[3.2] Very cheap ~ REVIVED 4 Million DPS+ RF Fire Nova Mine (Update soon)
Im doing this as Saboteur, since I wanted to try the ascendancy out and wasnt planning on doing the chaos conversion .
But at some poin I decided to try double Consuming Dark and the dmg boost is great. Currently lvl 87 with 4.3k HP, no mana issues, using Grace + Enfeeble as defenses. Do you mind making a sample tree in case you were doing it as Saboteur ? This is my tree, Im looking for ways to optimize it.
I was thinking on finishing with Explosive Impact, the fire dmg/radius right by Purity of Flesh. Pity the emperor who sits alone on his throne.
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" Hydra is poison immune. So you will have trouble with her as I mentioned previously. I can do it just fine but it takes much longer than usual. The fight requires you to keep dodging and going behind her, as that makes it pretty much impossible to die. That wont be a problem unless you have no move speed , which it seems like you do since you dont have MS on ur boots. I suggest you get 30% MS boots % take the jewel node on your tree by changing ur pathing (its possible) as well as craft mine dmg on ur belt. I don't have much trouble with hydra, the fight just takes a bit longer but it is certainly doable with the big amount of flat chaos you deal. The damage just wasn't there simply because she is poison immune, and so is chimera, who is more difficult to deal with but also doable. Last edited by Worst_luck#4486 on Feb 4, 2017, 10:36:02 PM
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" This is what i'd do for your tree You didn't take enough jewel sockets, so you can now have 5. I see you took a lot of mana reduced cost nodes which in my opinion aren't very necessary. You missed out on buttloads of crit. I kept you around the same life after you get some mine damage/life on jewels. I'm not sure how much you need mine laying speed so that's up to you. If you have mana problems you can go for deep thoughts. Ele damage isn't as powerful as mine damage since that doesn't double-dip. It's a shame why you can't take chaos dmg nodes because you need life but if you do transition to CI then let me know and i'll try come up with a new tree but I think you're good as far as eva/life is concerned. You got possibly get to 5k life with % life/mine dmg/chaos dmg jewels and you'll have much more dps with % mine damage because it double-dips and fire damage doesn't. Last edited by Worst_luck#4486 on Feb 4, 2017, 11:09:44 PM
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Hey Worst_Luck!
I'm enjoying your build, it's got amazing damage (even though I'm not even using concentrated effect), pretty much oneshotting everything except a few rares on t13+ I do have a small problem though... I've got about 8K ES, and am using 4 unique potions: I've been having some problems with bleed, since my last flask deals with the poison, and heavy damage bursts by breaches overall... I do need the Kiara's for all the immunities at once, the Lavianga's is there for the mana problems and the Sorrow of the Divine is there to get the Zealot's oath without traveling to the other side of the tree. I've tried to leech the damage, but I couldn't since apparently you can't leech with mines. Do you have any tips for getting the mine in, and getting out of the packs as quick as possible? And potentially other ways of regenerating my ES ? If you want you can check out my character: https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/OArchAngelO/characters/FShiroED Thanks again for this real cool guide! Last edited by OArchAngelO#6919 on Feb 5, 2017, 6:43:23 AM
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" Ahh I actually missed the whole poison immune thing. I suck. Which jewel node are you referring to? The one next to the power charge north of the witch start? And what is the other pathing that I'm supposed to run? Thanks again! |
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" After I posted I made some changes on the tree, Im about to get 90 ad 5k HP. I invested a lot on mana and mine layin speed early on cause I never played it before and I figured if Im not out of mana and not slow all the time then I could get used and like the build, and thats what happened. But, life is bad, evasion is bad. This is my main gear, I didnt stop to invest on upgrades and just bought maps as my main focus now is to reach 36 challenges. Helmet was 20c, Body armor was 20c and overall so far build was less than 70c. I went looking for armor upgrades, and well, body armor 7ex + 700 chromes (another 60c) for a better piece (avg according to Vorici Calculator), Boots 45c for just +13 max hp ... well, if I have to invest this much, I might aswell switch out to CI. 6L 700 ES Regalia 200c 300ES Hubris with enchant goes for 100c avg 200+ES Boots going for avg 100c (25% MS) 200+ES Fingerless (spell dmg) Gloves avg 70c I didnt look up at rings and belts, but I guess it'll be around 100c combined. CI gear would be 550~600c and Life Gear would be 500c~550c. Do you think the money/time investment would be worth it ? (my goal is 36 challenges) CI tree I have in mind, currently got 300c and 30 regret points to spend Pity the emperor who sits alone on his throne. Last edited by Clinkzss#4993 on Feb 5, 2017, 7:52:01 PM
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So how is this build supposed to survive during leveling up? I'm in Cruel (admittedly doing SSF) with a Tabula and some good gear and I have 800 health (which I think is the lowest I've ever had on a character at this point in the game). The playstyle seems very, VERY dangerous (this is the first mine build I've ever played) especially with such little health.
Some guidance on the play style and how to survive to get to a point of "fun" would be appreciated. Playing a mine build is unlike playing any other build. Last edited by MooginatorSSF#2519 on Feb 5, 2017, 8:55:26 PM
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" You did SSF a tabula ? just pick all the life nodes you can get when leveling and respec it out later .. its not like you need any dmg on the tree when you're using a 6L Pity the emperor who sits alone on his throne.
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" Yup. The problem is I don't think this is really a viable build for SSF; at least not without well-established ES gear and a waiting 5L. Once I get to Merc I simply won't have the resists to continue using the Tabula and without a 5L ES, I can't viably spec into CI. Build is "interesting" so far, but the hit and run mechanics aren't enticing me too much -- but the damage, especially when things crit, is fantastic. If I wasn't playing SSF I think it would be a lot more fun and have more to look forward too, but I sense a constant death/dying brick wall coming with merciless without the right non-SSF (or aged SSF build) playstyle. |
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" I had Tabula all the way to 74 maybe 75, not even running Purity of Elements (wich you can), just keep in mind this is no a Cyclone build. Piety dies instantly and Dominus 1st phase you just gotta run in circles in the south wall, I had no problems playin with 30% res in merciless. My first 20 maps were Beach with low cold res, wich were a pain in the ass, forcing me to change rings, but still playable. Pity the emperor who sits alone on his throne.
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