Over 430 threads discussing labyrinth problems with over 1040 posters in support DONE!!!!!
230, it mean people who make lab thread are spammer and should be treated as such. probation + closing thread.
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" hmmmm " " " " " " " " k |
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idc Razis
over 230 threads about lab... how is that not spam |
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I don't see it as spam, since in the end it's up to GGG to decide whether it is or not spam, and if they haven't locked those threads, then they could likely consider them feedback and take that into account.
That said, if people consider them spam, then stop exasperbating the 'problem' by posting meaningless responses in those threads, bumping them up, and 'sharing your opinion'. It's not getting anyone anywhere, and in most cases it's doing nothing more than intentionally antagonizing people long after they realize the stance you have on the subject. Take the higher path, don't post in the threads, and if you think they're spam, then report them to GGG and stop with what others (and potentially GGG) could consider spam. Last edited by Tanakeah#5640 on Aug 27, 2016, 8:14:38 AM
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"Please stop spamming. |
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" 'idc' anymore either. It does say it's 180+ different accounts responsible for those threads though, so it just looks like people are voicing their opinion. Same guy saying the same thing over and over again, that's spam - don't take it personally, happens on both sides of the argument obviously. Just found it hypocritical of you to demand going full nazi on spamming lab haters while you yourself are a spamming hater of lab haters. Can only speak for myself, made a thread asking about changing the trap mechanics, after I saw hc playerbase dropping in last league. I still find it out of place in a game like this and very damaging for hc pop, even though I like the idea of lab itself. Didn't see a thread like that anywhere on the recent feedback. Crusaded a bit and stopped when I realized GGG is content with lab, they don't give a **** about people raging. Won't change it so there is no point other then self-amusement to talk about it anymore, I hope we can agree there. While I am intellectually baffled by lack of logic and inconsistency of trap mechanics vs the rest of the ******* game; I also feel like if I have no problem with racing on hc yolo-boxing an unid'ed rare in a map with onslaughted unique beyonders right behind me - and THEN be scared to to a lab trial... there is some serious development mishandle there. Just my feeling, not that it matters. Or that you would actually believe me, even though it's all true. They already know people hate it. They see people go, they see people withdrawing support. They also see new people come in and dump money on them, just a different crowd. It's up to them which crowd they want to attract, it's their game. I think personally they are making a huge mistake with their overall direction, because they drive away a portion of die-hard fans that were here since beta, people that are accustomed to a certain ruleset that game follows. It's a stable crowd that would keep going at it for another few thousands of hours. If they take game into certain arcade direction, they will attract the same kind of crowd as the mechanics they present. Get people in for sure, but it won't be stable. They will get out as quickly as they came and won't think about PoE ever again. It's a question if you wanna have a tight but loyal playerbase, or if you wanna ditch that for popular crowd. They are going for the popular crowd. That's it. I'll still play and everyone that posts on the forums here still will, make no mistake, even though they might hate the lab. People that left are not even here to post and crusade and rant and rage in the first place anymore. I don't really remember an issue that got so much attention since I started playing. If GGG considers a subject like this closed, I don't know what makes people think anything they post here matters. You'll keep playing the game even though you hate the lab and we already know they don't care about what you think. So what's the point guys, on both sides? Seriously. We should stop it already. /edit: took the liberty of bolding out some bullet-points, cause it turned out to be a wall of text. Last edited by Razis#4500 on Aug 27, 2016, 9:06:44 AM
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"Turtle is on probabation and suddenly you show up to bump his thread. What're the odds? Guild Leader The Amazon Basin <BASIN>
Play Nice and Show Some Class www.theamazonbasin.com |
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The protected forum users won another small victory. This time they trolled Turtle into probation :(
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" Maybe you should just stop spamming and antagonizing everyone to start with |
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" I think this particular trap puzzle is one of the hardest in my opinion. I recognize it from before. It's long just like you say and you can easily make a mistake somewhere along the way and die. I started getting the timing right on that one until i got nailed by the spikes and stuck in place then i paniced and ran through it. Was very close to dying i remember :) I couldn't see any safe spot but i didn't take much time to look. After one of the latest updates i have started crashing and that's game over if it happens in the labyrinth so i need to be fast. Last edited by kompaniet#2874 on Aug 27, 2016, 11:04:36 AM
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