard Shelby, I don't think they even think they're evil. Maybe they think the Right did it first and revenge is justice. Who knows.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
Last edited by ScrotieMcB#2697 on Oct 22, 2017, 3:22:45 PM

there is a *little* problem in the white house and basically the whole world is concerned about that unstabile immoral loony asshole.

But hey, have some memories, write some walls of text. gn8

Scrotie, my criticism of Trump has zero to do with political alignments. I'd criticize a corrupt liar of any party in the role of president equally.

This is all about quality of human character. In my opinion, he has none. That in itself makes him unfit to lead any political party.

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