Enhance your trading experience.
Key Features:
- Keep track of your incoming trading whispers in a convenient interface.
With the tabbing system, you will know exactly what to look at and where.
- Up to 9 customizable buttons + 5 smaller predefined buttons
Custom buttons can have multiple actions, be renamed, moved, resized or disabled.
The smaller buttons are set to perform predefined actions (Copy item name / Whisper buyer / Party invite / Trade request / Party kick). These can also be moved and disabld.
- Hotkeys
An infinite amount of hotkeys can be created.
By default, pressing F2 will teleport you to your hideout.
- Quickly communicate with your buyer.
Using the `%buyer%`, `%item%`, `%price%` variables in your messages, communication is even faster.
- Find the desired items in seconds.
With the precise Item Grid overlay, you will be able to find your item as fast as possible.
Works with premium stash tabs, premium quad stash tabs, and the map stash tab.
Requires no set-up from the user. All automated.
- Price check against scammers.
Compare your item's price on poe.trade with the price sent in the whisper to avoid scammers that change the price in the whisper.
- Path of Exile themed skin.
Additionally, two simplistic skins "White" and its night counterpart "Dark Blue" are available.
- Tab color codes.
When your buyer joins your area, his corresponding tab colour will turn green.
This allows to know which trades should be prioritized first.
Additionally, a tab will turn purple if you receive another whisper from the same person.
All whispers from the buyer can be seen from the interface.
- Sound notifications.
Play custom sound files upon receiving a trading whisper / regular whisper / when the buyer joins your area.
- PushBullet notifications.
Receive notifications on your phone when receiving trading whispers.
You may also enable these notifications only if you are AFK in game.
- Tabbed notifications.
Receive a notification on your screen when you receive a whisper while tabbed out of the game.
- Instantly send a trading whisper upon copying.
If you are holding CTRL upon copying a trading whisper, it will automatically be sent in-game upon releasing.
You can press SPACE when the pop-up appears to prevent this behaviour.
- Minimized / Maximized states
While minimized, the interface takes much less space on your screen.
- Completely hide the interface when all tabs are closed.
By setting the "No tab remaining" transparency to 0 and enabling the "click-through" setting, the interface will be effectively invisible.
- Take a look at your previously completed trades
Closing a tab with a button containing the "Save trade stats" action will add it to the "My Stats" interface.
- Automatic updates.
Receive a notification when an update is available.
The entire updating process is automated.
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Here are some others smaller projects of mine related to POE:
POETrade Instant Whisper:
- Save time by instantly sending a poe.trade or poeapp whisper.
Simply hold down the CTRL key when clicking on "Whisper".
POE Keyword Notifier:
- Receive a notification based on keywords.
Still very basic at the moment.
Last edited by z0rhawk#6594 on Dec 17, 2024, 6:06:03 PM Last bumped on Dec 14, 2022, 2:24:39 AM
Posted byz0rhawk#6594on Oct 15, 2016, 9:35:11 PM
Hello everyone,
Update v1.1 has been released!
What's new?
- Fixed incorrect display of cyrillic characters.
- Added customization to the messages (Accessible in the Settings).
- Added a new GUI button to thank your buyer.
- Attributed a default sound effect to the trades notifications.
- Disabled keyboard interaction with the Trades GUI to avoid mispress.
(Also updated the main post)
Last edited by z0rhawk#6594 on Nov 5, 2016, 8:31:38 AM
Posted byz0rhawk#6594on Oct 29, 2016, 4:33:56 PM
Still waiting for the first trade of the day to actually test it, but I like the idea of your tool, so I'd like to thank you for your work :)
Posted byStubenZ0cker#0462on Oct 30, 2016, 4:11:09 AM
Great idea but it often doesnt work for me. I often get "the specified character does not exist" when trying to use the invite to party or sends whispers. I end up having to manually type @charactername to whisper them. not sure if I am doing something wrong, or its an issue with the game.
Posted bycheetum#5307on Oct 31, 2016, 9:01:27 AM
cheetum wrote:
Great idea but it often doesnt work for me. I often get "the specified character does not exist" when trying to use the invite to party or sends whispers. I end up having to manually type @charactername to whisper them. not sure if I am doing something wrong, or its an issue with the game.
Could you open the chat and tell me what was sent?
You can "trigger" a poe.trade whisper by sending in the local chat
"aze @From Name: Hi, I would like to buy your item listed for price in location"
Last edited by z0rhawk#6594 on Oct 31, 2016, 3:22:26 PM
Posted byz0rhawk#6594on Oct 31, 2016, 3:22:06 PM
This is great! I am quite new to PoE and I like trading, but it is really hard to notice all whispers you get. I missed already a dozen of them before using this tool.
Thanks a lot dude!
Posted byRomanXO#2761on Nov 1, 2016, 3:37:48 PM
Hello everyone,
Update v1.2.1 has been released!
What's new?
- Changed the way custom messages are sent:
From now, you need to specify the channel and buyer name.
To make things easier for you, your custom messages have been edited to suit the new format.
- Fixed incorrect position of the GUI with a screen DPI different than default.
- Fixed the GUI not displaying the infos correctly when a premium stash tab was specified.
(Thanks to /u/nguy0313 for addressing these two issues!)
- Added program logs. Only 10 of the most recents will be kept.
- Added changelogs in the [About] tray menu.
Changelogs will also be shown after updating.
Fixed Settings and Trades GUI not appearing correctly on systems with AERO disabled.
(Thanks to /u/DamJNeT for addressing the issue!)
- Hotfix: Fixed the custom messages not saving.
Last edited by z0rhawk#6594 on Nov 5, 2016, 8:35:11 AM
Posted byz0rhawk#6594on Nov 5, 2016, 8:32:50 AM
How about currency.poe.trade messages? can we catch them too?
Posted bycyfer.russia#1667on Dec 16, 2016, 9:28:34 PM
It does not work with the Russian language. With English language, everything is fine
Posted byDemon_Ok#2375on Dec 17, 2016, 11:00:55 AM
cyfer.russia wrote:
How about currency.poe.trade messages? can we catch them too?
Sure! Actually, I've been thinking about doing that but I never realized someone would actually use it. I'll see what I can do within the next few days o/
Demon_Ok wrote:
It does not work with the Russian language. With English language, everything is fine
Ooo. Right. The "From:" and "To:" whisper messages are different.
Should deploy an update within the next 24 hours to add support for RU/BR whispers!
Posted byz0rhawk#6594on Dec 17, 2016, 4:41:56 PM