[3.2] Very cheap ~ REVIVED 4 Million DPS+ RF Fire Nova Mine (Update soon)
" Mana problems should be fixed with just an instant mana pot, lavianga's isn't too necessary imo. Ghost reaver and leech in general doesn't work with mines since you're not the one hitting, so we have to fully rely on ES recharge as the previous poster mentioned. Yes, if you want to run as LL you need 6L shavs and presence of chayula which are quite expensive. Nevertheless, I found it overkill to go for more damage. I can assure you that once you get 20/20 gems you'll be around my skill dps (6-7k conc). It'll be hard to reach my dps since you're not using a rare ammy, but that is up to you. Also, LL is just an unnecessary boost in damage imo. I have a few suggestions for you apart from jewels/gem levels/ES gear. The most important thing for survivability is having a high level temp chains. You need to get that dex requirement to level it as it is absolutely crucial for defense. Once you have temp & blasph at 20 then mapping will feel a lot smoother. Shaper will be way easier to dodge if you decide to try him. Just focus on your jewels more (mine damage, mine laying speed) and you'll be good. P.S: With buffs just means golem. On lowlife it includes anger aura. |
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" First, thank you for the tips I changed my TC 19/20 and it really helps a lot. I tried some maps like tier 12/13/14 and did well, died sometimes, but i could finish all them. I have a resquest to do. Could you make a video showing us your playstile? Because i think i'm being really slow and "dumb" lol |
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Nice build. Thanks for writing up the guide. Can I ask what you mean by squishy? And which chest piece is the best to use all the way to end game if you don't want to switch them out?
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Going to try this build out as my last build of the league. Does the 2 extra repeats on enchant scale the "% more per repeat" modifier of FNM so that it effectively does 1.3^4 and 1.3^5 on that last 2 hits? If that is the case then I can see why you emphasize the importance of the enchant. Tried the CwC Blight/Vortex chaos conversion builds but don't really like having to stand permanently near bosses. I lost 1 character this league to my first attempt at HC shaper and am hoping that with this build I can succeed in that goal! :D
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" All the way to "end game" i'd recommend mantle. However, once you've got all the gear that you need, gems to 20, jewels, and all your passives, then i'd recommend you switch out to a high ES vaal regalia. The reason for this is that it is much smoother to map with ~11k ES while not having to worry about mana punishment from mantle. I do recommend you try out shaper with mantle as you'll have more dps, but he is certainly doable with regalia, it all depends on your tooltip. Don't forget that going LL is your best bet with 6l shavs/presence and running arctic armor/anger & pain attunement give you a very nice damage boost. Nothing too substantial but very helpful. |
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" Not particularly, this is how it works, since FNM pulses 6 times if you have 1000 damage as base then you'll have: 1000, 1300, 1600, 1900 - 4 pulses without enchant 1000, 1300, 1600, 1900, 2100, 2400 - with enchant. Which gives you around 77% more damage for the extra last 2 hits - a massive dps boost. If you're going HC i'd recommend you stick with a high ES regalia or go LL with presence. Just stack as much ES as you can. Once you're near end-game then you can try shaper. Just make sure you know the playstyle well. There are certain windows such as when he slams where I wait till the last game-tick before I leave just so that I can lay my mines as he comes back up and detonate them, I don't think you should risk doing that. Good luck with the build and hope you succeed :) Last edited by Worst_luck#4486 on Feb 1, 2017, 11:48:04 PM
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" I can't upload a video because i'm not home this whole month. You could be dying because you keep going below 30% mana and getting one shot. I suggest you make sure you're always above that or use regalia for mapping. Get a high quality whirling/ lvl faster attacks, proc your fortify on a pack, lay mines and deto on each pack. You'll get used to it like I did. Try having detonate mines & faster casting gem, it will help even if you don't notice it. |
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Hi! Thanks for awesome build. What do you think about use Vortex (Modifiers to spell damage apply to this skill's damage over time insane!) instead Firestorm while leveling? Instakill and chill enemies who wont die. Just run around. Also at high benefical pick Pyre ring when fire dmg starts to shine.
Two difference between vortex and Firestorm\mine - easy to find equip without 2 addictional mine repeats and no need to wait when everyone dies in firestorm. Also vortex dots stacks chaos dots very well. Very well. Dunno might be dat spell broken or. Last edited by Droxter#2881 on Feb 2, 2017, 6:59:56 AM
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" That could definitely work. I think vortex would work better for leveling for sure. I just put a guide for what I did to level but thanks for the suggestion. I will consider testing it and putting it in the guide. Vortex mines are very strong. I tried them with mines & pyre conversion and the damage was quite nice. I killed shaper with it but it still can't compete with FNM but was really fun to try out anyways :) I went LL for more spell damage so the chaos DOT gets buffed as well. That's what my idea was but it seemed quite underwhelming. FNM was still absolutely insane. |
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" That could definitely work. I think vortex would work better for leveling for sure. I just put a guide for what I did to level but thanks for the suggestion. I will consider testing it and putting it in the guide. Vortex mines are very strong. I tried them with mines & pyre conversion and the damage was quite nice. I killed shaper with it but it still can't compete with FNM but was really fun to try out anyways :) I went LL for more spell damage so the chaos DOT gets buffed as well. That's what my idea was but it seemed quite underwhelming. FNM was still absolutely insane. |
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