[Tool] POE Trades Companion - Enhance your trading experience
Can you check if "/kick %myself%" work or is it problem on my part. I noticed recently it stopped working. Last edited by nEVER_BoRN#3512 on Oct 2, 2019, 4:29:59 AM
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" It's always had the issue of needing an exact charachter name. Not sure if they (ggg) fixed that issue yet or not. I can just report that kick myself command in trades companion has worked perfectly for me this league. Good job! Edit: Could also be that i only have one charachter in the league 8) Last edited by kompaniet#2874 on Oct 4, 2019, 2:43:00 AM
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"Hi, What exactly is wrong with it? Is it kicking an incorrect character? For now, your last active character is retrieved only once, on the first time the %myself% variable is detected. This means the app needs to be reloaded to detect that you switched characters. If it is still kicking the wrong character after reloading the app, then it's most likely something wrong on GGG's end. Your last active character is retrieved from https://www.pathofexile.com/character-window/get-characters?accountName=nEVER_BoRN. In this case, it would be _Swarm_Queen_ If it's sending /kick and no character name at all, then you may be suffering the bug where internet-related functions aren't working for some users. Thankfully, this issue will be fixed with the next major update. ![]() For direct support, I'd recommend joining the Discord Server. I do my best to answer as soon as I can, and you're almost guaranteed to receive an answer within 24 hours. Last edited by z0rhawk#6594 on Oct 9, 2019, 9:20:45 PM
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" Well i do have more then one char on the league now and i may swapped to STD that time as well but can't be sure now. Only thing i can think of to cause a problem is swapping character. Its strange tho as i tried to reload application and (i may even restarted it completely but not sure of that tho) and problem still persisted. It happened on 2-3 ocasion, i mostly take it for a version update bug so not payed attention but after having it work correctly after that i reported it as a problem. Currently i don't play as much but if it happen again i will try to reproduce it and report back. To be honest it can be just some weirdness as my game can run for extended period of time and cause some slow downs that can produce some synchronisation problem. When i testing some build concepts i can be all over place for extended period of time so lots of things can happen, it may even be due to deleting some old character, sorry i can't be of more help. Last edited by nEVER_BoRN#3512 on Oct 17, 2019, 10:49:25 PM
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Does the price verify thingy works (#4 in the screenshot)?
Using the tool for a over a year now and just recently saw that verify dot here in the screenshot on page 1 :D Somehow it's always orange for me and i can't click it, so it doesn't verify anything. Asked 2 friends and it didn't worked for them aswell. Any setting i didn't saw? Last edited by shokilicious#2638 on Oct 22, 2019, 3:54:02 AM
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"Hi, Leaving your mouse on the dot should show you a message. Also make sure that you provided your account name in the Settings. If it still isn't working, then you may be affected by a bug where all internet related functions aren't working. This is fixed in the next major release. __EDIT: As well, it is important to note that the PriceVerify functions are disabled in the compiled executable version. I recommend on using the AHK version instead: GitHub releases then choose POE-Trades-Companion-AHK-v-1-15-BETA_992.zip Last edited by z0rhawk#6594 on Oct 23, 2019, 3:52:29 PM
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hello, anyone has a solution to a flickering problem. The flickering last for a sec or 2. Here's a screenshot https://i.imgur.com/yc1uviQ.jpg. As you can see, my desktop show during the flickering. Im using the latest beta_993. Im running window mode. Thankyou.
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Great program, thank you very much! I have a question about capabilities. I could not figure it out myself. Can I use it to monitor trade chat for something. For example i need tabula and want program to search "tabula" word in trade chat, notify me or pm him. NVM Finding another program for this here, page 30 of this thread if someone will face same question. Last edited by Sountel#4058 on Dec 26, 2019, 1:49:58 AM
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Hello, doesn't it work in full screen mode?
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Sorry for my English, I use google translator.
I can’t figure out how this works: Easily trade currency with an hotkey For currency trades, you can take advantage of a special built-in hotkey. It allows you to get just the right amount of currency asked. Press Ctrl+RightClick while hovering the currency type. Based on the currency max stack and the amount requested, it will move a stack of currency in your inventory (like Ctrl+Click) or put the currency on your cursor (like Shift+Click). For example, your buyer requests 56 chaos orbs. Chaos orbs are stacked by 10. This means you will have to Ctrl+RightClick at least 6 times to get the currency requested. The first 5 clicks will act as Ctrl+Click (moving 5 stacks on your inventory) and the last 6th one will serve as "Shift+Click, send 6, send Enter" to put the last remaining 6 chaos on your cursor. While it should be safe to "spam" this hotkey (because there are some countermeasure to prevent you from taking too much of said currency in case of lag, and once you've got enough of said currency the hotkey will notify you) some issues can happen with in-game latency. |
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