[2.3][Prophecy][lvl 96, R28] Mjolner Voll's Juggernaut 6.9k hp, high damage+clear speed, high budget

Awesome build guide!

Respecced after I got enough currency and lvl 92, and was tired of playing my EQ Juggernaut.

I did some tweaking for more fun:
- Adjusted with trigger gem setup from thread https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1700808
- Switched to triple curse (Temp Chain/Enfeeble/Flammability for save mapping, or Flammability/Ele weakness/Righteous fire for stupid damage). Can't run triple curse with RF, becuase that means I can't wear Kaom's way for extra regen. Like my life to still regen a bit while running RF, so I'm not reliant on flasks. Plus, Kaom's way gives 1 extra END charge.

Current stats at lvl 92:
6.1k life
400 ish life regen a sec in HO
10 end charges

To be honest this build has now become so stupid that I don't even need to attack anymore. Walk in room, monsters attack me, trigger gems and cwdt, 100000 discharges, everything is dead...except for me.

This especially fun on maps with a large amount of those spark casting monsters. Sparks fill room, you walk in, and half a second later everything is dead. This is so much fun on atziri map which is filled with spell casting monsters. Can be a bit laggy though due to the insane amount of discharge procs.

As a bonus, pvp has also become quite fun. Almost nothing can kill you (well, we all hate chaos damage as non-CI). Players just attack you, and they die if they are close enough. If they are ranged, just shield charge to them while they attack you, and the self procs will kill em.

Fun side note, you can actually AFK battle with this build in pvp. You just need 1 or more other played with similar or max block build that use trigger gems. Attacks once, and the counter attacks and discharges become self sustaining. The more people you have, the higher the proc rates. Did that with 3 people yesterday in Sarn, and it was hilarious. Lots of lag though....

Last edited by Fritso#3688 on Jul 23, 2016, 8:54:37 AM
How about the EE: put cold damage in ring so it always procs - fire and light res?
arherter wrote:
How about the EE: put cold damage in ring so it always procs - fire and light res?

That means you can't use Molten strike, since that deals fire damage. Also, you're probably using 2 discharges, so the second one will do less damage.
Been play with this build for a week.
Very strong/solid build.
Here is my gear


Also have this one for single target

TBH , I prefer Cyclone over shield charge for pack clear and single target.
Shield charge's proc rate is pretty slow and buggy. I only use it as movement skill ( whirling blades with dagger ).
hi can anyone tell me why im constantly stuck at 1 max endurance charge, but in the video he has 9 endurance charge up all the time. i currently have 8 max edurance charge

ok nvm found out its the ascendacy points
Last edited by eztiy#0772 on Jul 27, 2016, 8:48:22 AM
Only mjolnir proc discharge without coc or etc gems?
Fritso wrote:
arherter wrote:
How about the EE: put cold damage in ring so it always procs - fire and light res?

That means you can't use Molten strike, since that deals fire damage. Also, you're probably using 2 discharges, so the second one will do less damage.

It is recommended to use Cold Damage on rings if possible because of EE modded maps (not worth adding EE to the tree because of reasons you already mentioned).

You gotta weight if it's better to craft Cold Damage to clear maps with EE (you won't be using molten on anything but the boss, and SC/Cyclone procs the cold damage) or to craft % armor for more defenses.
EXP past level 97 is an illusion, exile.
@hi_im_jacob thanks for sharing build guide.

Having done some tests, I'm atm running a bit different setup.

First of all, took EO instead of RT http://tinyurl.com/zyr29k6 (I know you mention that in the guide).

Secondly, I wanted to maximize hit chance (95%) and take advantage of Undeniable asendancy node, so I'm using following setup in my 6L (GGGRRR) Kingsguard: Faster Attacks - Accuracy - Cyclone - Shield Charge - Fortify - Blood Magic (if you can handle mana then probably IAoE would be best choice).

This setup gives you two 5L skills, one for AoE (Shield Charge) and the other one for single target (Cyclone), they benefit from all 5 support gems. Moreover, you have 5+ cyclone aps and 3+ shield charge aps. Of course, molten strike will be still the best for ST, but 5+ cyclone does the job as well. If anybody just hate molten strike I suggest trying out that setup.

Finally, I run scold's bridle that helps procing EC and gives 100% spell damage. In order to compensate 10% ias loss from Devoto's Devotion I run blood rage.
Majestic build, got my character w/o dying to a pretty much complete stage. Atm looking for ring (with better stats, I guess), possibly better jewels and another new ring for the headhunter which I am planning to chance. Also I guess uber atziri is in the plans aswell, but probably some big amendments to tree are required (flask nodes, aura nodes, empower 4, etc)


But holy shit man this build is nuts, n-u-t-s, so damn overpowered. I guess I should reroll 2 other flasks to experimentor aswell but cba yet, and 2nd hp flask feels like a waste of a slot.

Last edited by ZhenyaDM#2163 on Aug 3, 2016, 4:26:57 AM
This build is amazing, managed to do deathless twinned core and uber Atziri with 3 deaths, all of which were my fault (leaving double striker was NOT a good idea, btw). Tho my gear/gems setup is a tad different, but well, it works for me. lvl 89 right now with 5.6k life, and have around 25% life not picked on the tree yet.

Here's the gear-

Basically- using Blood Rage instead of golem for that attack speed and because I'm too lazy to recast golem every 5 sec anyway, 5l with Blood Magic to not worry about no regen/less recovery maps, proccing fortify with Shield Charge, and using RF/Vaal lightning trap for bosses like Uber Atziri/Uber Izaro just to burst them down.
And man does it feel good to just not give a damn about freezing and bleeding, just right-click on enemy and it will die eventually.

Will try to record next Uber Atziri run when I can get another set.
Last edited by mikerelf#2386 on Aug 3, 2016, 4:50:39 AM

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