Over 430 threads discussing labyrinth problems with over 1040 posters in support DONE!!!!!
In an attempt to belittle the meaning of having a large body of posts in this forum on labyrinth, some have claimed that anecdotal evidence is not evidence. Here is what Wikipedia says about it.
"Wikipedia article introduction I assert that the large list of threads in the OP is valid anecdotal evidence for the following positions. - a significant percentage of the player base dislikes the labyrinth, - demonstrates that there's been many problems in the labyrinth, - and it demonstrates how horribly divisive the labyrinth has become for the community. What it doesn't do is give us an accurate percentage of the percentage of the player base that dislikes labyrinth. As an example, it could conceivably be anywhere from 10% to 90%. Over 430 threads discussing labyrinth problems with over 1040 posters in support (thread # 1702621) Thank you all! GGG will implement a different method for ascension in PoE2. Retired!
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I'm not sure why there are threads listed that featured totally valid complains like having to do the Trials for every single character, which are actually done or threads wanting to increase lab randomization... those are not actually indicating a need for removal.
I mean there are Threads included that complain about ES damage (which was fine, but ES only counts as 60% now, which is even easier), complains about ES counting with EB (which is fixed), there is a fucking thread in there about someone leaving the lab and not reading the message you get when you try to portal out and this guy leaving the lab without actually collecting the points. Not to mention that similar to the atlas a lot of those threads popped out immidiatly, when Atlas launched it immidiatly pushed the lab threads to the second page because everyone wanted their own thread, featuring exactly the same as 25 or more other threads... which doesn't really do much, because half of them were totally valid and the other half asked for a league restart. |
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" It is true that many of the complaints about labyrinth have been fixed or mitigated. To my mind that just emphasizes the second point. "- demonstrates that there's been many problems in the labyrinth," Some problems have been fixed, there are more that still need to be fixed. According to your apparent definition, the only valid complaints are ones that have been fixed. If no one had complained about those that have been fixed, I doubt they would have been fixed at all. My opinion is that some more needs to be fixed. Since some fixes take more time to fix than others, each release fixes some more. Hopefully GGG will continue fixing things when they can. Over 430 threads discussing labyrinth problems with over 1040 posters in support (thread # 1702621) Thank you all! GGG will implement a different method for ascension in PoE2. Retired!
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Figured this list fits here best.
I went through the 240ish posts listed in this thread, as well as a few others I came across in both General Discussion and Feedback and Suggestions forums, trying to get a bit of perspective on the numbers of unique people posting. People keep saying only a few people dislike the labyrinth, or want change... and they throw around numbers like 5 or 9 people... got me wondering what it was really like. Also I was bored during downtime at work the past couple days, and felt it would be more fun to do this than play PoE (and it was!). First, these 2 lists were of interest to me. Most of the threads were back-and-forth between these 2 lists of people. (My perception of "Actively", here, was posting in multiple topics on multiple pages of those topics, making up a bulk of the conversations) Have been Actively For Change:
Regulator Pyrokar Turtledove ShaUrley gibbousmoon Albinosaurus Prebornfetus Zalhan2 The_Reporter Siochan joachimbond dudiobugtron Chadwixx Have been Actively Against change:
sidtherat dickhole_mcghee morbo tin_foil_hat Fruz Xtorma Prisus diablofdb Emphasy Telzen Char1983 Shovelcut mark1030 NeroNoah PleiadesBlackstar The next list of 582 different people posted in support of changing at least one aspect of the labyrinth, such as adding waypoints or adding alternative ascendancy options, or Posted that they find the labyrinth to be not fun, or tolerate the labyrinth, but don't like it, all the way to hating the labyrinth and want it removed asap. To reiterate: This is not a list of all "Lab haters", it's just people who were open to the idea of changing the Labyrinth. Many presented their own ideas, many just +1'd other's ideas or their feelings. People in the list include the active ones above. I may have included names of people who have since changed their minds, or I may have missed some threads where others have commented about changing the labyrinth. I ignored posts simply about difficulty killing Izaro and the nightmare that is helmet enchants. The list is vaguely in alphabetic order (at least a's with a's, but after a while I got tired of alphabetizing and threads started blurring together) There were 131 thread starters that I took note of with a + after their names, but that was not the focus of my search, I wanted to see unique posters (most of whom did not post their own threads, and many times only posted 1 time on the subject on the boards at all).
_Eddi_ + _Elminister_ _Emperor_ + _ly __Z__ _Zerk_ 13aDa55 666lol666 Abime aceCrasher AceNightfire ACGIFT Actkqk ainuayan AkamuCZ AkuTenshiiZero Albinosaurus AllanonTB + Alternitus amity_affliction ampdecay And1111 Andazeus anteku aonezu argh444 + Asheren AntonChigur Aparkhurst + AttackDingo Azraphael badwolf97 bajanrasta Bananaplasm Baron01 Bars + Baxta BearCares + Bhrino + BIGLITRO BlackChristmas + BlackYoshi7 blainicus + Blakwhysper + blueeyedevil boblivrogn boesersven Boomie BoondockSaint Borgese BossdeMoss + Bowman8763 Braindead1010562 brgillespie + Brosinho brunofrito Brussel_Sprout Bu3d + buhdunkadunk Buggsy2 + bummmb BurningHeart Burmeister99 bwam Bznga CaliforniaPyro + Catchafire2000 ccloaded cdchi1 Celosar CentauriSoldier + Ceri Ceryneian cesmode Chadwixx + Chalcon Cheekyct Cherry9 cherrysbullet ciknay CMDPrompt1911 Coal48 Coloradoo Constraint CorranHorn Corrivati + cosey creampuffed4u Crusader_of_Sorrow Culblade cypronge cyranorick D623932883 + daFalk DaFinesse Dajmstrut dandyandy Dark_Oring Darkkrows DarkPaladin4000 DarrkPhoenix Darkrox davidnn5 + dcasez DDseedFoot + Deadmano + DefiniteIntegral degraga Deleted + (at least 3 separate deleted accounts, judging by forum avatars being different) Deliverme Demonzu Derpey Devonor Dext88 Dezus DiamondSnake diegodgo87 DigitalDreams dinobin Diskonekted + DJ10012016 dm_pindu DoEFotGS Dr1MaR + DrDeathXII + dragnar + DragonsProphecy + DrOwnage Druga1757 drzpicu + DS9 dudiobugtron + dukediem + dupie Dupree0991 Durentis + dyneol e1337donkey EastonWins + EdgarFriendly EKTELESTES + Elafar elbowfrag Ellix + Elua empathise + EnjoyTheJourney + eNTi Eon714 Eps1on Eqmuraj ericlh370 Essaydave evinta Excyis fae76 + fayt020 + Ferumbrias fesru + Fhark Finnien Firestrike_O + Fistaniderya FixLabPLSGGG + Fluffy_Puppies fm1081 ForciblyBaptized Frankthetank2688 + FreedomOI + frenrihr FullCircle Galanz + Galtrovan gandhar0 gathor GeorgAnatoly Getim ggnorekthx Gholaduncan Giaocolam gibbousmoon + Gigaus + GnGoons + goodboymc Gosen grallo greatwhitepine grettyr GroverMancer + Grumlum GrumpyMcElbows guytmou Gypsylullaby h3xd Hallstein Hallthor75 Hannibus HeavyFerrum HeavyMetalGear + Hatstick Head_Less HeliaXDemoN hideouts Holocaustus HoneyBadGerMan HudaZki huetzer Hyskoa Iblisx ibukix IchiMorghulis Icholas IDeeCee + ihasmario ijsbeer149 Illuvatar_82 IMSilver (before degrading to Trump slogans) innervation + IronSteel itsnukes86 ivkoto77777 + Jackal1712 + Jackinthegreen jasonbgnh Jaxxxson + jcannonb Jennik Jeremy7600 JFC_Bass_Chant + jfpforever jhnsmth jlt314 joachimbond johnKeys + johnolesen Johny_Snow jomtoy Jonmcdonald Juran_Fox Josephoenix Joyrock101 + JusJev + justinmm1988 Justnn + k1rage Kaemonarch Kalidor KallasAK kangnnc Karnikula Kastmar + Kavik_Kang + Kavlor kcstar Kellog Kelvynn Khoranth KieranGravebane Kilsum + King_of_Limbs kingshok Kiristo Klausdawg KnightCole kogaratsu kompaniet KorganBloodaxe + krakerman krunchor kumei + kuukkeli Ladylunar Laminar_Flow1 LanPirot laycast leepoeaccount Legatus1982 + Legendaris leonardorubin lif44 lilninjaboi2317 + lipejmr Lorash Lorem331 LosSalatos LostForm + lounas Lukin lugaluga lunshea madfellan Madtank MadPharmacist MagicalMove magicrectangle Mal_function MalakezDarnos Manator Manofdusk Matacka maxlmantis + maxor Meatball_Enthusiast MeechKahn Melmak + MFairfax MFJones Miazga + midget214 + miljan minik2 Miská mlangwor monsoonrider Mooginator + mop + morterion Mr_Cee mrjoey523 MrMixez MrTastix mtw001 Muldeh mynameisonlyforthegods + nadakuu nait2k4 narbays Nayton NekoHanten neonive Nick043 nickbesus NinjaBean1337 NoahCannon Nobake + nodri NoLifeMahouny npavcec Nssheepster + ntall1 Oiranoiccid old_joe orsonstfu + Oxix oXu pabrt pajingtonn + pandasplaying + Panini_aux_olives PapouilleMcLovin + patirce Paxmilitaris Pendarric penguinmaster + pepe00ad Petarded + petewulf + Phaeded Phazero Phearmark Picksomecardz Pie_Guy + PipPipRoadRunner Pizzarugi Plaguerat313 + Ptirodaktill Punksob + purebattle + potato321 Poutsos Prebornfetus PrimordialDarkness + Priory + profeetta Protanos PsOfOs Pwnzors87 Pyrokar Quantume qwertypimplekins qwqwqw333_final Ragnar119 + RagnarokChu Raila Rakiii Rangers + Raverbunny raxleberne Rayzabladez Razis + RebornKing Redfeather_1975 Regulator + reliq + rephikul ressiv RestInPieces + Rich85 + ricklington + rictiln + Risen90 + RockGod RogueMage Roleplayer RootCookie rosshilge RoyalStar + rtdean Ruefl2x Ruinamalia RulerOfChaos RutRoh saffranffs SaiyanZ Salkryn Sardekar SasoriOtoko + saucefar2 SecondHead SeedReaper Seelenernter selcuk + Sephereen SesdfgfM SevenOfNine86 Severance2hBlade sfangwb + ShacoFinder + Shadilinn_Vondead Shadowfrostz Shagsbeard Shajirr + shatojin + shaunus ShaUrley ShawnV2 Shieldbreaker + shinino Shppy Shredzilly shoc + sil222 SilencerX21 sinfoniantuba11 Siochan silverdash sikker Skellimancer sklipnoty Skyblade799 Slayer_Tip + Slider575 SmashingDungeons SmokeBlunts SnowCrash82 sofocle10000 Soliouss Solonyx soulpoetry SpareTheRod1976 Splico stalkingjackal starlight7 stdcall Sterett StorgutBorsit Stormnight sublime234 SubZeroMG + sucemab SudianX sumbodee + Sunwolff SupaMF + sushiljindal + suszterpatt + Tajik13 Talamier + Tarkoon taumantis TearOfTheStar Temjiu Tenembre ThatsSoGoodman The_Great_Alex The_Reporter The_Risen The_Wuggly_Ump + TheAnuhart TheAshmaker TheDeathX thedestroyerofkids + TheDiablo666 TheGoodBadWeird TheLastZica themozzer ThenThereIsRime ThePromise110 + thormida Thraellic Tian_Yihao tmaciak ToBeSomebody + Tobez0r13376 tobiazl + Toqa TorumDe2o tostay Toverkol Toyah toyotatundra trav_dawg + tree22beard TreeOfDead Treffnix triggerhippy Truper17 tryhardgg tunderkiwi Turtledove TwoHits + Ulrichvonbeck Umbra_the_Wolf + UncleHerm UnderOmerta UnlimitedPower2 unranked + Upforsale Uroborous Vaalamity Valkrei123 + VashSan + veildream Vertal0 Verthurnax Vesuvius079 Vhlad VideoGeemer Viralset Vortextreme VR_SZABOLCS Waidaag WARPAINTER Warzone129 + wavetrex Wazz72 Weertangel Weißenberg whorm Willemoesium winterlude + WiseGuard + WizBlizz1994 Wp_blitzi + wftico wweeep wyll Xanin + Xentec6 Xeroxoul XibalbaL Xirgu xjjanie xriegg YellowMage yungwhiz Z_Fighters ZaeN zalfargia Zalhan2 Zaludoz Zaximus704 Zed93 Zee Zephryl Zeriph Zims911 ZINIAO zorroaster Zrevnur |
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" That's great! I've added a few sentences in the OP. Let me know if you don't want your account name mentioned there or if you'd like something added or changed. Good job! Over 430 threads discussing labyrinth problems with over 1040 posters in support (thread # 1702621) Thank you all! GGG will implement a different method for ascension in PoE2. Retired!
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If you're going to use that list, change "582 different people" to "582 different accounts". We all know some people posted with more than one account in some of those threads.
Guild Leader The Amazon Basin <BASIN> Play Nice and Show Some Class www.theamazonbasin.com Last edited by mark1030#3643 on Sep 15, 2016, 12:49:27 AM
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" I looked and it says accounts? The update on the OP update is 9:21 which is well before your post. I do appreciate your suggestion though. I remember fixing a typo immediately after posting so maybe your suggestion is something that I also fixed then??? I really don't remember for sure. :-) (BTW, I only know of one person that has probably posted with more than one account.) Over 430 threads discussing labyrinth problems with over 1040 posters in support (thread # 1702621) Thank you all! GGG will implement a different method for ascension in PoE2. Retired!
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" I've made myself clear in the past that I'm not against any changes so long as it leaves the laby intact with the ascendancy points still behind it. If there is a way to change it to make it more acceptable for people with high ping, I'm fully behind that. What I am against is having it changed simply because a small portion of the playerbase finds it boring or not fun. Just a lowly standard player. May RNGesus be with you. Last edited by Shovelcut#3450 on Oct 14, 2016, 9:34:00 PM
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I am the author of this masterpiece:
WTF is this labyrinth BS???? https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1727950 HAHAHAHAHA I just beat Normal lab on my character, i did it before the last boss on cruel, gonna repeat the same process for cruel lab etc. Fucking bullshit. |
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Oh, wow. This cult is sinking even lower now... Profiling forum posters, making lists of "patriots" & "enemies of the state"... hahaha :))
Let me briefly note why the anti-Lab movement is a complete failure and why will GGG keep dismissing it as a "vocal minority": * posting obnoxious non-feedback (200+ threads of spam & flaming) * agressive behaviour toward posters who counter your Lab complaints * glaring usage of alternate accounts, to "prove your numbers" & spam the forums * constant bumping / spamming / duplicating threads * for the most part a complete lack of arguments ("Lab sucks" is not an argument) You are doing a disservice to your cause and alienating people who would otherwise be neutral (like me), to come and counter your BS. Carry on. When night falls
She cloaks the world In impenetrable darkness |
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