Remove the Lab!!!!!!

TheLockedGuy wrote:

Dude you are still digging yourself in deeper. Don't you ever learn? So whats the truth you love it, or you accept it as is?

The truth? I learned to live with the lab itself, because I love many OTHER elements of it, beside the traps. Izaro. Argus. The loot. Ascendancy points. What part of that didn't you understand?

I'm trying to have a discussion, but you're making it really hard, attacking me all the time. It doesn't make your case any better.

I haven't attacked you once, only provided ideas to make the situation better for you, besides whining on the forum. But it seems your tunnel vision is hell bent on one thing, and one thing only: REMOVE IT. There's no "two sides" to this discussion in your head.

I'm not defending the lab. You're allowed to hate it as much as you want. But don't let it ruin the game for you. There's so much beauty in this game, that those 5 minutes per Ascendancy point in the lab shouldn't ruin it.

But if attacking me makes you feel better, by all means. I can be your trash can. Keep at it.
Sometimes, just sometimes, you should really consider adapting to the world, instead of demanding that the world adapts to you.
TheLockedGuy wrote:
Phrazz wrote:
I LOVE the Izaro fight. I love the Argus fight. I don't mind the traps, except the fact that ONE type of defense stands out as better than other against them. There's nothing WRONG with the lab, it just needs some tuning.

What the fuck!!! Didn't you say you Learned to live with it? wait let me see...

Phrazz wrote:
First; I didn't learn to like it: I learned to accept it. It seems like a better solution than to go around hating it.

Dude you are still digging yourself in deeper. Don't you ever learn? So whats the truth you love it, or you accept it as is?

Clearly your just here to argue. You are right about one thing I choose to come here and attempt to make it better. But people like you think you know better and will do nothing to stop me. I can tell who can't learn from there own mistakes. Hint, hint. It's you. So please keep on telling me what I can't learn. People like you need a wake up call.

Here let me be a hypocrite. Why don't you learn to chat dude. You are now contradicting yourself. You didn't simply say that you had changed your mind. You are literally being contradicting to what you previously said. In order to defend what you previously have said. And you say you give people advise for a living. Let me just say I really absolutely don't believe a thing you say anymore. Not that I did in the past. But at least I could have thought that you could have been just off your game. Now I think your just full of shit.

You can't fool me dude. You really should just go away. Your attempts are starting to turn comical. And you are only making yourself look worse. Take some advise and learn from your mistakes.

Maybe he has simply come to terms with the idea that in order to gain power there must be a tradeoff this is the entire premise of risk vs reward. In order to gain these extremely powerful ascendancy points there is of course great deal of risk involved in acquiring them. As well there should be.

At this point the lab has been around long enough that making builds that can do the lab is commonplace now and its simply a part of making your build.. You make your builds now with the lab in mind and make it in such a way doing the lab will not be an issue.

OR there are also other ways to go about it if you do not even want to do that. People give runs through all the content labs pretty much for a couple chaos if that hell most people will simply allow you to tag along as long as you can keep up and dont die.
Uber lab only requires in most cases you provide the key to get in and you guys share the loot.
You only pretty much have to pay for the uber lab run if you want to keep ALL the loot to yourself which is more than fair.

There is a fine line between Consideration and Hesitation.
The former is Wisdom, the latter is Fear.
@Demonoz Sorry didn't feel like quoiting that big blog of text. Here let me put up my own instead. The Ascendancy points are a good idea. I like them I don't like them enough to do Lab. And I absolutely hate them when I think about doing a build with a Scion.

While I thought the concept was cool AT FIRST. After attempting to make a scion who would utilize the two starting points in the tree. I realized that the leveling of it would be a nightmare. Just because I can't get the needed Ascendancy points until I beet 3 different versions of the lab.

That means I would either have to spend way to many regrets or get someone else to power level her. So I hate it. That sounds like a real solid design to me. Right? I can't believe that crap actually.

There is a difference to having a hard time in the game at a specific spot. Then not liking an entire feature of the game itself. Now I know you can't seem to separate the two concepts. So I will try and explain them in a manner you might understand.

I do not like hard-core. It is optional I don't have to do it. That's GREAT!!! I actually don't like only have 6 chances at a map either. But I just deal with that. Not because I can't do the map in one attempt. It's the fact I can only pick up so much crap because of it. Yes I wish I could pick up every item in a map. I know I am crazy that way. However; the maps are short for the most part, and so I never felt the need to come to the forums to complain about it. These are features.

Not being able to complete Dom is difficulty. And is 100% completely unrelated to the topic at hand. Is lab hard? Maybe it is for you. For me no. Is dom hard? Again maybe he was for you. For me no. What the hell does that have to do with the new Ascendancy points?

The game is balanced with the new Ascendancy points taken into account. So if you want to run end game maps you need these points to do it efficiently. Give me one end game build that doesn't use them. Give just one functional build that can run end game maps that doesn't use these Ascendancy points.

I absolutely dislike the lab. To the point That I have three Chars in the current league who are all higher then level 80 and have 0 of the new Ascendancy points. I have char who is level 83 who has 4 of the points. I don't give a fuck to attempt to even run a lab to get any more of them. While I would like to use the Ascendancy points. To make new cool concepts of characters. The Lab is just fucking stupid. I hate every thing about it. EVERYTHING!!!!!!! So much so I have opted out of the taking the points on 3 different chars I created. But end game maps seem to be balanced so I need them.

So tell me how to do end game maps without them. Clearly you expect me to bend over and play the game the way everyone else is. Isn't this suppose to be the game of custom characters? If everyone has to do the same exact same thing to survive what the hell is the point of this game? Lets all build ES and go blade vortex. It is clearly what GGG wants everyone to do right now. And is basically what you are suggesting.

The lab is required to do Ascendancy points. And enchantments. It is being forced on the players hard core like. And it shouldn't be. Your logic is flawed on every level here. Maybe you can do dom now because he got nerfed. I really don't care the reason why you couldn't do him before but now you can. I don't care if you can do the lab or can't. I hate the fucking lab. And I don't feel I should be required to do it. But I am. That is if I wan't to do high end maps like I sued to. And I have to do it for multiple characters. So ya fuck it.

I don't die in the lab because its hard. I die because of stupid shit like rubber banding. And I hate thinking about it so fucking much I am here complaining about it. It has nothing to do with it's difficulty. It's length, its play-style, and is overall requirement is just stupid.

You go play everyone else's build sense that's what you like. I like to make builds. And the lab hinders that. Use whatever logic you want to disagree with me. But clearly your are an idiot trying as hard as you can. To say suck up and learn. And it isn't a valid argument no matter how many times/ways you say it.
Last edited by TheLockedGuy#0038 on Oct 29, 2016, 6:19:58 PM
Phrazz wrote:
TheLockedGuy wrote:

Dude you are still digging yourself in deeper. Don't you ever learn? So whats the truth you love it, or you accept it as is?

The truth? I learned to live with the lab itself, because I love many OTHER elements of it, beside the traps. Izaro. Argus. The loot. Ascendancy points. What part of that didn't you understand?

I'm trying to have a discussion, but you're making it really hard, attacking me all the time. It doesn't make your case any better.

I haven't attacked you once, only provided ideas to make the situation better for you, besides whining on the forum. But it seems your tunnel vision is hell bent on one thing, and one thing only: REMOVE IT. There's no "two sides" to this discussion in your head.

I'm not defending the lab. You're allowed to hate it as much as you want. But don't let it ruin the game for you. There's so much beauty in this game, that those 5 minutes per Ascendancy point in the lab shouldn't ruin it.

But if attacking me makes you feel better, by all means. I can be your trash can. Keep at it.

This is the Feedback and Suggestion forum. I believe that TheLockedGuy's feedback is that he quit playing PoE months ago because he hates the labyrinth. He came back and tried it again. He still hates it. His suggestion is that GGG should remove the labyrinth from the game. Labyrinth has already "ruined" the game for him, like it has for me and many others. There are apparently some people that like that kind of game play so my suggestion to GGG would be to instead of removing labyrinth to make it optional.
Over 430 threads discussing labyrinth problems with over 1040 posters in support (thread # 1702621) Thank you all! GGG will implement a different method for ascension in PoE2. Retired!
VictusBcb wrote:

I do like hardcore mode, but I don't really play it too much as I'm a father of two (a 2yr old and a 5 month old), so it's not as viable for me to do HC since I sometimes have to up and leave my computer to handle situations. For lab, it's not so bad to lose out on a lab run if the safe place for me doesn't actually turn out to be safe when I step away, but on HC losing a character to standard is a much bigger deal (a HC character going to standard means they're dead to me). I have no issue just popping back into lab though.

In uber lab you will be limited by the Offerings: Die or leave => Offering gone.
No wonder it's lost, it's in the middle of the jungle!
I don't like anything in act 4 past dried lake. I do my 20 mins of playtime through it, get my skill point and progression, and never go back there on that char again per difficulty. I don't ask them to remove it from the game or make it optional.

Spend your 10-20 mins and do it... then its optional after that, just like act 4.

It is hard to understand how people can get so upset over this when it doesn't take that long. Hell, speed runners can complete runs in under 4 minutes.
Zrevnur wrote:
VictusBcb wrote:

I do like hardcore mode, but I don't really play it too much as I'm a father of two (a 2yr old and a 5 month old), so it's not as viable for me to do HC since I sometimes have to up and leave my computer to handle situations. For lab, it's not so bad to lose out on a lab run if the safe place for me doesn't actually turn out to be safe when I step away, but on HC losing a character to standard is a much bigger deal (a HC character going to standard means they're dead to me). I have no issue just popping back into lab though.

In uber lab you will be limited by the Offerings: Die or leave => Offering gone.

Like I care about losing an offering. Not like I don't have spares or anything.
Combat is simple.
Keep your blood in.
Take theirs out.
Oh joy. Another 5 page thread about someone hating the lab... 9.9
db183 wrote:
I don't like anything in act 4 past dried lake. I do my 20 mins of playtime through it, get my skill point and progression, and never go back there on that char again per difficulty. I don't ask them to remove it from the game or make it optional.

Spend your 10-20 mins and do it... then its optional after that, just like act 4.

It is hard to understand how people can get so upset over this when it doesn't take that long. Hell, speed runners can complete runs in under 4 minutes.

The reason is because the game play of labyrinth is bad for many people. Game play is the basic thing in a video game, at least for me. It has to be good or the game is just plain bad. PoE had the best game play of any other competing game in the market, at least from my point of view, until Ascendancy release and the Labyrinth turned it into a piece of crap.
Over 430 threads discussing labyrinth problems with over 1040 posters in support (thread # 1702621) Thank you all! GGG will implement a different method for ascension in PoE2. Retired!
db183 wrote:
I don't like anything in act 4 past dried lake. I do my 20 mins of playtime through it, get my skill point and progression, and never go back there on that char again per difficulty. I don't ask them to remove it from the game or make it optional.

Spend your 10-20 mins and do it... then its optional after that, just like act 4.

It is hard to understand how people can get so upset over this when it doesn't take that long. Hell, speed runners can complete runs in under 4 minutes.

Act 4 is stupid because of its difficulty level. I mean look you can beat act 4 on norm, and then the next difficulty is easier. People hate the lab because of the style in witch it plays. These are two very different things. And like I said if it was just difficult I can deal with that. But it's not even close to that.

While you think you can treat them the same by doing it once and call it done. It is not really. The lab is mind-numbing stupid to play. I can beat it easy. I have beaten it easily. I fucking hell don't ever want to play it again. While act 4 isn't really all that different from other acts. Other then its difficulty. Which needs an update for sure.
Last edited by TheLockedGuy#0038 on Oct 29, 2016, 11:05:12 PM

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