" They help massively. When your resistances are capped you take 25% fire/lightning damage. With the purities you only take 21% of the damage (and even less with vinktar + dying sun activated). This means the purities are giving you 16% less damage taken, which is a pretty substantial reduction. Vinktar/Dying Sun add a further 6% max resists (ignoring flask effectiveness nodes), and you end up with 40% less damage taken when they are up. This reduces reflect damage significantly, and fire damage is the most common type of elemental damage in the game so having a purity of fire helps with that. Last edited by DicemanX#7029 on Feb 12, 2017, 7:33:47 AM
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Hi ! I love this build, i started it few days ago and i'm now level92, and my gear begin to be cool.
It would like to begin the next league with this build (if no big nerf) and i wanted to know if is it possible without decent gear ? I have a lot of problem early with bad gear, but, more my gear upgrade, and more this build is broken, but early i had a lot of problems... And with new league, that's mean : No Cospri early on, no voll devotion, no voll protector 6L. But i like discharge on shield charge. Would you think a setup with shield charge on a 5L Chest to farm Dried Lake or low map could work at begining ? I hesitate between Vaal Spark and Discharge for next league, but i really prefer this build, but seem hard to begin as a first character. Thanks for all Chtitou |
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"4 This is a terrible build to use as a league starter. Like, really bad. You could possibly start with like... assassin blade flurry and respec later or something, but given the massive gear investment requirement for this build, unless you are cheating, you are making a bad decision xD U MAD?
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So apparently GGG is planning to do something about VP and ES in 2.6. As far as I know GGG, I don't think this build will survive in 2.6. What do you guys think ? :/
Last edited by Aedre32#6649 on Feb 13, 2017, 1:39:43 AM
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I'm having some problem with - resist maps. From tier 12 onwards, hitting ele reflect mobs on such maps result in death given vinktar is not on. It get really shit when "more monster life" mod is also in there. Do you have any other way to counter it apart from purity? I have 7k9 ES and my character is AyumiKotobuki if you wanna check my gear and gems. Thanks
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" Elemental reflects can always kill you unless you are careful. Three things you can do to avoid deaths to them: 1. Add a fortify gem to your shield charge setup, this will reduce reflected damage taken. 2. Increase your ES, 7k is no good. Hitting a reflect at full charges can kill you even at close to 10k ES. (note to self:never use conc gem for pack clear) 3. When you see the reflect aura, better avoid the monster or don't hit him with full charges. Considering you already have immortal call & warlords mark in your setup, following the above methods will reduce your deaths by a lot. In parties where monster health is way too high, it's best to just avoid them or let someone else with phys damage to take care of them. A fortify gem with immortal call & some decent ES will in most case's save you from the initial hit. A Herald of Ice can also do wonders, as its AOE damage cannot be reflected and you can wipe out the reflect rares in a pack by not even hitting them directly. Last edited by vvamic#7761 on Feb 13, 2017, 5:17:43 AM
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" Unless you plan on going for T16+, the Discharge in your chest is complete overkill especially on a level 92 assassin. I'd suggest going more defensively with a Fortify Gem, and when you shield charge into packs whirl periodically to keep fortify up. You might even consider getting a higher ES helm since your ES is kind of low (you can opt for the 40% increased damage enchant, which is a lot cheaper and seems to be just as strong vs single target). I'd even ditch either the boots or the belt for higher ES. 7 Endurance charges is again overkill and exposes you to one-shots and reflect problems with your low ES. Also, get a leech boot enchant so that you don't have to rely on Vinktar/Warlord's Mark. You might even get away with running only one Elreon ring (I only run one for mapping) and get T1 accuracy on the other diamond ring so that you can crit even more consistently - you can never get enough accuracy on this build. A non-elreon ring might make it easier to fill out your resists if you want to upgrade your ES helm or even get a crit/spell damage shield. |
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" Thanks for the explanation man. Makes sense. Another question, what would be a good APS to be at for shield charge and cyclone? I'm currently at 4.44 aps with shield charge and 4.27 with cyclone. |
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" Your Cyclone aps is both too high and too low. You need to consider the cooldown of 0.25 seconds for Malice. If you have more than 4 aps for Cyclone, then you'll be hitting more often than once every 0.25 seconds. Your cyclone currently hits once every 0.234sec, which means after you proc the next discharge in Malice, the very next hit from cyclone will never proc discharge because it will still be in cooldown. An aps of 4 or just slightly below 4 will solve this issue. However, it might be more optimal to actually raise that cyclone aps to much higher levels, if your cyclone ends up not critting that often - the crit rate is at the mercy of your power charge generation, and of course all crits from attacks need to pass two accuracy rolls. If your accuracy isn't high enough then you won't crit as often. Therefore, it might be better to have cyclone hit as much as possible (via a much higher aps than 4) to compensate. Still, pushing the aps significantly past 4 is tough, especially if vaal haste isn't available or if you cannot sustain onslaught. In your current tree by the way you could drop coordination and get the scion jewel socket instead for a massive dps boost. If you need the dex, you can try going with just 1 Elreon Ring and have the other ring with tons of dex on it. Secondly, you have so much crit multi on your jewels, but that is not as good as having spell damage/area damage. When you push one multiplier at the expense of other multipliers its not as optimal. For instance, if your crit multi is at 450% and spell/area damage multiplies your damage by +100%, then you'll get more damage out of getting, say, 10% area damage than getting 18% crit multi: On 100 damage, 450% crit multi and +100% spell/area/generic damage: Boosted multi by 18%: 100 x 4.68 x 2.00 = 936 damage Area damage boosted by 10%: 100 x 4.50 x 2.10 = 945 damage The reason it turns out this way is that there is constant diminishing returns for every single multiplier, and the optimal set-up is to have multipliers at the same value. Crit multipliers will usually be much higher than the other multipliers from the tree, so its almost always a bad idea to push for even more crit multi at the expense of other crit multipliers on gear/via jewels. Last edited by DicemanX#7029 on Feb 13, 2017, 9:25:47 AM
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This seems like a really fun build. I'm in the process of leveling an assasin. Spent most of the league saving some currency to buy things. Missing (helm with 30% enchant and death's door).
A couple of questions to seasoned players. 1) Would using Discharge+Vortex+IncAoe be decent for leveling and going from t1-12 maps? 2) Anyone try BladeFlurry for 6L setup in stead of cyclone? I'm curious if this can do anything. Just starting off with this, read the main page and some other notables ones like 94. Any other's worth to read upon? |
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