[Tool] POE Trades Companion - Enhance your trading experience
"Hi, What exactly is the issue? Is your chat key Mouse4? No worries, the tool automatically detects that and will send Mouse4 to open the chat window. Or do you want to make Mouse4 act as your Enter key? Then you can set-up a hotkey to do just that. Screenshot on how to set it up XButton1 corresponds to Mouse4. For Mouse5, use XButton2. |
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" Thanks for response. Yes i solved problem just as you shown after some search on hotkeys page. The tool does not detect game custom keys configs so it does not register those changes. As chat is used to send different game commands and if you change how you acces say chat then app is broken. Is there some installation destination for AutoHotkey to doc/mygame/poe or does this app have some way of checking custom config file in that folder else idk how it can know this. Else of course one need to write all new buttons and rest to can be done in advanced. If you know easy way out do say. Last edited by nEVER_BoRN#3512 on Aug 9, 2019, 1:59:23 PM
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"The tool does detect custom chat key. But after trying just now, it's buggy for mouse keys. Sending a mouse input to the game window works differently than if it would be keyboard input, so I'll have to inspect what's happening there. Last edited by z0rhawk#6594 on Aug 10, 2019, 4:00:14 AM
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I have to ask some things regarding to buttons and perhaps additional options.
Raly like this Hold Ctrl to instantly whisper in game option, but this days there are problems in common PoE ethics i noticed. What people actually do is also auto invite the person they whisper. Problem is that invite is on opposite side of chat and so no matter how fast you send message the seller won't even look at chat at that point. I wish we also got a check box to set a range of currency for also auto inviting when sending message. For example if items sell from 10-25c you set range on like 10-20c to auto invite. Alo im not clear how to add invite to party button to the tab that menage your trade requests, for same reason to try and use it moderately for hot trades. For moment i'm gonna test Hotkeys for that purpose, i cant say this is good trade ethic but most solo players will rather click to accept party then to bother with chat. Last edited by nEVER_BoRN#3512 on Aug 11, 2019, 1:59:43 PM
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Hi again.
So i was just thinking to mention it never managed to make things work if i change enter key in game setting but i got used to my new hotkeys Shift+R for replay and Mouse4 for opening chat. Back to the point. I was meant to ask, not really important but is there some set of rules you need to change when using mouse hotkeys. For example: Button1 is fine Shift + XButton1 wont work it just got me thinking, so if you are bored go for it. xD Also got a suggestion. I think Enter got dual functions, well better say for game it's a hot key but for your app it's like core script input. Either way you don't have access to nothing other then chat input in difference to game engine so i guess to solve this you need to create new global for your scripts so users can manually enter what key they use for those game functions. That's all, thank you for your hard work. Last edited by nEVER_BoRN#3512 on Sep 9, 2019, 6:26:16 AM
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"Hi, I thought the bug related to having the mouse bound to open the chat was fixed, but after reading your post, I noticed that only hotkeys had been fixed. I'll push the new fix soon. "Are you trying to add Shift+XButton1 as hotkey? For this, you need to click on "HK Type Switch", choose "Manual" and then type "+XButton1" in the hotkey box. This is because the hotkey control doesn't support mouse buttons, and so you need to type the button name manually. "+" corresponds to the Shift modifier in AutoHotkey. The next big update fixes this, so that you never have to type hotkey keys manually again. "You are most likely referring to the bug I thought I had fixed. The chat key is supposed to be retrieved automatically, and then, when the tool needs to open the chat, it's supposed to use this key and then only press Enter to send the message. I thought I had it fixed, but as explained above the fix only affected hotkeys and not custom buttons. "Thank you! I hope you're enjoying the tool, despises the issues you described. Thank you for the feedback! |
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Nevermind. Im an idiot.
Love your tool! Last edited by kalomina#5444 on Sep 11, 2019, 2:44:17 PM
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Hello, love your tool
I have a problem, hoping you can help. Everytime I use this tool lately, my Poe screen flicker and freeze for a sec or 2 sometimes. Hope you can help with this problem. I'm using the beta version 1.15.BETA_9. My ahk version is Thank you. |
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Whenever I'm selling a map, TC either highlights wrong one or doesn't highlight it at all. It does show the proper tier, but not the particular map. Any idea how to fix this problem? |
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"Thank you! "Hi, the latest version is BETA_99. Make sure to update, and report back if the issue still happens. "Hi, Which maps are causing this issue? I just manually checked the mapsData.json file, and positions seem to be correct. Make sure to be up to date, the latest version is BETA_99. |
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