[Tool] POE Trades Companion - Enhance your trading experience
" Thanks. Working |
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Nice stuff, I made a break from PoE so couldn't see all updates :)
Have another suggestion though: Option to change mode from overlay to window, I would prefer it storing trade requests without covering part of in-game screen and being able to drag it to 2nd monitor. |
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"Glad to see you like it! v1.3 will be released today. But being able to set the GUI position manually will be added within the next few days, along with a new slider to set the GUI transparency while trades are on queue (so you can see whatever is hiding beneath such as area level / remaining monsters) Last edited by z0rhawk#6594 on Jan 7, 2017, 11:42:06 PM
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Hello everyone,
Update v1.3 has been released and comes with: - A new button to tell your buyer the item has been sold. - Up to 6 entirely customizable hotkeys. - The possibility to make the game's taskbar icon flash upon receiving a whisper!
v1.3 Changelogs:
What's new: - Added a new tab in the Settings: Hotkeys. The Hotkeys tab allows you to set up to 6 custom hotkeys. - Added a new button on the main GUI : "Item Sold" This button allows you to send a message to the person, saying the concerned item was sold. Pressing on this button will also close the concerned tab. You can, as always, customize the message being sent by going into in the Settings > Messages tab - The game's taskbar button will now blink when a whisper is received while being tabbed out. - The script will now try to run in admin mode if available. If it fails to do so multiple times, it will allow you to run it wihout admin privilieges (When running without admin privilieges, the Trades GUI buttons won't be working as the script is unable to send inputs to the game) - A special additional message can be sent to your buyer upon clicking the "Thanks" or the new "Sold" button. Feel free to enable it by going into the [Settings] tray menu. What's changed: - Renamed the GUI buttons to make them shorter and prettier. - The script doesn't block multiple instancies of itself anymore, but tries to close and replace the old one instead. What's fixed: - GUI disappearing when minimizing the game's window. - "Clipboard on Tab Switch" not working when closing a tab. GUI buttons being out of place at exactly 19,28,29,37,38,39(and so on) tabs. Last edited by z0rhawk#6594 on Jan 7, 2017, 7:23:01 PM
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Nvm, it's working now.
Great piece of kit! Last edited by Comfyasabadger#7674 on Jan 8, 2017, 8:28:28 AM
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"Thank you c: Not sure what it was, but it's nice to see you got it working! Hello everyone, Update v1.4.1 has been released! Notable changes: - Choose between Window or Overlay mode. - Set transparency to the Trades GUI while it's active. - Automated detection of the version of the game's client (GGG/Steam).
v1.4 & v1.4.1 Changelogs:
- Removed the URL from the Support Message as suggested by /u/DrasticKog
What's new: - You can now set the transparency of the Trades GUI by going into the [Settings] tray menu. The lowest you can go is 30%, to make sure the window is still able to be seen. - "Dock Mode" being removed, you can now cycle the Trades GUI between the game's window by using the new [Cycle Overlay] in the tray option (Right click on the tray icon > Cycle Overlay) - You can switch the Trades GUI between [Windowed] and [Overlay] by right clicking the tray icon and clicking on the according mode. - If the logs file is deleted or characters/lines are being edited out, the script will restart the Logs Monitoring function to make sure it doesn't stall (^ This kind of behaviour should not happend, I consider it as an useless measure of security but I like it "just incase") What's changed: - You do not need to reload the script after changing a setting anymore, everything is instantly applied. - "Dock Mode" and "Logs Mode" have been removed from the [Settings] menu, as it is all automatized now. - The Trades GUI buttons now use a much faster method of sending keyboard input. What's fixed: - Tray icons from previously replaced instances of the script will now correctly disappear if they are not hidden in the sub tray notitication. - The script will no longer skip whispers when receving two messages at the very same time. - The Trades GUI will no longer flicker while having the "Show in game only" setting activated. - Enabling an hotkey without binding it to a key prior will not crash the script anymore. -You should no longer randomly receive a tray notification of a prior whisper. Troubleshooting: - About Logs Mode and Dock Mode being removed due to automatisation: Logs Mode: If the script detect multiple instance of the game, it will check the location of the logs file. If the logs file are located in different folders, it will show a new GUI to ask which one should be used. This only happens once at the very start of the Logs Monitoring function. So if you run a separate instance that doesn't use the same logs file while the script is already loaded, and want to monitor that log instead, you will need to reload the script. Dock Mode: You can still define the window the Trades GUI will dock on by using the new [Cycle Overlay] tray option (Right click on the tray icon > Cycle Overlay) About the new Windowed and the Overlay mode: Windowed: In Windowed mode, you can drag around the Trades GUI. If you want to move it while it's inactive (= click-through), simply open the [Settings]. Having the Settings window open allows you to drag the Trades GUI even if it's inactive. Closing the Settings will effectively re-apply the click-through ability. Overlay: In Overlay mode, the Trades GUI will appear borderless and will dock on the top right of your game's window. If you are running multiple instance and the Trades GUI is docked on the wrong window, use the new [Cycle Overlay] accessible by right-clicking the tray icon. Bug Report Credits: Big thanks to: /u/Bacur, /u/luvz, /u/MercDawg, /u/LPdC_Nazgul, /u/Diabolacal for the bug reports! But also to everyone on Reddit, the GGG Forums and all of you who enjoy POE Trades Helper! Last edited by z0rhawk#6594 on Jan 10, 2017, 10:34:05 PM
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I'm having trouble getting it working. I'm just supposed to click the button, right? I click the button to invite party member, nothing happens. When I click Thanks button, it just closes the tab - does not send message.
Any help? :) |
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"Are the hotkeys not working either? If they dont, it means the script's permissions are being blocked. Make sure the program is not blocked: Right click on the file > Properties > If you can see an "Unblock" button, make sure to click on it. You may also download AutoHotKey and try using the uncompiled script (Save the file as .ahk, not .txt!) |
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Really great work here. It is a very useful tool. thank you.
I hope you don't mind if I make a couple suggestions (requests?) which I think will improve the tool. 1. Can you combine 'Copy Item name to Clipboard' with "Invite to Party." I always have to click both buttons Why not auto copy to clipboard when clicking invite? No need to click two separate buttons which is usually how the trade goes. Still keep the Copy to Clipboard button; just do both when clicking invite to party. 2. Could you not create the ini file in UserProfile\Documents\? Some of us store all our scripts and documents on a second HD so the userProfile\Documents folder is meaningless. Wouldn't it be better to store the settings in A_WorkingDir\someFolderName? Why make a random folding in MyDocuments called AutoHotkey when the only thing in it is tradesmacro? I think it would be much better to just make a new folder in A_ScriptDir or A_WorkingDir. This is how most scripts stores settings. 3. Can you remove the 'Are You Sure?' message when closing the script? It is an extra step when exiting the script and honestly a tad annoying. Also, I run my own script and launch your script as well as Item-info Script form it. In my script I have a process watcher that will close all AHK scripts when I exit POE. So having to click on an Are you sure button complicates this. 4. The buttons you have are perfect and the most used features of trading. However, there are also other messages commonly sent while trading. One that comes to mind is when I leave to take a bathroom break, I come back and see I have a trade so I ask 'Are you still interested in item X?' I'm sure there might be another common trade message that others use as well that aren't part of your built in buttons. Perhaps you could make a third row of buttons (1 or 2 I'm sure would be enough; maybe 3) that are customizable. Again, thanks for this great tool. -PuFF |
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"Thank you for the feedback, 1) You do not necessarily need to click the "Clipboard" button: By default, the item's infos are automatically clipboard'ed upon receiving the whisper, and also when you click on another tab. 2) I choose to store the settings in a separate folder to make it easier for the user. If the user ever moves the executable, he will not loose his settings. Also, if another program using the same name for the .ini file, the files will not overwrite each-other. 3) I also think the confirmation is unneeded. It will be removed in the next update. 4) This has actually been asked on reddit: " |
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