Remove the Lab!!!!!!
Honestly, I like the lab. I know I'm probably a part of the minority (or it can feel like it with the 934857389475934875 threads about why lab sucks), but here's my reasons:
- The lab actually requires skill and forethought. You need to observe your surroundings, time your movements around the traps (half of which are completely avoidable with movement skills), and sometimes you can even find secret passages that make your trip easier. The Izaro fights are fun because there's danger of dying and having to start over. He's strong, but in a fair way, because it's a pretty mechanical fight. It is quite possible to beat Izaro without getting hit a single time. You have to learn to observe and dodge in this fight, and if you know your build is not too strong against him, make sure to stop him getting charges and other buffs. -The loot is pretty solid, and with how strong the enchants can be, I feel it's worthwhile to have them behind a little bit of a skill test. Keep in mind, I'm someone who tends to run the labyrinth while at or sometimes even a few levels below the zone. -The atmosphere is perfect for the labyrinth, really sets the mood. Now, I've not yet done Uber Lab since I've only been here for a few months, and I'm missing three trials yet, but I think I would like it just as much as the rest of them (especially if they're anything like the trials, I rather think the uber lab trials are pretty well done and really get my adrenaline pumping, something not many other RPGs have done to me) Combat is simple.
Keep your blood in. Take theirs out. |
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@VictusBcb I am glad you like it. But for the rest of us... I have a question. Do you also like hard-core mode? It would seem to me that... The people who would like this game format would also like Hard-core. I see them as basically being the same thing.
Now the reason I didn't say/ask this before. Is because I know I will get a whole lot trolls telling me they don't like hard-core but like the lab. Lust like the whole side topic of "Learn to ..." in this thread. I waited to ask someone I felt would be honest about it. That's you. I hope my judgment isn't misplaced. Last edited by TheLockedGuy#0038 on Oct 29, 2016, 4:47:07 PM
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I never, EVER was rubberbanded with lockstep turned on.
IDK what you're talking about! trap damage isnt even fatal, unless you take far too much of it... IGN: MortalKombat
Molten Strike build guide: There is no knowledge That is not power |
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" I do like hardcore mode, but I don't really play it too much as I'm a father of two (a 2yr old and a 5 month old), so it's not as viable for me to do HC since I sometimes have to up and leave my computer to handle situations. For lab, it's not so bad to lose out on a lab run if the safe place for me doesn't actually turn out to be safe when I step away, but on HC losing a character to standard is a much bigger deal (a HC character going to standard means they're dead to me). I have no issue just popping back into lab though. Combat is simple.
Keep your blood in. Take theirs out. |
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Thx VictusBcb your answer was perfect.
Edit: I guess I never thought of it being a lesser form of HC for those who want something like HC without doing HC. Seems to be the only real or should I say good argument I have heard for keeping it. Last edited by TheLockedGuy#0038 on Oct 29, 2016, 5:08:13 PM
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" Glad I could put constructive commentary into your thread. Have a good one, I'm popping off the forums for the day to go work on a new build I've been planning. Combat is simple.
Keep your blood in. Take theirs out. |
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I consider the lab one of the best areas/expansions in PoE. GGG put a lot of work and I enjoy every run I do. The atmosphere the story the music even the traps. Izaro is one of the most memorable bosses/boss fights in game imo. Top notch voice acting from Michael Hurst. Just excellent.
Last edited by e1iphas#4627 on Oct 29, 2016, 5:23:05 PM
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" Yes good for you for being closer to the server then me. And yes the initial trap damage isn't going to kill. I ran into a different room was fighting a group of skeletons. And was rubber-banded back to the door. And the door trap that is suppose to also knock you away didn't. It just strait killed my guy from 100% Hp to 0%. I had already cleared the trap that killed me. This is just one of the reasons I think the lab sucks. Last edited by TheLockedGuy#0038 on Oct 29, 2016, 5:16:40 PM
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" I'm not digging anything, I'm just pointing out that there are things that YOU can do, things that YOU have control over. Things that YOU can do something about. But you CHOOSE to focus on all the other things. I LOVE the Izaro fight. I love the Argus fight. I don't mind the traps, except the fact that ONE type of defense stands out as better than other against them. There's nothing WRONG with the lab, it just needs some tuning. Sometimes, just sometimes, you should really consider adapting to the world, instead of demanding that the world adapts to you.
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" Let me ask a question... Do you enjoy the Ascendancy's? Do you enjoy the bonus's they give? Do you enjoy the massive boost to your build getting those points give? IF you answered yes to any or all of these questions then you just answered why the lab is there. It is there as a stepping stone in the climb to this power. It IS in fact a choice to either do the lab or not BUT the power of the ascendancy points and what they do for a build makes this choice pretty much a no brainer. Thats why you should simply calm down and think of ways to overcome this obstacle. Thats ALL the Lab is after all.. An Obstacle in between you and power for your build. Now how much sense would it make for them to simply give shavs away to anyone who simply plays the game or does something they are already going to do like kill Malachi? That wouldn't make much sense now would it? Neither would simply giveing away those ascendancy points either... Right? Theres alot of things you can do to make the lab MUCH easier to the point its really a non issue. Not to mention its just like anything else in this game or anything in life or any other game for that matter... The more you do it the better you WILL get at it. Regen is super effective in making traps almost non existent. A quicksilver flask is a must. And keeping a lvled stone golem around just to swap in for doing the lab and farming uber lab keys is really helpful as well. Its just like when i first started trying to kill Dominus.. He used to destroy me on all my builds i couldn't seem to figure out how to do this boss without getting killed atleast once... After doing it enough i actually went from that to being to the point i run a MF build with -17% lightning res and farmed him non stop over and over for alts and chaos recipe and got to where i never died under those conditions.. Conditions where if i was touched by anything he did it was a one shot. Practice makes perfect. And simply giving up isn't an answer that's a character flaw. There is a fine line between Consideration and Hesitation.
The former is Wisdom, the latter is Fear. |
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