[3.2] Very cheap ~ REVIVED 4 Million DPS+ RF Fire Nova Mine (Update soon)
" Well, with Infernal Mantle my ES is almost 7100 (so i don't think that i need to improve my gear now, 400 or 500 wouldnt save me if I have to die lol). Like you said my dps has increased a lot after lvled up my gems (my tooltip now is almost 4k/AoE and they are not in lvl 20 yet). I switched my jewels and my boots (with 20% MS) and i think i'm beginning to get used to it, but I still die a lot especially on maps with TC mods. I'll try detonate mines/faster casting. Thank you (again) for your tips :D |
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" You should quality your boots while you're at it :P also trade in your level 20 whirling for quality 20. It doesn't help having it at level 20. Just a few small things...you should get better rolled atziri/witchfire and i'm not sure why you're using a life flask just use a basalt with remove bleeding. Quality all your flasks, it helps more than you think having that extra duration. |
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I found a very reasonable solution for mana problem. I'm rarely using mana pot when running maps. Just pick two rings like mine, with mana and mana regen (>45) and whatever stats you need like resist, str, dex..., 90% mana regen or close to that is a must IMO. Also grab the 3 Dreamer Nodes right bellow where Energy from within jewel is socketed. I can spam 4 sets of mines in a row before running out of mana.
10900 ES (9350 ES without discipline), Total mana = 1443 and 895 reserved (Temp Chains + Discipline).You can even swap discipline with clarity and all your mana problems will be gone for good, spam all day long. But that amount of mana and regen for me is more than enough, so I'd rather pick discipline for more survivability. |
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" Yeap... I need to Quality my boots/mantle. I'm using the life flask only because it removes bleeding (ysterday, i was out of alt to add "remove bleeding" on a basalt lol). Atziris i have lots of them in my stash (just got the first i saw), same with whirling blades. I have to improve lots of things, i just respec a summoner that i had (I was too lazy to start another char), but i think i did the right thing. I'm enjoying playing with this build and i think it's much stronger than summoner |
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What about using poison gem in ths build instead of consuming darks?
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" Yeah,but what would you replace dual consuming dark daggers with? You'd be losing one gem and sacrificing the damage and there wouldn't be a good substitute as weapons to make up for your damage... |
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" As stated you lose the 6th link as well as chaos conversion. If going pure fire elemenetalist would likely be better and you would want to run some combo of EE/flammability/EW since there is a lot more fire resist than chaos resist coming from monster defenses. I do like mines more than I thought I would so I may try going either hrimburn vortex elementalist or pyre cold2fire for epic vortex burns. Seems like the AoE on vortex is a tad larger than FNM and the 1 huge blast vs 6 little ones always seems more enjoyable for me. If I scatter the 9 FNM around it can rack my FPS as well. |
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Really slow getting started with Firestorm + Remote mine, but after some trap laying speed I love this build! It really helped getting Xoph's Heart at lvl 36 xD
I really look forward to getting my OP helmet, and then it's shaper-farming time. If you can get Skyforth then so can I! Great work on the build! Best part is that it's off-meta so stuff like jewels are really cheap. |
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" I tried vortex mines, the damage is instantaneous but rather disappointing compared to the poison stacking on all those pulses from FNM. I do agree however that vortex is more enjoyable to look at and play with in general. Vortex AoE isn't really larger though, in fact, FNM has more AOE and I also felt that stacking vortex's on top of each other still destroys your FPS. The whole screen becomes white when you lay 9 mines with vortex. The main problem with switching out consumings is that poison gem won't work well with just added chaos- You lose all your fire to chaos conversion. |
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Hey guys,
I got to lvl 88 and decided to do a hydra map. The dude wasn't buffed in hp or dmg, I just had reduced flask charges. My tooltip dps for FNM with Inc AoE is 4.2k and with Conc effect its 6.7k. So I was expecting something along the lines of the dps in the shaper video Worst_Luck posted. But I'm nowhere near as it took like 3 deaths and many many mines to get hydra down. I also made the mistake of running laviang's spirit as my only mana flask so I ran out of charges pretty fast and just died. But the dps wasn't there. Anybody care to check my gear and passive tree to see if I'm missing some huge crucial stuff to buff my dps? Character name is EksD. Thanks guys. Last edited by Geobruh#4086 on Feb 4, 2017, 4:51:47 PM
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