Nothing wrong with Blade Flurry, it's not OP it just doesn't suck like typical melee
" Moved the goalposts? When you're clearing a map you're going to jump into a pack, fire off one EQ, jump to the next pack. When you're clearing a map with BF you're going to whirl to the pack, fire off a two-stack of BF, then move onto the next pack. I showed numbers illustrating the two scenarios. I could have picked BV, but I chose EQ because it's a closer fit and other people are comparing it to EQ. Which by the way, there was one EQ player out of the top 50 EHC in that stats post I made elsewhere. The flowchart you're talking about involves, realistically speaking, clearspeed, xp/hour, and currency/hour. BF will top NONE of these categories at the start of the next league and likely won't recover within the first entire month, if it ever recovers at all. Simply because it is a weapons based damage source. The fact that it ACTUALLY DEALS LESS DAMAGE than many weapon gems we already have today, including EQ in a REAL CLEARSPEED SCENARIO, is only evidence showing the OBVIOUSNESS of how this gem is NOT the next OPFOTM meta. It isn't even fucking close. The gem will be used in one of two ways: Either you're clearing everything in one hit, in which case you're better off using reave or flicker strike or EQ, or you're channeling to full stacks, in which case you're better off using melee splash and viper strike FOR THE SUPERIOR DAMAGE PER TIME SPENT ATTACKING. Yes, fucking VIPER STRIKE. Do you see anyone winning any leagues with fucking viper strike? No, you don't. I'm sorry but the gem is bad, and when you see how shit this skill is next league's ladder you're going to realize it. my evasion is so high i only insta rip sometimes ----- Bug Fixes: People were using cyclone for actual melee builds, so we nerfed it and made blade vortex. Also, we went ahead and made cyclone great for CoC casters while we were at it. Last edited by Legatus1982#1658 on Nov 18, 2016, 6:14:46 PM
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" this right here people who think op is alright as long as its op on their side, lose credibility of appearing to want a meaningful balance. not only that, they don't appear to realize that op skill generally kill off the other non-op variants in their own camp. Last edited by grepman#2451 on Nov 18, 2016, 6:15:26 PM
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" ![]() You people are sooooooooooooooooooooo, soooooooo horribly wrong and mislead. It's unbelievable. There are some of us who actually REGULARLY PLAY MELEE IN HC in this game believe it or not. And we try this skill out, and it's WORSE THAN ONES THAT CURRENTLY EXIST IN POE. Ones that NEVER top ladders. Lol. I'm not going to waste any more time on this issue, get the gem nerfed idgaf, I'm not going to use it either way because it's currently bad as it stands now regardless of nerf. my evasion is so high i only insta rip sometimes ----- Bug Fixes: People were using cyclone for actual melee builds, so we nerfed it and made blade vortex. Also, we went ahead and made cyclone great for CoC casters while we were at it. Last edited by Legatus1982#1658 on Nov 18, 2016, 6:20:26 PM
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" we were talking about pure damage, no ? " so your logic is a skill cannot be op if amount of people in HC ladder using it is below some treshold ? interesting take. " blade vortex is top in none of these, but is the most powerful skill in the game now. care explain how this happens ? looks like your criteria is faulty " aside from clearspeed, there are also guardians, shaper, and general single target bosses. " wait what ? did I read this correct ? according to your logic non-prolif/ignite flameblast is garbage and flame surge should be used over it, am I correct ? "as all skills that scale off a weapon damage and especially 1H builds, youd need a good to great weapon. its not going to be an amazing league starter of course (especially since nerfs are coming) no one says you can do it with cheap gear or no investment like spell builds can. your mistake - as usual -is to point at spells and say 'but them..but THEY'. |
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" Honestly... pick up Binos. It is an incredible starting weapon. Considering how the Amp damage work you might even kill everything with the poison proliferation if you are an assassin. The thing is it takes a single second to charge the skill to max. Not that you should do that. It is so much faster than Earthquake. Not to mention that the insane Attackspeed you have in general because it helps a lot makes Whirling Blades incredible fast. If you have a reliable way of getting Frenzy Charges using Flicker Strike makes it even better. And Binos isn't even the best weapon you could get. And honestly for low maps you can just use Mightflay. But it is also possible to use it with a Claw, which makes leveling a lot easier due to how many decent claws there are. The thing with the skill is it has insane range (with Inc. AoE it goes over the whole screen) and insane damage. Without having it charged up it already deals 110% weapon damage, so figure how much it is if it is fully charged. |
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All who says Blade Furry is OP is a bloody liar and should just stop already.
I just can't believe what this community came to. Every other year a half-decent or OK-ish melee skill comes out and they immediately declare that is OP without even thinking trough their argument. Yet no one speaks against if an OP spell comes out, which is also a very rare occasion, but not as rare as melee. All you Nerf maniacs should just STFU and play the game instead of whining when finally something good happens to melee. Most of my chars are caster/ranged and happy-ish. Let my melee chars to be happy too for a change! |
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" People complain about BV being OP for good reasons and those very people also complain about Flurry being OP. Fixing melee by adding OP skills isn't actually fixing melee. Your melee char can be happy until the first nerf to Flurry, and most likely the second and third nerf as well. You got about half a year of being happy with your OP skill. Now wipe away the tears, chin up, eyes forward... [quote="ScrotieMcB"]It's just, like, people's opinions, man. But I cannot respect motherf♪♫♫♪rs calling something a simulator, when it isn't one.[/quote] Mors edited this post first. Last edited by Sure_K4y#1656 on Nov 18, 2016, 7:50:35 PM
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I'm fully aware that it's not a "true" fix for melee.
However it's the only fix GGG is willing to do, because they're certainly not going to fix armor and evasion and other lacking parts of melee. Also Blade Furry is going to became a no-fix in no time if these no-life nerf maniacs keep yapping their mouths about how OP it is, when it's not. GGG would have nerfed it anyway, or didn't you guys learned it already? At least it would've happened a bit later, but no, you people have to open your big mouth immediately. It hasn't been a day and you're crying for nerf. RIP Blade-furry, you were good while you lasted. Tombstone: RIP lived 1 day. |
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And honestly, BF is as melee as Spectral Throw :P
The thing with the skill is, if you just charge it to two and calculate in the Attackspeed bonus you deal 503% Weapon damage. This means 250% Weapon damage per "Hit" No other Melee Skill gets up to this value. The further you charge it up the crazier it gets. Because each hit essentially adds two hits, one right up front and another one when you release it. I have to test how it works with Dual Wielding, but if it even works like Reave (iE you get the Dual Wield bonus, if you use a weapon not usable with Blade Flurry) you can just use Dark Seer or Deaths Hand as an offhand weapon to get even more damage (and not needing two good weapons for dualwielding). |
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" They're well aware of the armour issue and I am actually inclined to believe they're working on it, but we'll have to see. Melee needs a general overhaul, there's no arguing about it. It simply didn't age well. " It's strong enough to instagib Atziri's split phase with a Bino's and otherwise mediocre gear, even when not playing an assassin, and having a level 13 gem equipped. Eventhough Atziri is not a benchmark encounter anymore, I'd say this shouldn't be the case at all. " They released it prior to the next league for two reasons: One, they had issues with one the three new skills, namely blight. It caused too much server stress. So the delay was already there. Two, they want to see how the skills perform before launching the next league, to be able to make adjustments. So, yes, they will be nerfing it anyways. What is the gain for you, if the game is just jumping from one OP meta-skill to the next? Now it's pathfinder BV, next league it might be Flurry, the league after it might be something else. Case in point, there's always a meta, there's always shit that needs to be nerfed/buffed/reworked. Same old shit, different skill. " Want me to light a candle? [quote="ScrotieMcB"]It's just, like, people's opinions, man.
But I cannot respect motherf♪♫♫♪rs calling something a simulator, when it isn't one.[/quote] Mors edited this post first. |
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