Nothing wrong with Blade Flurry, it's not OP it just doesn't suck like typical melee
" Why don't you race your buddies to 60, have your buddies use flame blast and you use blade flurry and see how "op" it is when you aren't using legacy standard league weapons. Or your buddies can use BV for an even more absurd display of just what "op" really is. You people are very misinformed my evasion is so high i only insta rip sometimes ----- Bug Fixes: People were using cyclone for actual melee builds, so we nerfed it and made blade vortex. Also, we went ahead and made cyclone great for CoC casters while we were at it. Last edited by Legatus1982#1658 on Nov 19, 2016, 3:52:55 PM
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" ++++ You fools still don't have a clue to what you're talking about. High level players actually tested this on tough t14+ maps, group play, and put out numbers and facts than spew overhyped garbage which you nerfers are doing. With all due respect & no offense, pls don't say anything is OP if you're testing it out up to lvl 80s, anyone with a brain and some skill can claim something is OP in those easy levels. The hypocrisy and ignorance of this community is astounding. What makes it more insane is the bitching and overreaction coming from players who have been crying for fixing and buffing melee in general, so now GGG for once in a long time, creates ONE added melee tag skill that is NOT like the heap of trash of other melee skills, and you cry about it?? At best, BF is now a comparable alternative to BV (still best for leeching & t15+ bosses), EQ, Cyclone, LA/PA/any high end range skill etc... more choice and an added, good option for once for melee attackers, albeit not 'real' melee but that's irrelevant... you keep crusading GGG for buffing and fixing 'real' melee which continues to be dog crap, that's the real issue here, not bitching about a new skill which is suppose to suck like '___ strike', that's what you're all basically doing here. Dark_Chicken - lvl 100 Marauder Divine_Chicken - lvl 100 Duelist Last edited by Dark_Chicken#5481 on Nov 19, 2016, 4:28:34 PM
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" So someone linked a video about Blade Vortex... from Standard Also someone linked a video from Blade Flurry (not sure if in this thread) So you also see which gear he uses (The Chest he switches to Carcass, due to different links, but that should be sown), which is pretty impressive, but to be fair, a pure physical char is likely even stronger than that. And yes a fully build standard Pathfinder with BV is likely still better for overall clearing, but honestly at this point it hardly matters, since basically all builds are more gated by their ability to navigate and considering they high AS that Blade Flurry builds would use they shouldn't have any more trouble with that. The AoE of the skill is also so huge that unless you accidently hit a mob at the far end outside the screen whenever you hit a mob in the pack you hit the whole pack. So you essentially tap the button, which usually grants 2 stacks, because of how fast it is and that destroyes packs. You also can kill most bosses, just charge 6 Stacks before Izaro emerges and unleash it for about 800% or so weapon damage. So considering melee it is the best skill and likely only surpassed by Blade Vortex, which is pretty much the most broken stuff imaginable. So it is satisfying to play, offers the highest overall damage and has mechanics that benefit basically anything you want to have right now. It is fast, so triggers many on hit effects if you want, it is an attack so has very easy access to life leech and it is very cheap to sustain. " The thing is... it doesn't fix any of the issues melee has. It just isn't melee. Does it fix the terrible targetting? No, it just hits the whole screen. Does it fix the poor selection of melee supports? No, since it utilizes weapons that can be easily scaled with crit. Does it fix the issue that it feels clunky to weave supportive skills like Warcries or Fortify into your attacks? No, because it doesn't need that, since it is a ranged skill. The exact same skill could be a channeling skill for bows as well, just mark an area and you shot arrows that deal AoE damage into that area, because that is basically what Blade Flurry does and it is even better because you can carry a shield while doing so. I don't mind skills like Glacial Hammer not being too good, but the current earthquake is fine and other melee skills should be elevated to its level. The issues of Melee aren't really in the skills. It is a lack of supports, exspecially to supplement Resolute Technique (because if you forego Crit as a caster you get a nice damage Multiplier) and the lack of defenses against things that will hit them because... well they are melee. So if Melee Skills right now are good, it is because they are not melee. By just looking at the numbers skills like Static Strike or Wild Strike could be really cool, they offer solid damage and even some clear... but they are namelocking skills, so they suck right away and at some time you are usually feeling terrible. And if Blade Vortex gets nerfed, which is not unlikely Blade Flurry is likely the goto. Of course Barrage and Spectral Throw are also still good, but they don't offer the same mechanics. Both are also dealing a lot of hits, which is basically the meta thing to do right now and Blade Flurry might be able to bypass them both in those regards. And of course Barrage has a higher single target focus, while ST is directly comparable because you are likely using the same weapon... and Blade Flurry clearly is the better choice in terms of overall damage, trash clear at a certain point does favour ST though, although it isn't that much difference due to an attack ony taking 1/6 of a second with Blade Flurry. So if we phase out Blade Vortex just for a second, because it is OP and it doesn't make sense to compare it since basically anybody arguing against Blade Flurry would argue the same against Blade Vortex. If we compare it to Earthquake it just doesn't compare. A simple charge deals almost as much damage as Earthquake while offering a lot of benefits. It is fast, it is fast, you always will have a shield as an option, you could charge two stacks (and likely still be faster than Earthquake, actually it is hard to charge just one stack if you go nuts on AS, which you should), and both the initial strike and the burst on release are more reliable to hit than earthquake. If we look at actual dps on a boss Earthquake falls of massively. During the time you need for a single hit with earthquake you might be able to release a full set of 6 or at least 4 or 5 stacks. |
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I like how the skill reaches the edge of the screen by default, without any investment in area/range whatsoever.
"Melee". |
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Those who claim that this skill is not overtuned musst hold their melee weapon on the wrong side lol.
Aoe with no investment great. No Targeting, so a Blind Cat can play it, even better. Dmg. output / scaling and since its attack based, easy leech? Sure why not. One stack enough to kill the entire screen of trash. Halve the Time to Kill a Boss compared to other Melee Skills.. seems fair Oh you don't even need a good melee weapon to start with too This is getting ridiculous. This should not be a Fix to Melee, i see it's place for single target but making it a main skill should require more than using a inc. aoe gem, which you can most likely even avoid by using aoe on gear. Last edited by Toma_Hawk#1634 on Nov 20, 2016, 4:45:36 AM
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" And yet, Blade vortex was behind things like warchief totem and earthquake in HC in terms of usage. " Blade vortex is not even a Top 3 clear speed build in the game. Vaal spark and cospris discharge annihilate it's clear speed. Again, for farming clears it'd not even a contest. Yet is clearly the best skill in the game. " Pure nonsense. Not only bf is ranged, it doesn't have to be locked into poison or having a quarter of its damage converted to chaos. VS will not kill the poison immune guardians faster, and it will lose dps kiting shaper while not doing damage to him while bf can hit from half the screen " LOL weapon is absolutely irrelevant here - point is flameblast as a channeling aoe skill is simply much better than more damage close range flame surge, and it isn't particularly close. Just the same with bf. " You are simply delusional. I'm playing it right now in essence and it shits on Reave and Viper strike completely. Every high level player says its overturned. Mathil just killed atziri with a level 60 character. You are hilarious. " LOL, double standard is a valid point now. Wow. Last edited by grepman#2451 on Nov 20, 2016, 5:33:22 AM
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"lol So objective. You have such double standards it'd both funny and sad at the same time. You think a solution to fixing gimped melee after crying op spells for ages is to call an op ranged spell melee? For all the crusading you've done, im very disappointed (nah not really). All those lines of text and what you really wanted was a shiny overpriced toy just like your neighbor had. You never cared about underlying principles or of something was op or not, you just wanted something as op. What. A. Shame. |
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God has abandomed some people here...
Lets quote just the thread name: "Nothing wrong with Blade Flurry, it's not OP it just doesn't suck like typical melee" Thats what definition of OP means - being better in comparision to other stuff. Nothing better than writing "its not OP it just OP", epic fail. Last edited by herflik#4390 on Nov 20, 2016, 6:15:13 AM
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" Umm. No, not quite... What you say here is that, since melee is underpowered in comparison to other archetypes, BF should be underpowered as well. That's a dangerous claim to make, that is nothing but fuel to the fire for people like Legatus1982 and dark_chicken, who are unwilling to think outside of a black and white scheme. The argument that it doesn't suck is fair to make in and off itself. And it shouldn't suck, if the intention was to create an end-game viable melee skill that scales properly. What people don't realize is the difference between "good" as in end-game-viable, and "gamebreaking" as in stupidly overpowered. Eventhough I shake my head a lot more since the fight over BF being OP or not has started, I can't blame people like Legatus1982 and dark_chicken for thinking the way they do, because the game is in a black/white state in regards to balance, and it has been for quite a bit of time. You have the OP stuff, which is considered "good", and you the rest, which is considered "crap". Either you pick a skill that is end-game viable and OP, or you pick a skill that isn't and you're gated from end-game by way of choice, rather than by way of player-skill. There are only a few skills that qualify as "well-rounded" in this game, and those skills were hurt badly by the introduction of the guardians and their immunities. Ignite- and poison immunity in particular have ruled out quite a few skills for players who want to do all the content on their own. The more skills you gimp or rule out by way of immunities, the more the community will gravitate to the "raw damage powerhouse skills" as a result, and it just so happens that these skills are generically overpowered in this case. Eventhough I am convinced that bladevortex is still more powerful than bladeflurry, both skills deserve to be labeled as OP nonetheless. [quote="ScrotieMcB"]It's just, like, people's opinions, man.
But I cannot respect motherf♪♫♫♪rs calling something a simulator, when it isn't one.[/quote] Mors edited this post first. |
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" Yeah, i only realized, what you want just completely destroy Blade vortex skill. If you think this skill - "so easy to get", No. If you have 5000ex in your pockets it's your problem, just try to get it work with weak budget around 35-70ex (almost without trading, just with pure farming mobs +24 hours per day) For example i spent 14 days in game (currently BV on 95lvl) i have ~31k dps (6 links, 21lvl BV gem) without auras and flasks (and 14.3k Energy shield) You're still think's, it really good? No. And yeah, if you see around any guys with BV ~70-120k dps, just look at their Energy Shields, some BV builds have a lot DPS, but they may get oneshot. Blade Vortex already nerfed, it's no longer have 40 spinning blades. |
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