Donald Trump and US politics

He's not "quite smart". It doesn't take intelligence to lie one's way to the top. It only takes a lack of substance, a willingness to do and say whatever it takes and an easily fooled audience.
It doesn't take intelligence to lie one's way to the top.
Um, no. Intelligence is precisely what that takes. You are literally talking about a series of obstacles that cannot be physically overpowered and must be outsmarted in order to be overcome. Do you think professional poker players aren't intelligent either?

I mean wow. Just wow. That's like saying Yagami Light is dumb and Francis Urquhart is a moron. It confuses utterly the concepts of morality and intellect.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
Last edited by ScrotieMcB on Oct 8, 2017, 10:47:29 AM
ScrotieMcB wrote:
It doesn't take intelligence to lie one's way to the top.
Um, no. Intelligence is precisely what that takes. You are literally talking about a series of obstacles that cannot be physically overpowered and must be outsmarted in order to be overcome. Do you think professional poker players aren't intelligent either?

I mean wow. Just wow. That's like watching the Death Note anime and saying Light is dumb.

The difference is that Trump's lies are only that. Lies. What he does couldn't be adopted to successful poker playing.
Jennik wrote:
I genuinely pity anyone incapable of recognizing how much of a moron Trump is. All you should have to do is listen to him speak.

All you have to do, or all you should have to do?

Jennik wrote:
No intelligent person sounds like that.

Do intelligent people speak in a baritone, or is it more of a brassy sound with ring modulation?

Jennik wrote:
Trump's dumb as hell, and anyone who can't recognize that is likely in the same boat.

Hell is having their legal team look at that statement. I hear their out of court settlement rate is high, but the terms are often hellacious.
PoE Origins - Piety's story
Last edited by DalaiLama on Oct 8, 2017, 11:38:54 AM
ScrotieMcB wrote:
It doesn't take intelligence to lie one's way to the top.
Um, no. Intelligence is precisely what that takes. You are literally talking about a series of obstacles that cannot be physically overpowered and must be outsmarted in order to be overcome. Do you think professional poker players aren't intelligent either?

I mean wow. Just wow. That's like watching the Death Note anime and saying Light is dumb.

The difference is that Trump's lies are only that. Lies. What he does couldn't be adopted to successful poker playing.

Yeah, it's not like he could bluff or call someone's bluff when nuclear weapons are involved.

Totally not like that all. Those poker playing dudes all go on winning until they beat the odds as badly as the Cubs did to win the pennant.
PoE Origins - Piety's story
And you seriously think that taunting and lying is a good way to represent millions of people? He acts like a nine year old bully in a playground.

It's not his complete lack of morality and empathy singling him out as a moron, it's the inability to fake those things.

He's a dangerous psychopathic narcissist.

He's a dangerous psychopathic narcissist.

TDS still going strong.
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
Xavderion wrote:

He's a dangerous psychopathic narcissist.

TDS still going strong.

What is "the storm"?
Xavderion wrote:

He's a dangerous psychopathic narcissist.

TDS still going strong.

What is "the storm"?

GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
ScrotieMcB wrote:
It doesn't take intelligence to lie one's way to the top.
Um, no. Intelligence is precisely what that takes. You are literally talking about a series of obstacles that cannot be physically overpowered and must be outsmarted in order to be overcome. Do you think professional poker players aren't intelligent either?

I mean wow. Just wow. That's like saying Yagami Light is dumb and Francis Urquhart is a moron. It confuses utterly the concepts of morality and intellect.

You are mistaking knowledge with intelligence.

Applying previous knowledge, while it is a certain sign of intelligence, doesn't make one person intelligent. Intelligence is about the capacity to gather and apply knowledge. Trump's methods show that's he's unable to gather and apply new knowledge as he's using the same tactics he did in business to the political world and he's refusing to acknowledge that it doesn't work.

Someone that's smart would have recognized that those underhanded tactics do not work in the world scene and adapted their strategy in consequence. Trump did not. He's still hammering the exact same speech because he's unable or unwilling to adapt. This is a clear sign of low intelligence.

As for getting to the top, you do not need intelligence. You need ruthlessness and a complete lack of empathy. Sure, in some cases, intelligence might be able to do the trick but the ratio of people that got to the top with intelligence alone compared to being willing to do anything to get there would be extremely skewed towards the latter.

"Good guys finish last"
Build of the week #9 - Breaking your face with style
IGN: Poltun
Last edited by faerwin on Oct 9, 2017, 1:50:20 AM

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